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Created July 24, 2020 16:17
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Tile layout using display grid
import * as React from "react";
import {classes, style as typestyle} from "typestyle";
import {buildBreakpoints} from "../../../helpers/buildBreakpoints";
import {ITileBreakpoint} from "./interfaces";
export interface IProps {
spanColumn?: number;
spanRow?: number;
* Internal usage
rowGap?: number;
* Internal usage
colGap?: number;
* No need to assign this explicitly. It will be assigned by GridContainer parent.
breakpoints?: ITileBreakpoint[];
className?: string;
style?: React.CSSProperties;
export class Tile extends React.Component<IProps> {
public static defaultProps: Partial<IProps> = {
breakpoints: [],
spanColumn: 1,
spanRow: 1
public render(): JSX.Element {
const {breakpoints, spanColumn, spanRow, rowGap, colGap, children, className, style} = this.props;
// todo: In case of flex, when colGap is defined, distant of left-most and right-most item should be 0 from parent
const classNames = {
gridItem: typestyle(
$debugName: "gridItem",
$nest: {
"@supports (display: grid)": {
gridColumn: "span " + spanColumn,
gridRow: "span " + spanRow,
margin: 0
flexBasis: "auto",
marginBottom: rowGap ? rowGap / 2 + "em" : 0,
marginLeft: colGap ? colGap / 2 + "em" : 0,
marginRight: colGap ? colGap / 2 + "em" : 0,
marginTop: rowGap ? rowGap / 2 + "em" : 0
...buildBreakpoints(breakpoints, (breakpoint: ITileBreakpoint) => [
$nest: {
"@supports (display: grid)": {
width: "auto"
width: colGap ?
`calc(${100 / breakpoint.numOfColumns }% - ${colGap}em)` :
`${100 / breakpoint.numOfColumns }%`
return (
<div className={classes(classNames.gridItem, className)} style={style}>
export default Tile;
import * as React from "react";
import {classes, style as typestyle} from "typestyle";
import {buildBreakpoints} from "../../../helpers/buildBreakpoints";
import {ITileBreakpoint} from "./interfaces";
import {IProps as ITileProps} from "./Tile";
export interface IProps {
* row height in em unit
rowHeight?: number;
* row gap in em unit
rowGap?: number;
* col gap in em unit
colGap?: number;
* specifies number of columns for each breakpoint. Default value is `[{minWidth: 0, numOfColumns: 4}]`
breakpoints?: ITileBreakpoint[];
className?: string;
style?: React.CSSProperties;
* Layout using display grid. Will fallback to display flex if display grid is not supported.
export class TilesContainer extends React.Component<IProps> {
public static defaultProps: Partial<IProps> = {
breakpoints: [{minWidth: 0, numOfColumns: 4}],
colGap: 0,
rowGap: 0
public render(): JSX.Element {
const {breakpoints, rowHeight, rowGap, colGap, className, style} = this.props;
const children =, (child: React.ReactElement<ITileProps>) =>
React.cloneElement(child, {breakpoints, colGap, rowGap})
const classNames = {
tilesContainer: typestyle(
$debugName: "tilesContainer",
$nest: {
"@supports (display: grid)": {
display: "grid",
gridAutoFlow: "row dense",
gridAutoRows: rowHeight ? rowHeight + "em" : "auto",
gridColumnGap: colGap + "em",
gridRowGap: rowGap + "em"
display: "flex",
flexWrap: "wrap"
...buildBreakpoints(breakpoints, (breakpoint: ITileBreakpoint) => {
const numOfColumns = breakpoint.numOfColumns;
const baseItemWidth = Math.round(100 / numOfColumns * 100) / 100;
const itemGap = Math.round(colGap * (numOfColumns - 1) / numOfColumns * 100) / 100;
const itemWidth = colGap ? `calc(${baseItemWidth}% - ${itemGap}em)` : `${baseItemWidth}%`;
return [
gridTemplateColumns: `repeat(${numOfColumns}, ${itemWidth})`
return (
<section className={classes(classNames.tilesContainer, className)} style={style}>
export default TilesContainer;
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