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Last active July 11, 2023 16:22
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irc bubbletea
/alias m exec -o python3 -c 'import itertools, textwrap, sys, random\; print("".join(["\x03{}{}".format(x, y) for x, y in zip(itertools.cycle([61, 85, 83, 59, 58, 69, 81, 80]), itertools.chain.from_iterable([(lambda t, tt: t + list(" " + tt + " ") + t)(random.sample([chr(y) for y in range(0x2580, 0x2585)] * 128, 8), "".join(a).strip()) for a in textwrap.wrap(" ".join(sys.argv[1:]), 50) ])) ]))' \"$*\"
ython -c 'import sys; [sys.stdout.write("\x03{a}A {a} \x03{b}B {b} \x03{c}C {c} \x03{d}D {d} \x03{e}E {e} \x03{f}F {f} \x03{g}G {g} \x03{h}H {h}\n".format(a=a, b=b, c=c, d=d, e=e, f=f, g=g, h=h)) for a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h in [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, g + a) for a, b, c, d, e, f, g in [(a, b, c, d, e, f, f + a) for a, b, c, d, e, f in [(a, b, c, d, e, e + a) for a, b, c, d, e in [(a, b, c, d, d + a) for a, b, c, d in [(b, a, c, c + b) for a, b, c in [(b, a, b + a) for a, b in zip([12] * 87, list(range(0, 87))) if b >= 16] if c < 87] if d < 87] if e < 87] if f < 87] if g < 87]]'
./alias m exec -o python3 -c 'import itertools, sys, random\; print("".join(["\x03{}{}".format(x, y) for x, y in zip(itertools.cycle([61, 85, 83, 59, 58, 69, 81, 80]), (lambda t, tt: t + list(" " + tt + " ") + t )(random.sample([chr(y) for y in range(0x2580, 0x2585)] * 128, 8), " ".join(sys.argv[1:]) ))]))'
./alias m exec -o python3 -c 'import itertools, textwrap, sys, random\; print("".join(["\x03{}{}".format(x, y) for x, y in zip(itertools.cycle([61, 85, 83, 59, 58, 69, 81, 80]), itertools.chain.from_iterable([(lambda t, tt: t + list(" " + tt + " ") + t)(random.sample([chr(y) for y in range(0x2580, 0x2585)] * 128, 8), "".join(a).strip()) for a in textwrap.wrap(" ".join(sys.argv[1:]), 50) ])) ]))'
exec -o python3 -c 'import itertools, textwrap, sys, random\; print("".join(["\x03{}{}".format(x, y) for x, y in zip(itertools.cycle([61, 85, 83, 59, 58, 69, 81, 80]), itertools.chain.from_iterable([(lambda t, tt: t + list(" " + tt + " ") + t)(random.sample([chr(y) for y in range(0x2580, 0x2585)] * 128, 8), "".join(a).strip()) for a in textwrap.wrap(" ".join(sys.argv[1:]), 50) ])) ]))' \"$*\"
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