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Last active October 28, 2015 06:20
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#lang plai
;; Recursion (via special environments)
;; Procedures (lexical)
;; Conditionals
;; With (via Lexical Environments)
;; and Arithmetic Expressions and Primitives
(define identifier? symbol?)
(define-type EXP
[num (n number?)]
[bool (b boolean?)]
[arith (operation symbol?) (lhs EXP?) (rhs EXP?)]
[comp (operation symbol?) (lhs EXP?) (rhs EXP?)]
[show (arg EXP?)]
[lst (operation symbol?) (arg EXP?)]
[mkcons (car EXP?) (cdr EXP?)]
[id (id identifier?)]
[with (id identifier?) (arg EXP?) (body EXP?)]
[branch (test? EXP?) (then EXP?) (else EXP?)]
[fun (id identifier?) (body EXP?)]
[app (fun EXP?) (arg EXP?)]
[rec (funid identifier?) (argid identifier?) (fun-body EXP?) (body EXP?)]
[seq (first EXP?) (second EXP?)]
;; parse : s-exp -> EXP
;; convert s-expression to EXP
(define (parse s)
[(number? s) (num s)]
[(boolean? s) (bool s)]
[(identifier? s) (id s)]
[(list? s) (case (car s)
[(+ - *) (arith (car s) (parse (cadr s)) (parse (caddr s)))]
[(< = >) (comp (car s) (parse (cadr s)) (parse (caddr s)))]
[(print) (show (parse (cadr s)))]
[(null? head tail) (lst (car s) (parse (cadr s)))]
[(cons) (mkcons (parse (cadr s)) (parse (caddr s)))]
[(with) (with (caadr s) (parse (cadadr s)) (parse (caddr s)))]
[(if) (branch (parse (cadr s)) (parse (caddr s)) (parse (cadddr s)))]
[(fun) (fun (cadr s) (parse (caddr s)))]
[(app) (app (parse (cadr s)) (parse (caddr s)))]
[(rec) (rec (cadr s) (caddr s) (parse (cadddr s)) (parse (car (cddddr s))))]
[(seq) (seq (parse (cadr s)) (parse (caddr s)))]
[else (error "not an EXP")])]
[else (error "not an EXP")]))
;; unparse :: EXP -> sexp
;; provide (canonical) sexp for EXP
(define (unparse a)
(type-case EXP a
[num (n) n]
[bool (b) b]
[arith (o l r) `(,o ,(unparse l) ,(unparse r))]
[comp (o l r) `(,o ,(unparse l) ,(unparse r))]
[show (a) `(print ,(unparse a))]
[lst (o a) `(,o ,(unparse a))]
[mkcons (a b) `(cons ,(unparse a) ,(unparse b))]
[id (i) i]
[with (i a b) `(with (,i ,(unparse a)) (unparse b))]
[branch (? t e) `(if ,(unparse ?) ,(unparse t) ,(unparse e))]
[fun (i b) `(fun ,i ,(unparse b))]
[app (f a) `(app ,(unparse f) ,(unparse a))]
[rec (fi ai fb b) `(rec ,fi ,ai ,(unparse fb) ,(unparse b))]
[seq (a b) `(seq ,(unparse a) ,(unparse b))]
;;expressed values and primitives over those values
(define ((box-of ?) v)
(and (box? v)
(? (unbox v))))
(define-type VAL
[numV (n number?)]
[boolV (b boolean?)]
[funV (i identifier?) (b EXP?) (e ENV?)]
[consV (car VAL?) (cdr VAL?)]
[thunkV (a EXP?) (e ENV?) (v (box-of VAL?))]
[not_a_V] ;; not evaluated
[blackholeV] ;; someone else is already doing it
(define (arith-op o)
(case o
[(+) +]
[(-) -]
[(*) *]
[else "unrecognized op" o]))
(define (arith-prim! o l r)
(type-case VAL (strict l)
[numV (n) (type-case VAL (strict r)
[numV (m) (numV ((arith-op o) n m))]
[else (error "not a number" r)])]
[else (error "not a number" l)]))
(define (comp-op o)
(case o
[(=) =]
[(>) >]
[(<) <]
[else "unrecognized op" o]))
(define (comp-prim! o l r)
(type-case VAL (strict l)
[numV (n) (type-case VAL (strict r)
[numV (m) (boolV ((comp-op o) n m))]
[else (error "not a number" r)])]
[else (error "not a number" l)]))
(define (bool-prim! ? t e)
(type-case VAL (strict ?)
[boolV (b) (if b t e)]
[else (error "not a boolean" ?)]))
(define (list-prim! o a)
(type-case VAL (strict a)
[nullV () (if (eqv? o 'null?)
(boolV #t)
(error "NOT A CONS" a))]
[consV (a d) (case o
[(null?) (boolV #f)]
[(head) a]
[(tail) d])]
[else (error "NOT A LIST" a)]))
(define (fun-prim! f a e)
(type-case VAL (strict f)
[funV (i b g) (eval b
(extenv i (eval a e) g))]
[else (error "not a function" f)]))
(define (show-prim! v)
(display (strict! v))
(define (seq-prim! v1 v2)
(strict! v1)
(define-type ENV
[extenv (i identifier?) (v VAL?) (e ENV?)]
[recenv (fun-id identifier?) (ai identifier?) (fun-body EXP?) (e ENV?)]
;; lookup : id * ENV -> VAL
(define (lookup i e)
(type-case ENV e
[emptyenv () (error "identifier not bound" i)]
[extenv (j v f) (if (eqv? i j)
(lookup i f))]
[recenv (fi ai b f) (if (eqv? i fi)
(funV ai b e)
(lookup i f))]
;; eval : EXP * ENV -> VAL
;; semantics for evaluation
(define (eval a e)
(thunkV a e (box (not_a_V))))
;; reduce :: EXP * ENV -> VAL --- one step
(define (reduce a e)
(type-case EXP a
[num (n) (numV n)]
[bool (b) (boolV b)]
[arith (o l r) (arith-prim! o (eval l e) (eval r e))]
[comp (o l r) (comp-prim! o (eval l e) (eval r e))]
[show (a) (show-prim! (eval a e))]
[mkcons (a d) (consV (eval a e)
(eval d e))]
[lst (o a) (list-prim! o (eval a e))]
[id (i) (lookup i e)]
[with (i a b) (eval b (extenv i (eval a e) e))]
[branch (? th el) (eval (bool-prim! (eval ? e) th el) e)]
[fun (i b) (funV i b e)]
[app (f a) (fun-prim! (eval f e) a e)]
[rec (fi ai fb b) (eval b (recenv fi ai fb e))]
[seq (a b) (seq-prim! (eval a e)
(eval b e))]
;; strict :: VAL -> VAL --- reduce until weak head-normal form
(define (strict v)
(type-case VAL v
[thunkV (a e _v) (let ([v (unbox _v)])
(type-case VAL v
[not_a_V () (begin
(set-box! _v (blackholeV))
(let ([v (strict (reduce a e))])
(set-box! _v v)
[blackholeV () ; wait for other to finish ... cannot happen here
[else v]))]
[else v]))
;; strict! :: VAL -> VAL --- reduce until strong head-normal form
(define (strict! v)
(type-case VAL v
[consV (a d) (consV (strict! a) (strict! d))]
[thunkV (a e _v) (strict! (strict v))]
[else v]))
;; run : s-exp -> number
;; run a program
(define (run s)
(strict! (eval (parse s)
(extenv 'null (nullV)
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