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// Retrofit API interface
interface MyApiService {
// Example API endpoint that requires an access token
suspend fun getExampleData(@Header("Authorization") authToken: String): Response<ExampleData>
// Retrofit API client
class MyApiClient(private val sharedPreferences: SharedPreferences) {
private val apiService = Retrofit.Builder()
suspend fun getExampleData(): ExampleData? {
// Get the access token from shared preferences
val accessToken = sharedPreferences.getString("access_token", null)
// Make the API request with the access token
val response = apiService.getExampleData("Bearer $accessToken")
// If the response is unauthorized (status code 401), request a new access token with the refresh token and retry the request
if (response.code() == 401) {
// Get the refresh token from shared preferences
val refreshToken = sharedPreferences.getString("refresh_token", null)
// Request a new access token with the refresh token
val newAccessToken = requestNewAccessToken(refreshToken)
// If a new access token was obtained, update it in shared preferences and retry the request
if (newAccessToken != null) {
sharedPreferences.edit().putString("access_token", newAccessToken).apply()
return apiService.getExampleData("Bearer $newAccessToken").body()
// Return the response body if the request was successful or if a new access token was obtained and the retry was successful
return response.body()
private suspend fun requestNewAccessToken(refreshToken: String): String? {
// Example API endpoint for requesting a new access token with a refresh token
val response = apiService.refreshAccessToken(refreshToken)
return if (response.isSuccessful) response.body()?.accessToken else null
// Example usage
val myApiClient = MyApiClient(sharedPreferences)
val exampleData = myApiClient.getExampleData()
if (exampleData != null) {
// Process example data
} else {
// Handle error
This code assumes that you have implemented an API endpoint for requesting a new access token with a refresh token, and that the response contains both the new access token and the refresh token. You may need to modify the code to fit your specific implementation.
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