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Last active November 5, 2019 22:06
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/** Developed with "downshift": "^3.4.1" */
type highlightedIndex = int;
type isOpen = bool;
[@bs.module "downshift"] [@bs.scope "useSelect"]
external stateChangeTypes: {
"MenuKeyDownArrowDown": string,
"MenuKeyDownArrowUp": string,
"MenuKeyDownEscape": string,
"MenuKeyDownHome": string,
"MenuKeyDownEnd": string,
"MenuKeyDownEnter": string,
"MenuKeyDownCharacter": string,
"MenuBlur": string,
"ItemHover": string,
"ItemClick": string,
"ToggleButtonKeyDownCharacter": string,
"ToggleButtonKeyDownArrowDown": string,
"ToggleButtonKeyDownArrowUp": string,
"ToggleButtonClick": string,
"FunctionToggleMenu": string,
"FunctionOpenMenu": string,
"FunctionCloseMenu": string,
"FunctionSetHighlightedIndex": string,
"FunctionSelectItem": string,
"FunctionClearKeysSoFar": string,
"FunctionReset": string,
} =
type toggleButtonProps = {
"aria-expanded": bool,
"aria-haspopup": string,
"aria-labelledby": string,
"id": string,
[@bs.meth] "onClick": ReactEvent.Mouse.t => unit,
[@bs.meth] "onKeyDown": ReactEvent.Keyboard.t => unit,
"ref": ReactDOMRe.domRef,
type labelProps = {
"id": string,
"htmlFor": string,
type menuProps = {
"aria-labelledby": string,
"id": string,
[@bs.meth] "onBlur": ReactEvent.Focus.t => unit,
[@bs.meth] "onKeyDown": ReactEvent.Keyboard.t => unit,
[@bs.meth] "onMouseLeave": ReactEvent.Mouse.t => unit,
"ref": ReactDOMRe.domRef,
"role": string,
"tabIndex": int,
type itemProps = {
"role": string,
"id": string,
[@bs.meth] "onClick": ReactEvent.Mouse.t => unit,
[@bs.meth] "onMouseMove": ReactEvent.Mouse.t => unit,
"ref": ReactDOMRe.domRef,
[@bs.deriving abstract]
type createGetItemPropsParams('i) = {
index: highlightedIndex,
item: 'i,
type state('i) = {
"highlightedIndex": highlightedIndex,
"isOpen": bool,
"keysSoFar": string,
"selectedItem": Js.Nullable.t('i),
type actionAndChanges('i) = {
"changes": state('i),
"type": string,
"props": {
"items": array('i),
"initialSelectedItem": 'i,
[@bs.meth] "itemToString": 'i => string,
[@bs.meth] "getA11ySelectionMessage": unit => string,
[@bs.meth] "getA11yStatusMessage": unit => string,
"scrollIntoView": (ReactDOMRe.domRef, ReactDOMRe.domRef) => unit,
[@bs.meth] "stateReducer": (state('i), state('i)) => state('i),
[@bs.deriving abstract]
type createUseSelectParams('i) = {
items: array('i),
initialSelectedItem: 'i,
itemToString: 'i => string,
onSelectedItemChange: state('i) => unit,
stateReducer: (state('i), actionAndChanges('i)) => state('i),
initialIsOpen: isOpen,
initialHighlightedIndex: highlightedIndex,
defaultSelectedItem: 'i,
defaultIsOpen: isOpen,
defaultHighlightedIndex: highlightedIndex,
getA11yStatusMessage: unit => string,
getA11ySelectionMessage: unit => string,
onHighlightedIndexChange: state('i) => unit,
onIsOpenChange: state('i) => unit,
onStateChange: state('i) => unit,
selectedItem: 'i,
id: string,
labelId: string,
menuId: string,
toggleButtonId: string,
getItemId: string,
circularNavigation: bool,
type useSelectValue('i) = {
"isOpen": isOpen,
"selectedItem": Js.Nullable.t('i),
"highlightedIndex": highlightedIndex,
[@bs.meth] "getToggleButtonProps": unit => toggleButtonProps,
[@bs.meth] "getLabelProps": unit => labelProps,
[@bs.meth] "getMenuProps": unit => menuProps,
/**Usage: getItemProps(createGetItemPropsParams(~index=0, ())) */
"getItemProps": createGetItemPropsParams('i) => itemProps,
"toggleMenu": unit => unit,
"selectItem": 'i => unit,
"openMenu": unit => unit,
"closeMenu": unit => unit,
"reset": unit => unit,
[@bs.meth] "setHighlightedIndex": highlightedIndex => unit,
[@bs.module "downshift"]
external useSelect: createUseSelectParams('i) => useSelectValue('i) =
/**Usage: useSelect(createUseSelectParams(~items=options, ())); */;
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