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Created December 5, 2016 08:48
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object Day5 extends Challenge {
val doorId = "abbhdwsy"
override def runFirst(): Unit = {
val password = hashes().filter(_.startsWith("00000")).take(8).map(_.charAt(5)).mkString
def hashes(): Iterator[String] = {
Iterator.iterate(("", 0)) {
case (hash, index) =>
val toHash = doorId + index
val hexString = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").digest(toHash.getBytes).take(6).map("%02X" format _).mkString
(hexString, index + 1)
override def runSecond(): Unit = {
val password = hashes()
.scanLeft(Array.fill[Option[Char]](8)(None)) {
case (pw, validHash) =>
try {
val pos = validHash(5).asDigit
if (pos < pw.length && pw(pos).isEmpty) {
pw(pos) = Some(validHash(6))
} catch {
case e: NumberFormatException =>
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