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Last active December 1, 2016 08:46
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object Day1 extends Challenge {
override def runFirst(): Unit = {
val startPosition = Position.start
val endPosition = loadInput().foldLeft(startPosition) {
case (p, ("R", l)) =>
case (p, ("L", l)) =>
override def runSecond(): Unit = {
val startPosition = Position.start
val positions = loadInput().foldLeft(Seq(startPosition)) {
case (p, ("R", l)) =>
p.init ++, _) => a.walk(1))
case (p, ("L", l)) =>
p.init ++, _) => a.walk(1))
def findFirstDuplicate(list: List[Position]): Option[Position] = list match {
case head :: tail if tail.exists(p => p.x == head.x && p.y == head.y) =>
case head :: tail =>
findFirstDuplicate(positions.toList).foreach(d => println(d.distanceTo(startPosition)))
def loadInput(): Array[(String, String)] =
object Direction extends Enumeration {
type Direction = Value
val North = Value(0)
val East = Value(1)
val South = Value(2)
val West = Value(3)
case class Position(direction: Direction, x: Long, y: Long) {
def distanceTo(position: Position): Long = (position.x - x).abs + (position.y - y).abs
def turnLeft(): Position = this.copy(Direction(((( - 1) % 4) + 4) % 4))
def turnRight(): Position = this.copy(Direction(( + 1) % 4))
def walk(steps: Long): Position =
this.direction match {
case Direction.North => this.copy(y = y + steps)
case Direction.East => this.copy(x = x + steps)
case Direction.South => this.copy(y = y - steps)
case Direction.West => this.copy(x = x - steps)
case object Position {
def start: Position = Position(Direction.North, 0, 0)
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