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Last active May 31, 2021 06:58
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Shiny app for predicting words - server code
# This is the server logic of the word-predictor application. You can run the
# application by clicking 'Run App' above.
# Find out more about building applications with Shiny here:
# Define server logic
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
# The ModelEvaluator object is created
mp <- ModelPredictor$new("./def-model.RDS")
# The predicted word information
p <- NULL
# The next word is predicted
output$next_word <- renderUI({
# If the user entered some text
if (trimws(input$ngram) != "") {
# The text entered by the user is split on space
w <- trimws(input$ngram)
# The next word is predicted
p <- mp$predict_word(w, 10)
# If the next word was not found
if (!p$found) {
# The next word and next word is set to an information
# message
nw <- span("Not Found", style = "color:red")
# The next word probability is set to an information
# message
nwp <- span("N.A", style = "color:red")
# The plot is set to empty
output$next_word_plot <- renderPlot({})
# The predicted next word
nw <- tags$div("Predicted Word: ", tags$strong(nw))
# The predicted next word probability
nwp <- tags$div("Word Probability: ", tags$strong(nwp))
# The next word probability is updated
output$word_prob <- renderUI(nwp)
else {
# The next word
nw <- p$words[[1]]
# The next word probability
nwp <- p$probs[[1]]
# The plot is updated
output$next_word_plot <- renderPlot({
# A data frame containing the data to plot
df <- data.frame("word" = p$words, "prob" = p$probs)
# The data frame is sorted in descending order
df <- (df[order(df$prob, decreasing = T),])
# The words and their probabilities are plotted
g <- ggplot(data = df, aes(x = reorder(word, prob), y = prob)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "red") +
ggtitle("Predicted words and their probabilities") +
ylab("Probability") +
# The predicted next word
nw <- tags$div("Predicted Word: ", tags$strong(nw))
# The predicted next word probability
nwp <- tags$div("Word Probability: ", tags$strong(nwp))
# The next word probability is updated
output$word_prob <- renderUI(nwp)
else {
# The next word is set to ""
nw <- tags$span()
# The next word probability text is set to ""
output$word_prob <- renderUI(tags$span())
# The plot is set to empty
output$next_word_plot <- renderPlot({})
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