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Created March 20, 2011 18:02
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Removes duplicate files (found using SHA1 checksum)
# Used in an Automator action that is run as a Image Capture Plugin after file organization
#Delete duplicate files starting at $1 recursive
SRC_DIR=${1:-"$HOME/Backuped/originals/pictures"} # defaults to "$HOME/Backuped/originals/pictures"
temp_file="/tmp/fl$$" # $$ is process ID
find "$SRC_DIR" -type f -exec shasum {} \; | sort -r > $temp_file
# use substr($0, index($0, " ")); instead of $2 to handle filenames with spaces
awk 'a[$1]++ {gsub(/^\*/,"",$2); print "rm ", substr($0, index($0, " "));}' $temp_file | sh
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pal commented Apr 1, 2011

Should probably do a check if images are identical sans EXIF data, and if they are, try merge of EXIF?

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