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Last active August 26, 2017 15:49
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#! /bin/bash/python2.7
from datadog import initialize, api
import pdb
import sys
options = {
'api_key': 'YOUR API KEY',
'app_key': 'YOUR APP KEY'
class converter(object):
graphs = []
board = []
board_type = ""
widgets =[]
template_variables = []
title = "Converted Widget"
def getdash(cls, dash):
# Get the dashboard or the screenboard associated with the ID in the arg
# Set the dashboard type
cls.board = api.Timeboard.get(dash)
print cls.board_type
if 'errors' in cls.board:
print "Reference ## is not in your timeboards"
cls.board = api.Screenboard.get(dash)
cls.template_variables = cls.board['template_variables']
cls.board_type = "timeboard"
return cls.board_type
if 'errors' in cls.board:
print "Reference ## is not in your screenboards"
cls.board_type = "screenboard"
def widget_transform(cls):
# Transform the widget list so they are properly formatted
# Take off the Screenboard widgets not available in the Timeboards
# Returns the list of the different widgets
if cls.board_type == "screenboard":
## Get the widgets
screenwidgets = cls.board['widgets']
## Filter the illegal widgets
forbidden_widget = ['free_text','alert_value','check_status','event_timeline','event_stream','image','note','alert_graph','iframe']
tmp = [screenwidgets[x]['type'] not in forbidden_widget for x in range(len(screenwidgets))]
## Add the valid widgets
for x in range(len(tmp)):
if tmp[x]:
return finaltimeboard_widgets
print cls.board
return cls.board['dash']['graphs']
## Convert the widgets
def convert_s2t(cls, widgets):
# Function to convert Screenboard to Timeboard.
# Takes the widgets as input and output the widgets properly formatted.
# Appens an additionnal attribute for the hostmap.
# no output, just tranforms the cls.graphs
for i in range(len(widgets)):
if 'conditional_formats' not in widgets[i]['tile_def']['requests'][0]:
widgets[i]['tile_def']['requests'][0]['conditional_formats'] = []
if widgets[i]['type'] == 'hostmap':
"style": widgets[i]['tile_def']['style'],
"title": widgets[i]['tile_def']['requests'][0]['q']
"events": [],
"title": widgets[i]['tile_def']['requests'][0]['q']
## Convert the widgets
def convert_t2s(cls, graphs):
# Function to convert Timeboard to Screenboard.
# Takes the widgets as input and output the widgets properly formatted.
# pos_x, pos_y and tmp_y assure the right position of the widgets
# margin, height and width are hardcoded values representing the default size of the widgets
# hostmap, heatmap and distribution have specific treatment as their payload is different on a TB and on a SB
pos_x = 0
pos_y = 0
height = 13
width = 47
margin = 5
tmp_y = 0
for i in range(len(graphs)):
if i % 2 == 0 and i != 0:
pos_x = 0
tmp_y = pos_y
elif i % 2 == 1 and i != 0:
tmp_y = pos_y
pos_y = pos_y + height + margin
pos_x = width + margin
if 'conditional_formats' not in graphs[i]['definition']['requests'][0]:
graphs[i]['definition']['requests'][0]['conditional_formats'] = []
if graphs[i]['definition']['viz'] not in ['hostmap',"distribution","heatmap"]:
'height': height,
'width': width,
'timeframe': '4h',
'x' : pos_x,
'y' : tmp_y,
"title": graphs[i]['definition']['requests'][0]['q'],
elif graphs[i]['definition']['viz'] == "heatmap" or graphs[i]['definition']['viz'] == "distribution":
graphs[i]['definition']['requests'][0]['type'] = 'line'
graphs[i]['definition']['requests'][0]['aggregator'] = 'avg'
'height': height,
'width': width,
'timeframe': '4h',
'x' : pos_x,
'y' : tmp_y,
"title": graphs[i]['definition']['requests'][0]['q'],
elif graphs[i]['definition']['viz'] == "hostmap":
'height': height,
'width': width,
'timeframe': '4h',
'x' : pos_x,
'y' : tmp_y,
"title": graphs[i]['definition']['requests'][0]['q'],
def main(cls, dash):
# Main fuction to fetch the dashboards, extract the widgets, transform the widgets and push the result
# Takes the dash to convert as an input
# Outputs the url of the new dash
if cls.board_type == "screenboard":
widgets = cls.widget_transform()
output = api.Timeboard.create(title=cls.title, description='description', graphs=cls.graphs, template_variables=cls.template_variables, read_only=False)
print ''+output['url']
graphs = cls.widget_transform()
output = api.Screenboard.create(board_title=cls.title, description='description', widgets=cls.widgets, template_variables=cls.template_variables)
print "" + str(output['id'])
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