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Working from home

Sachin Palewar palewar

Working from home
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mattdenner / gist:dd4cfde3f355ff6b7be8
Last active May 18, 2016 18:52
From imperative to functional: functors, applicatives, monads & other link bait

I’ve been writing a load of Swift code recently for work and this has lead me into the world of typed functional programming. The app needs to build certain objects from a comma separated string, and this lead me to applicative functors, which lead me to brain ache but enlightenment. So here’s my thoughts on how I got to understand these a little better.

All of the code is in Swift, so less clean than Haskell. I’m also only a about 6 weeks into Swift development so I probably haven’t got all of the idioms right. I’ve avoided the optional shorthand wherever possible here, preferring Optional<Type> over Type? because I believe the latter is hiding something that helps understand this code in the context of other generic classes.

It’s also long! I think it’s probably the longest blog post I’ve ever written but I found it interesting and useful, for myself, to write. If you’re one of those people who skip to the end of a book to find out whodunit then I’ve included

helgatheviking / kia_convert_country_code.php
Created December 7, 2015 19:01
Converts the WooCommerce country codes to 3-letter ISO codes
* Converts the WooCommerce country codes to 3-letter ISO codes
* @param string WooCommerce's 2 letter country code
* @return string ISO 3-letter country code
function kia_convert_country_code( $country ) {
$countries = array(
'AF' => 'AFG', //Afghanistan