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Created September 20, 2011 08:26
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Takes a GeoDjango queryset and creates a cartogram of circles based on the Dorling algorithm.
import math
from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point
class Cartogram(object):
Takes a GeoDjango queryset and creates a cartogram of circles based on
the Dorling algorithm.
User must provide a queryset and strings pointing to the data attribute
and the polygon attribute.
The returned queryset will contain a new attribute, 'circle', that contains
a polygon object ready to be rendered.
Example usage:
>> from dorling import Cartogram
>> from models import Geography
>> queryset = Geography.objects.all()
>> cartogram = Cartogram(queryset, 'population', 'polygon')
>> enhanced_queryset = cartogram.make()
Based on code published by Zachary Forest Johnson
def __init__(self, queryset, data_attr, polygon_attr, iterations=500,
friction=0.25, ratio=0.4):
self.queryset = queryset
[setattr(obj, 'i', i) for i, obj in enumerate(self.queryset)]
self.data_attr = data_attr
self.polygon_attr = polygon_attr
self.iterations = iterations
self.n = len(queryset)
self.friction = friction
self.ratio = ratio
self.widest_radius = 0.0
self.x_vectors = dict((i, 0.0) for i in range(self.n))
self.y_vectors = dict((i, 0.0) for i in range(self.n))
self.x_values = dict((i, getattr(obj, self.polygon_attr).centroid.x) for i, obj in enumerate(self.queryset))
self.y_values = dict((i, getattr(obj, self.polygon_attr).centroid.y) for i, obj in enumerate(self.queryset))
self.data_values = dict((i, getattr(obj, self.data_attr)) for i, obj in enumerate(self.queryset))
self.perimeter_values = dict((i, 0.0) for i in range(self.n))
self.border_values = dict((i, {}) for i in range(self.n))
self.total_distance = 0.0
self.total_radius = 0.0
self.radius_values = {}
self.tree = {}
self.end_pointer = 1
self.scale = None
self.neigbors_within_distance = 0
self.neighbor_counts = {}
# Mysterious name from code I'm rewriting
self.mylist = {}
def make(self):
# Determine the neighbors of each object and our global scale
for obj in self.queryset:
this_polygon = getattr(obj, self.polygon_attr)
this_data = getattr(obj, self.data_attr)
obj.neighbor_list = []
for other in [x for x in self.queryset if x.i != obj.i]:
other_polygon = getattr(other, self.polygon_attr)
other_data = getattr(other, self.data_attr)
shared_border = this_polygon.intersection(other_polygon).length
if shared_border:
self.border_values[obj.i][other.i] = shared_border
self.perimeter_values[obj.i] += shared_border
xd = (this_polygon.centroid.x - other_polygon.centroid.x)
yd = (this_polygon.centroid.y - other_polygon.centroid.y)
self.total_distance += math.sqrt(xd*xd+yd*yd)
self.total_radius += math.sqrt(this_data/math.pi) + math.sqrt(other_data/math.pi)
self.neighbor_counts[obj.i] = len(obj.neighbor_list)
self.scale = self.total_distance / self.total_radius
# Calculate the radii we'll start with
for obj in self.queryset:
this_radius = self.scale * math.sqrt(getattr(obj, self.data_attr)/math.pi)
self.radius_values[obj.i] = this_radius
obj.radius = this_radius
if this_radius > self.widest_radius:
self.widest_radius = this_radius = getattr(obj, self.polygon_attr).centroid.buffer(this_radius)
# Make the moves
for iteration in range(self.iterations):
self.end_pointer = 1
self.tree = dict((i, {'id': 0}) for i in range(self.n))
[self.add_point(1, 1, obj) for obj in self.queryset]
for obj in self.queryset:
self.neighbors_within_distance = 0
distance = self.widest_radius + obj.radius
self.get_point(1, 1, obj, distance)
xrepel = yrepel = 0.0
xattract = yattract = 0.0
closest = self.widest_radius
# Work out repelling force of overlapping neighbours
if self.neighbors_within_distance > 0:
for i in range(self.neighbors_within_distance):
other = self.mylist[i]
if other != obj.i:
xd = self.x_values[other]-self.x_values[obj.i]
yd = self.y_values[other]-self.y_values[obj.i]
dist = math.sqrt(xd * xd + yd * yd)
if dist < closest:
closest = dist
overlap = obj.radius + self.radius_values[other] - dist
if overlap > 0.0:
if dist > 1.0:
xrepel = xrepel - overlap*(self.x_values[other]-self.x_values[obj.i])/dist
yrepel = yrepel - overlap*(self.y_values[other]-self.y_values[obj.i])/dist
# Work out forces of attraction between neighbours
this_polygon = getattr(obj, self.polygon_attr)
for other in obj.neighbor_list:
if other.i != 0:
other_polygon = getattr(other, self.polygon_attr)
xd = (this_polygon.centroid.x-other_polygon.centroid.x)
yd = (this_polygon.centroid.y-other_polygon.centroid.y)
dist = math.sqrt(xd * xd + yd * yd)
overlap = dist - obj.radius - other.radius
if overlap > 0.0:
overlap = overlap * self.border_values[obj.i][other.i]/self.perimeter_values[obj.i]
xattract = xattract + overlap*(self.x_values[other.i]-self.x_values[obj.i])/dist
yattract = yattract + overlap*(self.y_values[other.i]-self.y_values[obj.i])/dist
# Now work out the combined effect of attraction and repulsion
atrdst = math.sqrt(xattract * xattract + yattract * yattract)
repdst = math.sqrt(xrepel * xrepel + yrepel * yrepel)
if repdst > closest:
xrepel = closest * xrepel / (repdst + 1.0)
yrepel = closest * yrepel / (repdst + 1.0)
repdst = closest
if repdst > 0.0:
xtotal = (1.0-self.ratio) * xrepel + self.ratio*(repdst*xattract/(atrdst + 1.0))
ytotal = (1.0-self.ratio) * yrepel + self.ratio*(repdst*yattract/(atrdst + 1.0))
if atrdst > closest:
xattract = closest * xattract/(atrdst+1.0)
yattract = closest * yattract/(atrdst+1.0)
xtotal = xattract
ytotal = yattract
self.x_vectors[obj.i] = self.friction * (self.x_vectors[obj.i] + xtotal)
self.y_vectors[obj.i] = self.friction * (self.y_vectors[obj.i] + ytotal)
# Update the position for each object
for obj in self.queryset:
self.x_values[obj.i] += self.x_vectors[obj.i] + 0.5
self.y_values[obj.i] += self.y_vectors[obj.i] + 0.5 = Point(
# Pass it back out
return self.queryset
def add_point(self, pointer, axis, obj):
if self.tree[pointer]['id'] == 0:
self.tree[pointer]['id'] = obj.i
self.tree[pointer]['left'] = 0
self.tree[pointer]['right'] = 0
self.tree[pointer]['xpos'] = self.x_values[obj.i]
self.tree[pointer]['ypos'] = self.y_values[obj.i]
if axis == 1:
if self.x_values[obj.i] >= self.tree[pointer]['xpos']:
if self.tree[pointer]['left'] == 0:
self.end_pointer += 1
self.tree[pointer]['left'] = self.end_pointer
self.add_point(self.tree[pointer]['left'], 3-axis, obj)
if self.tree[pointer]['right'] == 0:
self.end_pointer += 1
self.tree[pointer]['right'] = self.end_pointer
self.add_point(self.tree[pointer]['right'], 3-axis, obj)
if self.y_values[obj.i] >= self.tree[pointer]['ypos']:
if self.tree[pointer]['left'] == 0:
self.end_pointer += 1
self.tree[pointer]['left'] = self.end_pointer
self.add_point(self.tree[pointer]['left'], 3-axis, obj)
if self.tree[pointer]['right'] == 0:
self.end_pointer += 1
self.tree[pointer]['right'] = self.end_pointer
self.add_point(self.tree[pointer]['right'], 3-axis, obj)
def get_point(self, pointer, axis, obj, distance):
if pointer > 0:
if self.tree[pointer]['id'] > 0:
if axis == 1:
if self.x_values[obj.i]-distance < self.tree[pointer]['xpos']:
self.get_point(self.tree[pointer]['right'], 3-axis, obj, distance)
if self.x_values[obj.i]+distance >= self.tree[pointer]['xpos']:
self.get_point(self.tree[pointer]['left'], 3-axis, obj, distance)
if axis == 2:
if self.y_values[obj.i]-distance < self.tree[pointer]['ypos']:
self.get_point(self.tree[pointer]['right'], 3-axis, obj, distance)
if self.y_values[obj.i]+distance >= self.tree[pointer]['ypos']:
self.get_point(self.tree[pointer]['left'], 3-axis, obj, distance)
if (self.x_values[obj.i]-distance < self.tree[pointer]['xpos'] and
self.x_values[obj.i]+distance >= self.tree[pointer]['xpos']):
if (self.y_values[obj.i]-distance < self.tree[pointer]['ypos'] and
self.y_values[obj.i]+distance >= self.tree[pointer]['ypos']):
self.mylist[self.neighbors_within_distance] = self.tree[pointer]['id']
self.neighbors_within_distance += 1
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