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Last active February 24, 2021 11:41
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Section 1

About this form

The MGS School Council would like to collect data about the mental health of MGS students, and how remote learning has affected it. We appreciate your time — this form should take less than 5 minutes to complete.

Your response won't be anonymous, just to ensure that pastoral staff can get positive support to students who need it. Your name or year group won't be shown to any student members of the School Council, and only a small number of pastoral staff will have access to the names associated with responses.

Nothing you enter into this form will result in any punitive action being taken against you. We would like you to be as honest as possible, even if this means presenting the School in a negative light. Only by receiving honest criticism will we be able to discuss any necessary changes or improvements.

All questions are optional (other than your personal details).

We'd like to include some more general mental health resources here, potentially as an image (e.g. a screenshot of a Powerpoint slide)

  1. What's your full name?*

Text input

  1. Which year group are you in?*

Dropdown input

Section 2

  1. How has the move to remote learning impacted your mental health?

Net Promoter Score (scale 0-10)

My mental health is much worse -> My mental health is much better

While the Net Promoter Score is designed for a different purpose, its algorithm actually provides a relatively useful overview measure of the impacts of remote learning, generating a score between -100 and 100. If we don't wish to use the NPS algorithm, Microsoft Forms gives us access to the raw 0-10 inputs, too.

Section 3

  1. How have these features of remote learning affected your mental health?

Please state the impact these features had compared to normal lessons. If you haven't used some of these features, please skip the respective question(s) instead of answering 'Neutral'.


Columns: Very detrimental, Neutral, Beneficial, Very beneficial

Rows: Video call lessons, Fewer chances to socialise, OneNote-based assignments and classwork, Breakout rooms, Flipgrid, Online exams

  1. Do you have thoughts on any other features of remote learning?

Long text input

Section 4

  1. How far do you agree with these statements?


Columns: Completely disagree, Somewhat disagree, I'm neutral, Somewhat agree, Completely agree

I feel the school has been supportive of me during lockdown
I know who I could seek help from in School if I wanted to raise a concern about my mental health or that of another pupil
I would feel comfortable talking to staff about my mental health concerns or those of another pupil
My School workload is manageable

Section 5

  1. What do you want MGS to do to support your mental health better?


Columns: Unimportant, Neutral, Important

Schedule more off-screen days
Publicise mental health resources, charities, and contacts better
Revise the content of mental health resources
Encourage more one-on-one student-teacher conversations
Introduce widely-available counselling sessions for students

  1. What else do you think the School could do to better support your mental health?

Long text input

Section 6

Almost done...

  1. Do you have any other general comments about mental health at MGS?

Long text input

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