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Created July 15, 2011 11:24
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Actors acting as Lambdas
// Useful type aliases
type Actor = MailboxProcessor<obj>
type Ident = string
type Cond = Actor
type Env = Actor
let (<!>) (actor : Actor) (msg : 'T) = actor.Post msg
// run forever - template
let start<'T> (work : 'T -> unit) : Actor =
MailboxProcessor<obj>.Start(fun mb ->
let rec loop () =
async {
let! msg = mb.Receive()
match msg with
| :? 'T as msg' -> work msg'
| _ -> () // oops... undefined behaviour
return! loop ()
loop () )
// Helper print expression
let printExp = start<obj>(fun value -> printfn "Print: %A" value)
// Enviroment encoding functions
let emptyEnv =
start<Cond * Ident>(fun _ -> ()(*oops... undefined behaviour*))
let buildEnv ident value env =
start<Cond * Ident>(fun (cond, ident') -> if ident = ident' then cond <!> value else env <!> (cond, ident'))
// Closures are also actors
let closure ident body env =
start<Cond * obj>(fun (cond, arg) -> let env' = buildEnv ident arg env in body <!> (cond, env'))
// Lambda Calculus expressions
let constExp value = start<Cond * Env>(fun (cond, _) -> cond <!> value)
let identExp ident = start<Cond * Env>(fun (cond, env) -> env <!> (cond, ident))
let lambdaExp ident body =
start<Cond * Env>(fun (cond, env) -> cond <!> closure ident body env)
let appExp exp argExp =
start<Cond * Env>(fun (cond, env) ->
let closureCond =
start<Cond>(fun closure ->
let argCond = start<obj>(fun value -> closure <!> (cond, value))
argExp <!> (argCond, env))
exp <!> (closureCond, env))
// Examples
let idExp = lambdaExp "x" (identExp "x")
let example = appExp idExp (constExp 42)
example <!> (printExp, emptyEnv) // Print: 42
let selfAppExp = lambdaExp "x" (appExp (identExp "x") (identExp "x"))
let omega = appExp selfAppExp selfAppExp
omega <!> (printExp, emptyEnv) // run forever
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