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Created July 15, 2011 16:35
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The repmin problem
// For more info
// Helper functions
let force (value : Lazy<_>) = value.Force()
let lazyMap f l = lazy (f (force l))
// Generic feedback loop function
let trace f input =
let rec x = lazy (f input (lazyMap snd x)) in fst (force x)
type Tree<'a> = L of 'a | B of Tree<'a> * Tree<'a>
// Copy the original tree - with patched Leaf nodes
let rec copy (tree : Tree<int>) (m : Lazy<int>) : (Tree<Lazy<int>> * int) =
match tree with
| L a -> (L m, a)
| B (l, r) ->
let (l', ml) = copy l m
let (r', mr) = copy r m
(B (l', r'), min ml mr)
let repmin t = trace copy t
let rec print tree =
match tree with
| L v -> sprintf "(L %A)" (force v)
| B (l, r) -> sprintf "(B (%s, %s))" (print l) (print r)
// Example
print (repmin (B (B (L -1, L 2), L 1))) // "(B ((B ((L -1), (L -1))), (L -1)))"
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