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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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C++ reference counter base, with hook
// All rights reserved,
// Derrick Pallas
// License: zlib
#include <cassert>
template <class T>
class countable {
countable() : r(0) { }
~countable() { assert(!r); }
unsigned refs() { return r; }
bool collect() { return true; }
static T* get(T * t) {
return t;
static bool put(T * t) {
if (--t->r)
return false;
if (t->collect())
delete t;
return true;
countable(const countable &);
countable & operator=(const countable &);
unsigned r;
namespace ref {
template <class T> T* get(T * t) { return countable<T>::get(t); }
template <class T> bool put(T * t) { return countable<T>::put(t); }
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