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# Run with no arguments:
$ check_load
OK - load1=1 load5=5 load15=15 | 'load1'=1;;;; 'load5'=5;;;; 'load15'=15;;;;
# Run with 1 warning threshold:
$ check_load --warning 'load1 > 5'
OK - load1=1 load5=5 load15=15 | 'load1'=1;;;; 'load5'=5;;;; 'load15'=15;;;;
* OK: load1 > 5
<!-- In the top navigation bar somewhere -->
<li><a href="" onclick='{"backend":"localhost:6559"});'>localhost</a></li>
<li><a href="" onclick='{"backend":"backend1:6559"});'>backend1</a></li>
<li><a href="" onclick='{"backend":"backend2:6559"});'>backend2</a></li>
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Find all nagios hosts that belong to hostgroup HG1:
import pynag.Model
hostgroup_name = "HG1"
hostgroup = pynag.Model.Hostgroup.objects.get_by_shortname(hostgroup_name)
hosts = hostgroup.get_effective_hosts
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pynag.Model
new_threshold = "5"
myservices = pynag.Model.Service.objects.filter(name="some-template")
for i in myservices:
i.set_attribute('__WARNING_THRESHOLD') = new_threshold
>>> nagios = FakeNagiosEnvironment()
>>> nagios.update_model() # Update the global variables in pynag.Model
>>> pynag.Model.Host(host_name="foo",use="generic-host").save() # Create new host
>>> nagios.configure_livestatus()
>>> nagios.start() # Start up nagios
>>> config = nagios.get_config() # Returns Parsers.Config instance
>>> livestatus = nagios.get_livestatus() # Returns Parsers.Livestatus instance
>>> nagios.terminate() # Stop nagios and clean up
# (02:12:42 PM) samkottler: dnsmichi: yeah I'll definitely submit that.
# and probably something about monitoring millions of resources in the public cloud.
define service {
use generic-service
host_name localhost
service_description Millions of services in the cloud
check_command execute!$USER1$/check_millions_of_services
palli / gist:10253129
Created April 9, 2014 10:39
Expand macros in all service descriptions
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pynag.Model
services = pynag.Model.Service.objects.filter(host_name__exists=True, service_description__exists=True)
for service in services:
if not '$' in service.service_description:
expanded_description = service._resolve_macros(service.service_description)
service.service_description = expanded_description
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Find all nagios services with description "check_webserver" and give them
# the same notification period as their host
import pynag.Model
services = pynag.Model.Service.objects.filter(service_description="check_webserver")
for service in services:
host = pynag.Model.Host.objects.get_by_shortname(service.host_name)
class SshConfig(pynag.Parsers.config):
""" Parse object configuration files from remote host via ssh """
def __init__(self, host, username, password=None, cfg_file=None):
import paramiko
self.ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
self.ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy( paramiko.AutoAddPolicy() )
self.ssh.connect(host, username=username, password=password)
self.ftp = self.ssh.open_sftp()
pynag.Parsers.config.__init__(self, cfg_file=cfg_file)