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Created April 15, 2014 20:56
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I'm looking for a band. Montana. Derby, UK, 2006.
Eftir fjóra tíma eru slétt átta ár frá því að ég var í Derby að þvælast með hljómsveitunum I Adapt og Gavin Portland. Þar spiluðum "við" á tónleikum með hljómsveit sem nefndist Montana. Mig langar að finna hana aftur. Afgangurinn af þessu verður á ensku til að liðka fyrir því að því að markmið náist.
In 2006, 8 years to the day (in 4 hours, I'm cheating) I was in Derby, UK. I was a roadie/driver for two Icelandic hardcore bands, I Adapt and Gavin Portland, on their UK tour.
It was a lot of fun. It was before I had children to take care of, it was before my decisions had started to (really) affect anybody but me. I was traveling a foreign country with friends, playing rockstars. And when I say rockstars it's in the sense that we slept on floors, we slept in cars, we argued, we hated each other, we got drunk, we traveled hundreds of miles hungover, we didn't eat anything remotely nutritous and we listened to a lot of Kelly Clarkson and Johnny Cash on the M1. And we played with a lot of shitty bands.
Now, I Adapt were fairly "big" in the UK hardcore scene at the time (here they are 6 months later in Reykjavík: That's why 400 kids showed up for the show in Overton and that's why we got invited to play at Dead Stop's Farewell Show in Leeds (at the time we were in London and I, as the driver who had not slept, wasn't really happy about this.)
But in Derby, 8 years ago, we played with an interesting band.
It was a weird venue. It looked like a restaurant, and it probably was. It was in the middle of what I can only imagine is the "prostitution zone" in Derby. Suffice to say that we weren't expecting much. And apparently Derby didn't expect much of us, since only 20 people showed up. Here's the flyer:
But the fourth band on that flyer, Montana, was really really interesting. I do not remember why. I do not remember what they were about. I do not remember what they looked like, what they sounded like. But I remember that I liked them and that they were interesting.
So interesting that they've been on my mind for the last 8 years. That's a lasting impression.
Now... the name Montana for a band from Derby in 2006 isn't easily googled. That's why I ask if you know what happened to this band. Do you know anyone in this band? Anyone at the concert? Anyone in the scene? I'd love to know what happened to them.
Please share.
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