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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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pe_upgrade module
# Class: pe_upgrade
# This module manages pe_upgrade
# Parameters: none
# Actions:
# Requires: see Modulefile
# Sample Usage:
class pe_upgrade (
$exec_command = $pe_upgrade::params::exec_command,
$exec_path = $pe_upgrade::params::exec_path,
$server_version = $pe_upgrade::params::master_version,
$client_version = $pe_upgrade::params::client_version,
) inherits pe_upgrade::params {
if versioncmp('$::server_version', '$::client_version') > 0 {
exec { 'wget_upgrade':
command => $exec_command,
path => $exec_path,
require 'spec_helper'
describe 'pe_upgrade' do
let(:facts) { { :operatingsystem => 'Solaris', :puppetversion => '3.4.2 (Puppet Enterprise 3.2.3)' } }
let(:params) { { :server_version => '3.6.2 (Puppet Enterprise 3.3.0)' } }
it { should contain_exec('wget_upgrade').with_command("wget -qO- --no-check-certificate https://puppet:8140/packages/current/install.bash | bash").with_path("/usr/sfw/bin/") }
describe 'pe_upgrade' do
let(:facts) { { :operatingsystem => 'Solaris', :puppetversion => '3.6.2 (Puppet Enterprise 3.3.0)'} }
it { should_not contain_exec('wget_upgrade').with_command("wget -qO- --no-check-certificate https://puppet:8140/packages/current/install.bash | bash").with_path("/usr/sfw/bin/") }
# Class: pe_upgrade::params
# This module defines the params for pe_upgrade
# Parameters:
# Actions:
# Requires: see Modulefile
# Sample Usage:
class pe_upgrade::params {
$exec_command = 'wget -qO- --no-check-certificate https://puppet:8140/packages/current/install.bash | bash'
case $::operatingsystem {
Redhat: {
$exec_path = '/usr/bin/'
Solaris: {
$exec_path = '/usr/sfw/bin/'
default: {
fail("Module pe_upgrade is not supported on ${::operatingsystem}")
$client_version = $::puppetversion
$server_version = $::puppetversion
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