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Created July 23, 2017 01:00
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Require Import Ascii.
Require Import String.
Open Scope string_scope.
Inductive regexp :=
| regexp_zero : regexp
| regexp_unit : regexp
| regexp_char (c:ascii)
| regexp_plus (r:regexp) (r':regexp)
| regexp_times (r:regexp) (r':regexp)
| regexp_star (r:regexp).
Inductive s_in_regexp_lang : string -> regexp -> Prop :=
| s_in_regexp_lang_unit :
s_in_regexp_lang "" regexp_unit
| s_in_regexp_lang_char : forall (a5:ascii),
s_in_regexp_lang (String a5 "") (regexp_char a5)
| s_in_regexp_lang_plus_1 : forall (s5:string) (r1 r2:regexp),
s_in_regexp_lang s5 r1 ->
s_in_regexp_lang s5 (regexp_plus r1 r2)
| s_in_regexp_lang_plus_2 : forall (s5:string) (r1 r2:regexp),
s_in_regexp_lang s5 r2 ->
s_in_regexp_lang s5 (regexp_plus r1 r2)
| s_in_regexp_lang_times : forall (s5 s':string) (r1 r2:regexp),
s_in_regexp_lang s5 r1 ->
s_in_regexp_lang s' r2 ->
s_in_regexp_lang ( s5 ++ s' ) (regexp_times r1 r2)
| s_in_regexp_lang_star_1 : forall (r:regexp),
s_in_regexp_lang "" (regexp_star r)
| s_in_regexp_lang_star_2 : forall (s5 s':string) (r:regexp),
s_in_regexp_lang s5 r ->
s_in_regexp_lang s' (regexp_star r) ->
s_in_regexp_lang ( s5 ++ s' ) (regexp_star r).
Lemma regexp_star_c_split : forall r' s' c,
s_in_regexp_lang (String c s') (regexp_star r') ->
exists s1 s2, s' = s1 ++ s2 /\ s_in_regexp_lang (String c s1) r' /\ s_in_regexp_lang s2 (regexp_star r').
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  remember (String c s') as s0. remember (regexp_star r') as r0.
  revert r' s' c Heqs0 Heqr0.
  induction H; intros; try congruence.
  inversion Heqr0; subst; clear Heqr0.
  destruct s5.
  - apply IHs_in_regexp_lang2; auto.
  - simpl in *. inversion Heqs0; subst; clear Heqs0.

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