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Last active April 28, 2021 14:57
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Induction priniciple for Elmo
Require Import Arith.
Require Import Bool.
Require Import List.
Definition n : Set := nat.
Definition k : Set := nat.
Inductive Label : Set :=
| Receive : Label
| Send : Label.
Inductive Prestate : Type :=
| Cprestate (_:list Observation)
with Observation : Type :=
| Cobservation (Label5:Label) (Premessage5:Premessage) (n5:n)
with Premessage : Type :=
| Cpremessage (Prestate5:Prestate) (n5:n).
(** induction principles *)
Section Premessage_Observation_Prestate_rect.
(P_Observation : Observation -> Prop)
(P_Prestate : Prestate -> Prop)
(P_Premessage : Premessage -> Prop)
(P_list_Observation : list Observation -> Prop).
(H_Cpremessage : forall (Prestate5:Prestate), P_Prestate Prestate5 -> forall (n5:n), P_Premessage (Cpremessage Prestate5 n5))
(H_Cobservation : forall (Label5:Label), forall (Premessage5:Premessage), P_Premessage Premessage5 -> forall (n5:n), P_Observation (Cobservation Label5 Premessage5 n5))
(H_Cprestate : forall (Observation_list:list Observation), P_list_Observation Observation_list -> P_Prestate (Cprestate Observation_list))
(H_list_Observation_nil : P_list_Observation nil)
(H_list_Observation_cons : forall (Observation0:Observation), P_Observation Observation0 -> forall (Observation_l:list Observation), P_list_Observation Observation_l -> P_list_Observation (cons Observation0 Observation_l)).
Fixpoint Prestate_ott_ind (n:Prestate) : P_Prestate n :=
match n as x return P_Prestate x with
| (Cprestate Observation_list) => H_Cprestate Observation_list (((fix Observation_list_ott_ind (Observation_l:list Observation) : P_list_Observation Observation_l := match Observation_l as x return P_list_Observation x with nil => H_list_Observation_nil | cons Observation1 xl => H_list_Observation_cons Observation1(Observation_ott_ind Observation1)xl (Observation_list_ott_ind xl) end)) Observation_list)
with Observation_ott_ind (n:Observation) : P_Observation n :=
match n as x return P_Observation x with
| (Cobservation Label5 Premessage5 n5) => H_Cobservation Label5 Premessage5 (Premessage_ott_ind Premessage5) n5
with Premessage_ott_ind (n:Premessage) : P_Premessage n :=
match n as x return P_Premessage x with
| (Cpremessage Prestate5 n5) => H_Cpremessage Prestate5 (Prestate_ott_ind Prestate5) n5
End Premessage_Observation_Prestate_rect.
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