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Last active July 23, 2017 04:49
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type __ = Obj.t
let __ = let rec f _ = Obj.repr f in Obj.repr f
type 'a sig0 =
(* singleton inductive, whose constructor was exist *)
type a = char
type regexp =
| Regexp_zero
| Regexp_unit
| Regexp_char of a
| Regexp_plus of regexp * regexp
| Regexp_times of regexp * regexp
| Regexp_star of regexp
type ('a, 'b) list_t = 'a option
(** val p_list_dec :
('a1 * 'a2) -> (('a1 * 'a2) -> __ -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 * 'a2) -> 'a1
list -> ('a1, 'a2) list_t **)
let rec p_list_dec ab p_dec f = function
| [] -> None
| a0 :: l' -> if p_dec (f a0) __ then Some a0 else p_list_dec ab p_dec f l'
type regexps_no_c_t = regexp list
(** val regexps_no_c_F :
(regexp * a) -> ((regexp * char) -> __ -> regexps_no_c_t) ->
regexps_no_c_t **)
let regexps_no_c_F rc regexps_no_c_rec =
match fst rc with
| Regexp_char c -> if (=) c (snd rc) then Regexp_unit :: [] else []
| Regexp_plus (r1, r2) ->
List.append (regexps_no_c_rec (r1, (snd rc)) __)
(regexps_no_c_rec (r2, (snd rc)) __)
| Regexp_times (r, r2) ->
(match r with
| Regexp_zero -> []
| Regexp_unit -> regexps_no_c_rec (r2, (snd rc)) __
| Regexp_char c -> if (=) c (snd rc) then r2 :: [] else []
| Regexp_plus (r11, r12) ->
List.append (regexps_no_c_rec ((Regexp_times (r11, r2)), (snd rc)) __)
(regexps_no_c_rec ((Regexp_times (r12, r2)), (snd rc)) __)
| Regexp_times (r11, r12) ->
regexps_no_c_rec ((Regexp_times (r11, (Regexp_times (r12, r2)))),
(snd rc)) __
| Regexp_star r1 ->
List.append (regexps_no_c_rec (r2, (snd rc)) __)
((fun a b c -> List.fold_left a c b) (fun l r' -> (Regexp_times (r',
(Regexp_times ((Regexp_star r1), r2)))) :: l)
(regexps_no_c_rec (r1, (snd rc)) __) []))
| Regexp_star r ->
(fun a b c -> List.fold_left a c b) (fun l' r' -> (Regexp_times (r',
(Regexp_star r))) :: l') (regexps_no_c_rec (r, (snd rc)) __) []
| _ -> []
(** val regexps_no_c : (regexp * a) -> regexps_no_c_t **)
let rec regexps_no_c x =
regexps_no_c_F x (fun y _ -> regexps_no_c y)
type accept_t = bool
(** val accept_list_dec :
(regexp * char list) -> ((regexp * char list) -> __ -> bool) -> (regexp
-> regexp * char list) -> regexp list -> (regexp, char list) list_t **)
let accept_list_dec ab p_dec f l =
p_list_dec ab p_dec f l
(** val accept_F :
(regexp * char list) -> ((regexp * char list) -> __ -> accept_t) ->
accept_t **)
let accept_F rs accept_rec =
match snd rs with
| [] ->
(match fst rs with
| Regexp_zero -> false
| Regexp_char _ -> false
| Regexp_plus (r1, r2) ->
if accept_rec (r1, []) __ then true else accept_rec (r2, []) __
| Regexp_times (r1, r2) ->
if accept_rec (r1, []) __ then accept_rec (r2, []) __ else false
| _ -> true)
| c::s' ->
(match fst rs with
| Regexp_char c' ->
(match s' with
| [] -> (=) c c'
| _::_ -> false)
| Regexp_plus (r1, r2) ->
if accept_rec (r1, (c::s')) __
then true
else accept_rec (r2, (c::s')) __
| Regexp_times (r, r2) ->
(match r with
| Regexp_zero -> false
| Regexp_unit -> accept_rec (r2, (c::s')) __
| Regexp_char c' ->
if (=) c c' then accept_rec (r2, s') __ else false
| Regexp_plus (r11, r12) ->
if accept_rec ((Regexp_times (r11, r2)), (c::s')) __
then true
else accept_rec ((Regexp_times (r12, r2)), (c::s')) __
| Regexp_times (r11, r12) ->
accept_rec ((Regexp_times (r11, (Regexp_times (r12, r2)))),
(c::s')) __
| Regexp_star r1 ->
if accept_rec (r2, (c::s')) __
then true
else (match accept_list_dec rs accept_rec (fun r0 -> ((Regexp_times
(r0, (Regexp_times ((Regexp_star r1), r2)))), s'))
(regexps_no_c (r1, c)) with
| Some _ -> true
| None -> false))
| Regexp_star r' ->
(match accept_list_dec rs accept_rec (fun r0 -> ((Regexp_times (r0,
(Regexp_star r'))), s')) (regexps_no_c (r', c)) with
| Some _ -> true
| None -> false)
| _ -> false)
(** val accept : (regexp * char list) -> accept_t **)
let rec accept x =
accept_F x (fun y _ -> accept y)
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