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Last active July 23, 2023 21:17
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Positive vs. negative coinductive finiteness in Coq

Positive vs. negative coinductive finiteness in Coq



Inductive finite : trace -> Prop :=
| Fin_Tnil : forall a, finite (Tnil a)
| Fin_Tcons : forall (a : A) (b : B) tr,
   finite tr -> finite (Tcons a b tr).

Lemma invert_finite_Tcons (a : A) (b : B)
 (tr : trace) (h : finite (Tcons a b tr))
 : finite tr.
Proof. now inversion h. Defined.


Fixpoint final (tr : trace)
 (h : finite tr) {struct h} : A :=
match tr as tr' return (finite tr' -> A) with
| Tnil a => fun _ => a
| Tcons a b tr0 =>
 fun h => final (invert_finite_Tcons h)
end h.
Inductive finite' : trace' -> Prop :=
| Fin_Tnil : forall a, finite' (TnilF a)
| Fin_Tcons : forall (a : A) (b : B) tr,
   finite' (observe tr) -> finite' (TconsF a b tr).
Definition finite : trace -> Prop :=
 fun tr => finite' (observe tr).

Lemma invert_finite'_Tcons (a : A) (b : B)
 (tr : trace) (h : finite' (TconsF a b tr))
 : finite' (observe tr).
Proof. now inversion h. Defined.

Definition final' : forall (tr: trace'),
 finite' tr -> A :=
fix F (tr : trace')
 (h : finite' tr) {struct h} : A :=
match tr as tr' return (finite' tr' -> A) with
| TnilF a => fun _ => a
| TconsF a b tr0 =>
 fun h => F (observe tr0) (invert_finite'_Tcons h)
end h.
Definition final (tr : trace) (h : finite tr) : A :=
 final' h.
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