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Last active September 18, 2021 16:51
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From Coq Require Import Arith Lia.
Lemma monotonic_inverse :
forall f : nat -> nat,
(forall x y : nat, x < y -> f x < f y) ->
forall x y : nat, f x < f y -> x < y.
intros f Hmon x y Hlt; case (le_gt_dec y x); auto.
intros Hle; elim (le_lt_or_eq _ _ Hle).
intros Hlt'; elim (lt_asym _ _ Hlt); apply Hmon; auto.
intros Heq; elim (Nat.lt_neq _ _ Hlt); rewrite Heq; auto.
Lemma add_sub_square_identity :
forall a b : nat, (b + a - b) * (b + a - b) =
(b + a) * (b + a) + b * b - 2 * ((b + a) * b).
Proof. lia. Qed.
Lemma sub_square_identity :
forall a b : nat, b <= a -> (a - b) * (a - b) = a * a + b * b - 2 * (a * b).
intros a b H; rewrite (le_plus_minus b a H).
apply add_sub_square_identity.
Lemma root_monotonic : forall x y : nat, x * x < y * y -> x < y.
apply (monotonic_inverse (fun x => x * x)).
apply Nat.square_lt_mono.
Lemma square_recompose : forall x y : nat, x * y * (x * y) = x * x * (y * y).
Proof. lia. Qed.
Section sqrt2_decrease.
Variables (p q : nat).
Hypotheses (pos_q : 0 < q) (hyp_sqrt : p * p = 2 * (q * q)).
Lemma sqrt_q_non_zero : 0 <> q * q.
Proof. lia. Qed.
Local Ltac solve_comparison :=
apply root_monotonic; repeat rewrite square_recompose; rewrite hyp_sqrt;
rewrite (mult_assoc _ 2 _); apply mult_lt_compat_r;
auto using sqrt_q_non_zero with arith.
Lemma comparison1 : q < p.
replace q with (1 * q); try ring.
replace p with (1 * p); try ring.
Lemma comparison2 : 2 * p < 3 * q.
Proof. solve_comparison. Qed.
Lemma comparison3 : 4 * q < 3 * p.
Proof. solve_comparison. Qed.
Lemma comparison4 : 3 * q - 2 * p < q.
apply plus_lt_reg_l with (2 * p).
rewrite <- le_plus_minus;
try (simple apply lt_le_weak; auto using comparison2 with arith).
replace (3 * q) with (2 * q + q); try ring.
apply plus_lt_le_compat; auto.
repeat rewrite (mult_comm 2); apply mult_lt_compat_r;
auto using comparison1 with arith.
Lemma minus_eq_decompose :
forall a b c d : nat, a = b -> c = d -> a - c = b - d.
Proof. lia. Qed.
Lemma new_equality :
(3 * p - 4 * q) * (3 * p - 4 * q) = 2 * ((3 * q - 2 * p) * (3 * q - 2 * p)).
repeat rewrite sub_square_identity; auto using comparison2,comparison3 with arith.
repeat rewrite square_recompose; rewrite Nat.mul_sub_distr_l.
apply minus_eq_decompose; try rewrite hyp_sqrt; ring.
End sqrt2_decrease.
Theorem sqrt2_not_rational :
forall p q : nat, q <> 0 -> p * p = 2 * (q * q) -> False.
intros p q; generalize p; clear p; elim q using (well_founded_ind lt_wf).
clear q; intros q Hrec p Hneq; generalize (neq_O_lt _ (sym_not_equal Hneq));
intros Hlt_O_q Heq.
apply (Hrec (3 * q - 2 * p) (comparison4 _ _ Hlt_O_q Heq) (3 * p - 4 * q)).
apply sym_not_equal; apply Nat.lt_neq; apply plus_lt_reg_l with (2 * p);
rewrite <- plus_n_O; rewrite <- le_plus_minus; auto using lt_le_weak,comparison2.
apply new_equality; auto.
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