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Created July 21, 2023 09:55
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gfp_leq_Chain example
From Coq Require Import RelationClasses Program.Basics.
From Coinduction Require Import all.
Import CoindNotations.
Lemma gfp_leq_Chain {X} {L : CompleteLattice X} (b : mon X) (R : Chain b) :
gfp b <= b ` R.
rewrite <- (gfp_fp b).
apply b.
eapply gfp_chain.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Set Contextual Implicit.
Set Primitive Projections.
Section Trace.
Context {A B : Type}.
Variant traceF (trace : Type) : Type :=
| TnilF (a : A)
| TconsF (a : A) (b : B) (tr : trace).
CoInductive trace : Type := go { _observe : traceF trace }.
End Trace.
Arguments trace _ _ : clear implicits.
Arguments traceF _ _ : clear implicits.
Notation trace' A B := (traceF A B (trace A B)).
Definition observe {A B} (tr : trace A B) : trace' A B :=
@_observe A B tr.
Notation Tnil a := (go (TnilF a)).
Notation Tcons a b tr := (go (TconsF a b tr)).
Section Operations.
Context {A B : Type}.
Definition tr_app' (tr' : trace A B) : trace' A B -> trace A B :=
cofix _tr_app (tr : trace' A B) :=
match tr with
| TnilF a => tr'
| TconsF a b tr0 => Tcons a b (_tr_app (observe tr0) )
Definition tr_app : trace A B -> trace A B -> trace A B :=
fun tr tr' => tr_app' tr' (observe tr).
End Operations.
Module TraceNotations.
Infix "+++" := tr_app (at level 60, right associativity).
End TraceNotations.
Section Eqtr.
Context {A B : Type}.
Variant eqtrb (eq : trace A B -> trace A B -> Prop) :
trace' A B -> trace' A B -> Prop :=
| Eq_Tnil a : eqtrb eq (TnilF a) (TnilF a)
| Eq_Tcons a b tr1 tr2 (REL : eq tr1 tr2) :
eqtrb eq (TconsF a b tr1) (TconsF a b tr2).
Hint Constructors eqtrb: core.
Definition eqtrb_ eq : trace A B -> trace A B -> Prop :=
fun tr1 tr2 => eqtrb eq (observe tr1) (observe tr2).
Program Definition feqtr: mon (trace A B -> trace A B -> Prop) := {| body := eqtrb_ |}.
Next Obligation.
unfold pointwise_relation, Basics.impl, eqtrb_.
intros ?? INC ?? EQ. inversion_clear EQ; auto.
End Eqtr.
Definition eqtr {A B} := (gfp (@feqtr A B)).
#[export] Hint Unfold eqtr: core.
#[export] Hint Constructors eqtrb: core.
Arguments eqtrb_ _ _/.
#[export] Instance Reflexive_eqtrb {A B : Type} {R} {Hr: Reflexive R} :
Reflexive (@eqtrb A B R).
Proof. now intros [a|a b tr]; constructor. Qed.
#[export] Instance Reflexive_feqtr {A B : Type} : forall {R: Chain (@feqtr A B)}, Reflexive `R.
Proof. apply Reflexive_chain. now cbn. Qed.
#[export] Instance Symmetric_eqtrb {A B : Type} {R} {Hr: Symmetric R} :
Symmetric (@eqtrb A B R).
intros [a|a b tr]; intros [a'|a' b' tr'] Heq.
- inversion Heq; subst.
- inversion Heq.
- inversion Heq.
- inversion Heq; subst.
constructor; now symmetry.
#[export] Instance Symmetric_feqtr {A B : Type} : forall {R: Chain (@feqtr A B)}, Symmetric `R.
apply Symmetric_chain.
intros R HR.
intros x y xy.
now apply Symmetric_eqtrb.
#[export] Instance Transitive_eqtrb {A B : Type} {R} {Hr: Transitive R} :
Transitive (@eqtrb A B R).
intros [xa|xa xb xtr]; intros [ya|ya yb ytr]; intros [za|za zb ztr] Heqx Heqy.
- inversion Heqx; subst.
inversion Heqy; subst; constructor.
- inversion Heqy; subst.
- inversion Heqx.
- inversion Heqx.
- inversion Heqx.
- inversion Heqx.
- inversion Heqy.
- inversion Heqx; subst.
inversion Heqy; subst.
constructor; revert REL REL0; apply Hr.
#[export] Instance Transitive_feqtr {A B : Type} : forall {R: Chain (@feqtr A B)}, Transitive `R.
apply Transitive_chain.
intros R HR.
intros x y z.
now apply Transitive_eqtrb.
#[export] Instance Equivalence_eqtr {A B}: Equivalence (@eqtr A B).
Proof. split; typeclasses eauto. Qed.
#[export] Instance Proper_eqtr {A B} :
Proper (eqtr ==> eqtr ==> flip impl) (@eqtr A B).
unfold Proper, respectful, flip, impl; cbn.
unfold eqtr; intros.
transitivity y; auto.
symmetry in H0.
transitivity y0; auto.
Import TraceNotations.
Lemma tr_app_unfold {A B} :
forall (tr tr' : trace A B),
eqtr (tr +++ tr')
(match observe tr with
| TnilF a => tr'
| TconsF a b tr0 => Tcons a b (tr0 +++ tr')
Proof. intros; now step. Qed.
Lemma eqtr_Tnil_tr_app {A B} : forall a (tr : trace A B), eqtr (Tnil a +++ tr) tr.
intros a tr.
rewrite tr_app_unfold.
Section Inftr.
Context {A B : Type}.
Variant inftrb (ifr : trace A B -> Prop) : trace' A B -> Prop :=
| Inf_Tcons a b tr (PRED : ifr tr) : inftrb ifr (TconsF a b tr).
Hint Constructors inftrb: core.
Definition inftrb_ ifr : trace A B -> Prop :=
fun tr => inftrb ifr (observe tr).
Program Definition finftr: mon (trace A B -> Prop) := {| body := inftrb_ |}.
Next Obligation.
unfold pointwise_relation, Basics.impl, inftrb_.
intros PX PY PXY Z INF.
inversion_clear INF; auto.
End Inftr.
Definition inftr {A B} := (gfp (@finftr A B)).
#[export] Hint Unfold inftr: core.
#[export] Hint Constructors inftrb: core.
#[export] Instance inftr_upto_eqtr {A B} {R : Chain (@finftr A B)} :
Proper (eqtr ==> flip impl) (` R).
apply tower.
- unfold Proper, respectful.
apply inf_closed_all; intros ?.
apply inf_closed_all; intros ?.
apply inf_closed_impl.
now intros ???.
apply inf_closed_impl.
now intros ???.
now intros ??.
- clear R; intros R HP tr tr' EQ INF.
apply (gfp_fp feqtr) in EQ.
cbn in *; red in INF |- *.
inversion EQ.
+ rewrite <- H in INF; inversion INF.
+ constructor.
rewrite <- H in INF; inversion INF; subst.
eapply HP; eauto.
#[export] Instance Proper_inftr {A B} :
Proper (eqtr ==> flip impl) (@inftr A B).
Proof. typeclasses eauto. Qed.
Lemma inftr_tr_app {A B} : forall (tr : trace A B),
inftr tr -> forall tr', inftr (tr' +++ tr).
intros tr INF.
unfold inftr.
coinduction R H.
intros tr'.
rewrite tr_app_unfold.
destruct (observe tr') eqn:?.
- Fail apply (gfp_chain finftr).
Succeed now eapply (gfp_chain (chain_b R)).
Succeed now apply (@gfp_chain _ _ finftr).
now eapply (gfp_leq_Chain finftr).
- constructor; apply H.
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