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Created March 13, 2023 13:37
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Inline CSS/JS/static inside HTML
from html.parser import HTMLParser
import os
import sys
import base64
gHelp = """
Merge JS/CSS/images/HTML into one single file
Version: 1.0
htmlmerger inputfile [optional: outputfile]
def getFileContent (strFilepath):
content = ""
with open (strFilepath, "r") as file:
content = ()
return content
def getFileContentBytes (strFilepath):
content = b""
with open (strFilepath, "rb") as file:
content = ()
return content
class HtmlMerger(HTMLParser):
Call "run(htmlContent, basedir)" to merge
script/css/images referenced withing htmlContent
into one single html file.
def __init__(self):
self._result = ""
self._additionalData = ""
self._baseDir = ""
self.messages = []
def _addMessage_fileNotFound(self, file_asInHtmlFile, file_searchpath):
self.messages.append ("Error: Line " + str (self.getpos ()[0]) +
": Could not find file `" + str (file_asInHtmlFile) +
"`; searched in `" + str (file_searchpath) + "`." )
def _getAttribute (self, attributes, attributeName):
"""Return attribute value or `None`, if not existend"""
for attr in attributes:
key = attr[0]
if (key == attributeName):
return attr[1]
return None
def _getFullFilepath (self, relPath):
return os.path.join (self._baseDir, relPath)
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
# Style references are within `link` tags. So we have to
# convert the whole tag
if (tag == "link"):
href = self._getAttribute (attrs, "href")
if (href):
hrefFullPath = self._getFullFilepath (href)
if (not os.path.isfile (hrefFullPath)):
self._addMessage_fileNotFound (href, hrefFullPath)
styleContent = getFileContent (hrefFullPath)
self._result += "<style>" + styleContent + "</style>"
self._result += "<" + tag + " "
for attr in attrs:
key = attr[0]
value = attr[1]
# main work: read source content and add it to the file
if (tag == "script" and key == "src"):
#self._result += "type='text/javascript'"
strReferencedFile = self._getFullFilepath (value)
if (not os.path.isfile (strReferencedFile)):
self._addMessage_fileNotFound (value, strReferencedFile)
referencedContent = getFileContent (strReferencedFile)
self._additionalData += referencedContent
# do not process this key
if (tag == "img" and key == "src"):
imgPathRel = value
imgPathFull = self._getFullFilepath (imgPathRel)
if (not os.path.isfile (imgPathFull)):
self._addMessage_fileNotFound (imgPathRel, imgPathFull)
imageExtension = os.path.splitext (imgPathRel)[1][1:]
imageFormat = imageExtension
# convert image data into browser-undertandable src value
image_bytes = getFileContentBytes (imgPathFull)
image_base64 = base64.b64encode (image_bytes)
src_content = "data:image/{};base64, {}".format(imageFormat,image_base64.decode('ascii'))
self._result += "src='" + src_content + "'"
# choose the right quotes
if ('"' in value):
self._result += key + "='" + value + "' "
self._result += key + '="' + value + '" '
self._result += ">"
def _writeAndResetAdditionalData(self):
self._result += self._additionalData
self._additionalData = ""
def handle_endtag(self, tag):
self._writeAndResetAdditionalData ()
self._result += "</" + tag + ">"
def handle_data(self, data):
self._result += data
def run(self, content, basedir):
self._baseDir = basedir
self.feed (content)
return self._result
def merge(strInfile, strOutfile):
if (not os.path.isfile (strInfile)):
print ("FATAL ERROR: file `" + strInfile + "` could not be accessed.")
baseDir = os.path.split (os.path.abspath (strInfile))[0]
#read file
content = getFileContent (strInfile)
parser = HtmlMerger()
content_changed = (content, baseDir)
# log errors
if (len (parser.messages) > 0):
print ("Problems occured")
for msg in parser.messages:
print (" " + msg)
print ("")
# debug:
if (False):
print (content_changed)
exit ()
# write result
with open (strOutfile, "w") as file:
file.write (content_changed)
def main():
args = sys.argv[1:] # cut away pythonfile
if (len (args) < 1):
print (gHelp)
inputFile = args[0]
# get output file name
outputFile = ""
if (True):
outputFile = os.path.splitext (inputFile)[0] + "_merged.html"
if (len (args) > 1):
outputFile = args[1]
if (os.path.isfile (outputFile)):
print ("FATAL ERROR: Output file " + outputFile + " does already exist")
exit ()
# run the actual merge
merge (inputFile, outputFile)
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