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Created August 4, 2016 20:17
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import Foundation
class Node<T: Comparable> {
let value: T
var left: Node?
var right: Node?
init(value: T, left: Node? = nil, right: Node? = nil) {
self.value = value
self.left = left
self.right = right
/// Creates a Binary Search Tree rooted at the returned Node,
/// with the values in `values`. Returns `nil` if values.count == 0
static func binarySearchTree(fromValues values: [T]) -> Node? {
guard values.count > 0 else {
return nil
let root = Node(value: values.first!)
guard values.count > 1 else {
return root
for value in values[1 ..< values.count] {
insert(value, into: root)
return root
/// Inserts a new Node with value of `value` into the binary tree
/// rooted at `root`
static func insert(v: T, into root: Node) {
if v < root.value {
if root.left != nil {
insert(v, into: root.left!)
} else {
root.left = Node(value: v)
} else {
if root.right != nil {
insert(v, into: root.right!)
} else {
root.right = Node(value: v)
/// Returns an integer representing the distance from a parent node to
/// a child node, or `nil` if `node` is not a child of `parent`. Returns
/// 0 if root.value == node.value
static func distance(fromParent parent: Node, toChild child: Node) -> Int? {
if child.value == parent.value {
return 0
guard let newParent = child.value < parent.value ? parent.left : parent.right else {
return nil
guard let distance = distance(fromParent: newParent, toChild: child) else {
return nil
return distance + 1
/// Returns an integer representing the distance between two nodes, or `nil`
/// if one or both nodes do not exist as children of `root`.
static func distance(`in` root: Node, from node1: Node, to node2: Node) -> Int? {
guard let commonParent = lowestCommonParent(in: root, of: node1, and: node2) else {
return nil
guard let d1 = distance(fromParent: commonParent, toChild: node1),
let d2 = distance(fromParent: commonParent, toChild: node2) else {
return nil
let totalDistance = d1 + d2
return totalDistance
/// Returns the deepest node in the tree that is a parent of both `node1` and `node2`, or
/// `nil` if `node1` and `node2` do not share a common parent
static func lowestCommonParent(`in` root: Node, of node1: Node, and node2: Node) -> Node? {
// If n1 < root <= n2, root is in between, and therefore the lowest common parent
if node1.value < root.value && root.value <= node2.value {
return root
// Same idea; if n2 < root <= n1, root is in between, and therefore the lowest common parent
if node2.value < root.value && root.value <= node1.value {
return root
let distanceToNode1 = distance(fromParent: root, toChild: node1)
let distanceToNode2 = distance(fromParent: root, toChild: node2)
guard let d1 = distanceToNode1, d2 = distanceToNode2 else {
return nil
if d1 == 0 || d2 == 0 {
return root
// We now know that both node1 & node2 are to the same side of `root`.
guard let newRoot = node1.value < root.value ? root.left : root.right else {
return nil
return lowestCommonParent(in: newRoot, of: node1, and: node2)
/// Returns the child node of `searchRoot` whose value == `value`.
static func find(v: T, `in` searchRoot: Node) -> Node? {
if v == searchRoot.value {
return searchRoot
guard let newSearchRoot = v < searchRoot.value ? searchRoot.left : searchRoot.right else {
return nil
return find(v, in: newSearchRoot)
// MARK: - CustomStringConvertible
extension Node: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
return "Node«\(value); left: \(left); right: \(right)»"
// MARK: - Main
let root = Node<Int>.binarySearchTree(fromValues: [5, 3, 8, 1, 4, 2, 9, 6])!
print("root: \(root)")
let n3 = Node.find(3, in: root)!
let distanceFromRootToN3 = Node.distance(fromParent: root, toChild: n3)!
print("n3: \(n3)")
print("distanceFromRootToN3: \(distanceFromRootToN3)")
let n5 = Node.find(5, in: root)!
let distanceFromRootToN5 = Node.distance(fromParent: root, toChild: n5)!
print("distanceFromRootToN5: \(distanceFromRootToN5)")
print("root===n5: \(root === n5)")
let n9 = Node.find(9, in: root)!
let distanceFromRootToN9 = Node.distance(fromParent: root, toChild: n9)!
print("distanceFromRootToN9: \(distanceFromRootToN9)")
let parentOf3And9 = Node.lowestCommonParent(in: root, of: n3, and: n9)
print("root===parentOf3And9: \(root === parentOf3And9)")
print("parentOf3And9: \(parentOf3And9)")
let distanceFrom3To9 = Node.distance(in: root, from: n3, to: n9)
print("distanceFrom3To9: \(distanceFrom3To9)")
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