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Created May 17, 2014 15:49
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from django.db import models
from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify
from django.utils import timezone
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from kpitree.measurement.models import Metric, Measurement
from kpitree.organizations.models import Organization
from kpitree.types.period_types import PERIOD_TYPES, period_for_date, period_range, period_display, period_start_end
## These models are about collecting measurements
class CollectionBase(models.Model):
A list of metrics to collect and metadata around how and when to collect
them. A Collection has a single interval and (initially) an initial person
responsible so if two metrics are do be provided by different people or at
different times, they will be in different Collections.
organization = models.ForeignKey(Organization, related_name="collections")
name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
description = models.TextField(blank=True)
slug = models.SlugField()
creator = models.ForeignKey(User)
created = models.DateTimeField(
# True means all metrics collected are point-in-time metrics,
# False means they're all interval metrics
point_in_time = models.BooleanField(default=False)
# a period_type exists on a collection even if point in time
period_type = models.CharField(max_length=25, choices=[(x, x) for x in PERIOD_TYPES])
start_period = models.CharField(max_length=12)
# @@@ modeling when collection is due / when email goes out
class Meta:
abstract = True
unique_together = [("organization", "slug")]
def __unicode__(self):
def metrics(self):
return Metric.objects.filter(pk__in=self.metric_through_table(collection=self).value_list("pk", flat=True))
def add_metric(self, metric):
if metric.point_in_time != self.point_in_time:
raise ValueError(
"collection can only contain {} metrics".format(
"point-in-time" if self.point_in_time else "interval"))
collection_metric = self.metric_through_table(collection=self, metric=metric)
# signal would go here
return collection_metric
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not
created = True
self.slug = slugify([:50]
created = False
super(Collection, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
if created:
pass # signal would go here
class AutoCollection(CollectionBase):
provider = models.CharField(max_length=50, choices=PROVIDER_CHOICES, default=PROVIDER_USERVOICE)
def metric_through_table(self):
return AutoCollectionMetric
class Collection(CollectionBase):
provider = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name="collections")
def metric_through_table(self):
return CollectionMetric
# @@@ validations to add:
# @@@ - metrics must be of same period_type as Collection
# @@@ - provider must be in Organization
def construct_instances(self):
count = 0
for period in period_range(self.start_period, period_for_date(self.period_type)):
collection_instance, created = CollectionInstance.objects.get_or_create(
"provider": self.provider,
if created:
count += 1
return count
def construct_all_collection_instances():
count = 0
for collection in Collection.objects.all():
count += collection.construct_instances()
return count
class AutoCollectionMetric(models.Model):
collection = models.ForeignKey(AutoCollection)
metric = models.ForeignKey(Metric)
class CollectionMetric(models.Model):
collection = models.ForeignKey(Collection)
metric = models.ForeignKey(Metric)
class CollectionInstance(models.Model):
An instance of a collection for a particular period
collection = models.ForeignKey(Collection, related_name="instances")
# @@@ do we want point-in-time collections?
period = models.CharField(max_length=12, blank=True)
# this is the actual person who provided the measurements this time
# Collection.provider may change over time but this represents the
# historical record
provider = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name="collection_instances")
# null is incomplete, timestamp of completion when complete
completed = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
class Meta:
unique_together = [("collection", "period")]
def period_display(self):
return period_display(self.period)
def metrics(self):
return Metric.objects.filter(collectionmetric__collection=self.collection)
def measurements(self):
qs = Measurement.objects.filter(metric__in=self.metrics().values("id"))
if self.collection.point_in_time:
qs = qs.filter(timestamp__in=period_start_end(self.period))
qs = qs.filter(period=self.period)
qs = qs.select_related("metric", "list_item")
M = {}
for measurement in qs:
if measurement.list_item_id:
key = "{}_{}".format(measurement.metric.slug, measurement.list_item.slug)
key = measurement.metric.slug
M[key] = measurement
return M
def determine_complete(self):
for metric in self.metrics():
if metric.lst:
for list_item in metric.lst.items.all():
measurement = Measurement.objects.filter(metric=metric, list_item=list_item)
if self.collection.point_in_time:
measurement = measurement.filter(timestamp__in=period_start_end(self.period))
measurement = measurement.filter(period=self.period)
if not measurement.exists():
return False
measurement = Measurement.objects.filter(metric=metric, list_item=None)
if self.collection.point_in_time:
measurement = measurement.filter(timestamp__in=period_start_end(self.period))
measurement = measurement.filter(period=self.period)
if not measurement.exists():
return False
return True
def update_completed(self, commit=True):
if self.determine_complete():
measurements = Measurement.objects.filter(metric__in=self.metrics().values("id"))
if self.collection.point_in_time:
measurements = measurements.filter(timestamp__in=period_start_end(self.period))
measurements = measurements.filter(period=self.period)
latest = measurements.order_by("updated")
if latest.exists():
self.completed = latest[0].updated
# It's completed due to the fact it's empty
self.completed =
self.completed = None
if commit:
def incomplete_for(cls, user):
return cls.objects.filter(provider=user, completed__isnull=True).order_by("period")
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