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Created December 18, 2014 09:41
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will_paginate switching page by persisting a search form
# We need to trigger click event for pagination links and search submit. Also, we need to post
# to the entry point when searching, as it will avoid handling the search in 2 different places.
# The submit click event resets the page hidden field. The link event will get the page
# number, updates the page hidden field and submits the form.
# routes.rb
get 'will_paginate', to: 'will_paginate#index'
post 'will_paginate', to: 'will_paginate#index'
# will_paginate_controller.rb
def index
page = params[:page] == "" ? nil : params[:page]
# note that you should for params[:query] to avoid expensive queries
@users = User.where("name LIKE ?", "%#{params[:query]}%")
.paginate(page: page, per_page: 5)
# The form
<%= form_tag("/will_paginate", id: 'my_form', name: 'my_form') do %>
<%= hidden_field_tag :page, params[:page], id: 'page' %>
<%= label_tag(:query, 'Search for:') %>
<%= text_field_tag(:query, params[:query]) %>
<%= submit_tag("Find", id: 'find') %>
<% end %>
<%= render partial: 'table', locals: {uses: @users}
<%= will_paginate @users, id: 'pagination' %>
# the script
$("#find").click(function() {
// resets pagination
$("#pagination a").click(function() {
// get all search form attributes
var query = $('#query').val()
// whe only want to post if the form has values
if (query) {
// gets the page attribute from the link we clicked
var pos ="page=");
var page = this.href.substring(pos + 5, this.href.length);
// updates the hidden input and submits the form
return false;
// else, let the GET request happen
console.log('GET request');
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