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This is a C# ADO.NET Data Layer for easy communication with SQL Server, it can also be adapted to other ADO.NET-compatible database systems like MySQL, Oracle, SQLite, etc.
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Collections;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
#region Update history
//Created by: Alejandro Palacios (
//Creation date: Jan 02, 2009
// added method ExecuteSQL to run queries
// added capability of handling SQLDBType.Text appropriately
// added BeginTransaction overloading method that receives transaction isolation level
// (May, 29, 2013) Alejandro Palacios added Disposable(bool) method to dispose appropriately
// (May, 29, 2013) Alejandro Palacios modify Double.Nan to Double.IsNaN
namespace SQLData.db
public class SQLDataLayer: IDisposable
private object _con_trans_lock = new Object(); // for synchronizing transaction object access
SqlConnection _con = null;
private SqlTransaction _con_trans = null;
private static string[] _rc_msg = null; // store all DataLayer return code messages (0-100)
private int _last_return_code;
private int _last_execution_time;
/// <summary>
/// Static constructor.
/// </summary>
static SQLDataLayer()
// DataLayer return code messages (0-100)
_rc_msg = new string[101];
_rc_msg[0] = "The operation completed successfully.";
_rc_msg[1] = "Error creating connection to database.";
_rc_msg[2] = "Parameter name cannot be null.";
_rc_msg[3] = "Parameter name cannot be empty string.";
_rc_msg[4] = "Input parameter value cannot be null. If you want to use database NULL, use DBNull.Value instead.";
_rc_msg[5] = "VARCHAR2 parameter length too long. Limit is 4000 characters.";
_rc_msg[6] = "Unsupported SQLDBType for CreateParam().";
_rc_msg[7] = "Stored Procedure name cannot be null.";
_rc_msg[8] = "Stored Procedure name cannot be an empty string.";
_rc_msg[9] = "ExecuteSP parameters cannot be null.";
_rc_msg[10] = "DataLayer was already disposed and cannot be reused again.";
_rc_msg[11] = "Error executing stored procedure.";
_rc_msg[12] = "A transaction has already begun.";
_rc_msg[13] = "No open transaction.";
_rc_msg[14] = "SQL statement cannot be null.";
_rc_msg[15] = "SQL statement cannot be an empty string.";
_rc_msg[16] = "ExecuteSQL parameters cannot be null.";
_rc_msg[17] = "Error executing Dynamic SQL.";
_rc_msg[100] = "Unknown error.";
/// <summary>
/// constructor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="connection_string"></param>
public SQLDataLayer(string connection_string)
//when the object is instantiated, we need to initialize connection.
// setup database connection
_con = new SqlConnection(connection_string);
//_dec2int_off = new ArrayList();
/// <summary>
/// Return an input parameter for a VARCHAR2 with the specified name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">IN parameter name</param>
/// <param name="value">string object.
/// string must be less than or equal to 4000 chars due to database limit.
/// DBNull.Value will be assumed if value=null.
/// </param>
/// <returns>SQL parameter</returns>
public SqlParameter CreateParam(string name, string value)
// check if length is too long for this datatype
if (value != null && value.Length > 4000)
_last_return_code = 5;
throw new ArgumentException(_rc_msg[5] + " Parameter name '" + name + "'.");
// check for null and use DBNull.Value instead
object obj = value;
int length = 0;
if (value == null)
obj = DBNull.Value;
length = Math.Max(value.Length, 1);
return CreateParam(name, obj, length, SqlDbType.VarChar, ParameterDirection.Input);
/// <summary>
/// Return an input parameter for a NUMBER with the specified name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">IN parameter name</param>
/// <param name="value">int value</param>
/// <returns>SQL parameter</returns>
public SqlParameter CreateParam(string name, int value)
return CreateParam(name, Convert.ToDecimal(value), 0, SqlDbType.Int, ParameterDirection.Input);
/// <summary>
/// Return an input parameter for a boolean (DbType.Bit) with the specified name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name"></param>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public SqlParameter CreateParam(string name, bool value)
return CreateParam(name, value, 0, SqlDbType.Bit, ParameterDirection.Input);
/// <summary>
/// Return an input parameter for a NUMBER with the specified name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">IN parameter name</param>
/// <param name="value">Decimal value</param>
/// <returns>SQL parameter</returns>
public SqlParameter CreateParam(string name, Decimal value)
return CreateParam(name, value, 0, SqlDbType.Decimal, ParameterDirection.Input);
/// <summary>
/// Return an input parameter for a DOUBLE with the specified name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">IN parameter name</param>
/// <param name="value">double value.
/// DBNull.Value will be assumed if value=Double.NaN.
/// </param>
/// <returns>SQL parameter</returns>
public SqlParameter CreateParam(string name, double value)
// check for Double.NaN and use DBNull.Value instead
object obj = value;
//if (value == Double.NaN) replaced by Alejandro Palacios, May, 29, 2012
if (Double.IsNaN(value))
obj = DBNull.Value;
return CreateParam(name, obj, 0, SqlDbType.Decimal, ParameterDirection.Input);
/// <summary>
/// Return an output parameter corresponding to the specified type with the specified name.
/// note: only SQLTypes of VarChar, DateTime, Clob and Blob supports output parameter value of database NULL.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">OUT parameter name</param>
/// <param name="type">SQLTypes supported are VarChar (up to 4000 chars), Number, Double, DateTime, Clob, Blob and Cursor.
/// </param>
/// <returns>SQL parameter</returns>
public SqlParameter CreateParam(string name, SqlDbType type)
//DataTypes that do not support null values:
if (type != SqlDbType.VarChar && type != SqlDbType.Int && type != SqlDbType.DateTime
&& type != SqlDbType.BigInt && type != SqlDbType.Binary && type != SqlDbType.Bit
&& type != SqlDbType.Char && type != SqlDbType.DateTime && type != SqlDbType.Decimal
&& type != SqlDbType.Float && type != SqlDbType.Image && type != SqlDbType.Int
&& type != SqlDbType.Money && type != SqlDbType.NChar && type != SqlDbType.NText
&& type != SqlDbType.Text && type != SqlDbType.NVarChar && type != SqlDbType.Real && type != SqlDbType.Xml
&& type != SqlDbType.Date && type != SqlDbType.DateTime2 && type != SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset
&& type != SqlDbType.SmallDateTime && type != SqlDbType.SmallInt && type != SqlDbType.SmallMoney
&& type != SqlDbType.Structured && type != SqlDbType.Time
&& type != SqlDbType.Timestamp && type != SqlDbType.TinyInt && type != SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier
&& type != SqlDbType.VarBinary && type != SqlDbType.Xml && type != SqlDbType.Variant)
_last_return_code = 6;
throw new ArgumentException(_rc_msg[6] + " Parameter name '" + name + "'.");
return CreateParam(name, null, 4000, type, ParameterDirection.Output);
/// <summary>
/// Return a parameter for the specified name and type.
/// Note1: for output parameters, please set value to null.
/// Note2: please first consider using the simplier overloaded versions instead.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">parameter name</param>
/// <param name="value">input value (use DBNull.Value for database NULL input; use null for output value)</param>
/// <param name="type">SQL type info</param>
/// <param name="direction">parameter direction is input/output or both</param>
/// <returns>SQL parameter</returns>
public SqlParameter CreateParam(string name, object value, int size, SqlDbType type, ParameterDirection direction)
// make sure method parameters are workable
if (name == null)
_last_return_code = 2;
throw new ArgumentNullException(_rc_msg[2]);
if (name == "")
_last_return_code = 3;
throw new ArgumentException(_rc_msg[3]);
if (direction == ParameterDirection.Input && value == null)
_last_return_code = 4;
throw new ArgumentNullException(_rc_msg[4] + " Parameter name '" + name + "'.");
// set output parameters
_last_return_code = 100; // in case any unknown error occur (remote possibility)
SqlParameter op = new SqlParameter();
op.ParameterName = name;
op.Value = value;
op.SqlDbType = type;
op.Size = size;
op.Direction = direction;
_last_return_code = 0;
return op;
/// <summary>
/// Return an input parameter for a DATETIME with the specified name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">IN parameter name</param>
/// <param name="value">datetime object.
/// DBNull.Value will be assumed if value=null.
/// </param>
/// <returns>SQL parameter</returns>
public SqlParameter CreateParam(string name, DateTime value)
// check for null and use DBNull.Value instead
object obj = value;
if (obj == null)
obj = DBNull.Value;
return CreateParam(name, obj, 0, SqlDbType.DateTime, ParameterDirection.Input);
/// <summary>
/// Return an input parameter for a TEXT with the specified name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">IN parameter name</param>
/// <param name="value">string for Text;</param>
/// <param name="type">Text</param>
/// <returns>SQL parameter</returns>
public SqlParameter CreateParam(string name, object value, SqlDbType type)
// check for supported SQLType
//value = value is string ? ChangeCharacters(value) : value;
if (type == SqlDbType.Text)
// check if object disposed and if there is an open transaction
if (_con == null)
_last_return_code = 10;
throw new ObjectDisposedException(_rc_msg[10]);
if (_con_trans == null)
_last_return_code = 13;
throw new InvalidOperationException(_rc_msg[13]);
byte[] data = null;
if (value == null || value == DBNull.Value)
data = new byte[0];
else if (type == SqlDbType.Text && value.GetType() == typeof(byte[]))
data = (byte[])value;
UnicodeEncoding ue = new UnicodeEncoding();
data = ue.GetBytes(value.ToString());
/* test without specifying size, and see if it truncates or not...
object obj = value;
int length = 0;
if (value == null)
obj = DBNull.Value;
length = Math.Max(obj.ToString().Length, 1);
SqlParameter op = new SqlParameter(name, SqlDbType.Text, length);
op.Value = value.ToString();
SqlParameter op = new SqlParameter(name, SqlDbType.Text);
op.Value = value.ToString();
return op;
if (value == null || value == DBNull.Value)
return CreateParam(name, DBNull.Value, 0, type, ParameterDirection.Input);
_last_return_code = 6;
throw new ArgumentException(_rc_msg[6] + " Parameter name '" + name + "'.");
/// <summary>
/// This method changes the special character so logical characters which the database is
/// capable of storing. Need to remove it if the database starts storing Unicode characters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
//private object ChangeCharacters(object input)
// //char ch = '\u2019';
// char[] chars = input.ToString().ToCharArray();
// for (int i = 0; i < chars.Length; ++i)
// {
// if (charTable.ContainsKey(chars[i]))
// chars[i] = (char)charTable[chars[i]];
// }
// return new string(chars);
/// <summary>
/// Error code from the last DataLayer CreateParam() or Execute*() call
/// </summary>
public int last_return_code
return _last_return_code;
/// <summary>
/// Execution time in milliseconds from the last DataLayer Execute*() call
/// </summary>
public int last_execution_time
return _last_execution_time;
/// <summary>
/// Execute stored procedure (require use of BeginTransaction() beforehand and Commit() / Rollback() afterwards).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sp_name">full stored procedure name (case insensitive)</param>
/// <param name="parameters">array of SQLParameters</param>
/// <returns>dataset; null if no output from stored procedure or internal stored procedure error</returns>
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2100:Review SQL queries for security vulnerabilities")]
public DataSet ExecuteSP(string sp_name, params SqlParameter[] parameters)
lock (this._con_trans_lock)
// for recording execution time
DateTime datetime = DateTime.Now;
// check if there is an open transaction
if (_con_trans == null)
_last_return_code = 13;
throw new InvalidOperationException(_rc_msg[13]);
// make sure sp_name is valid, parameters is not null and current instance is not disposed
if (sp_name == null)
_last_return_code = 7;
throw new ArgumentNullException(_rc_msg[7]);
if (sp_name == "")
_last_return_code = 8;
throw new ArgumentException(_rc_msg[8]);
if (parameters == null)
_last_return_code = 9;
throw new ArgumentNullException(_rc_msg[9]);
if (_con == null)
_last_return_code = 10;
throw new ObjectDisposedException(_rc_msg[10]);
_last_return_code = 100; // in case any unknown error occur (remote possibility)
// translate sp_name if necessary
//string translated_sp_name = null;
//if (_ht_sp_name.Contains(sp_name.ToUpper()))
// translated_sp_name = (string)_ht_sp_name[sp_name.ToUpper()];
// translated_sp_name = sp_name;
// create DataSet variable for return
DataSet ds = null;
// create the command
using (SqlCommand cmd = _con.CreateCommand())
cmd.CommandTimeout = 300;//5 mins before it times out
cmd.CommandText = sp_name;//translated_sp_name;
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Transaction = _con_trans;
// add default errorcode output parameter (parameter name is hardcoded)
// since CreateParam resets _last_return_code, we have to set it again
cmd.Parameters.Add(CreateParam("poReturnCode", null, 0, SqlDbType.Int, ParameterDirection.Output));
_last_return_code = 100; // in case any unknown error occur (remote possibility)
// create array list to hold all other output parameter names
ArrayList a_outparam = new ArrayList();
// add all user specified parameters
foreach (SqlParameter op in parameters)
if (op == null)
_last_return_code = 9;
throw new ArgumentNullException(_rc_msg[9]);
// add the parameter
// record if it's output parameter for generating DataTables
if (op.Direction == ParameterDirection.Output || op.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput)
// create DataSet with name same as the stored procedure
ds = new DataSet(sp_name);
SqlDataReader sqldr;
sqldr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
addDataReader(sqldr, "dsResults", ds);
//Close the datareader
// get the internal stored procedure return value
Int32 errorcode = (Int32)cmd.Parameters["poReturnCode"].Value;
_last_return_code = Convert.ToInt32(errorcode);
if (_last_return_code == 0 && a_outparam.Count > 0)
// assemble the dataset
foreach (string param_name in a_outparam)
SqlParameter op = cmd.Parameters[param_name];
//object param_value = op.Value;
//Type param_type = param_value.GetType();
DataTable dt = new DataTable(param_name);
dt.Columns.Add(op.Value.GetType().FullName, op.Value.GetType());
dt.Rows.Add(new object[1] { op.Value });
_last_return_code = 11;
// record execution time
_last_execution_time = DateTime.Now.Subtract(datetime).Milliseconds;
return ds;
/// <summary>
/// Runs a parameterizes query
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sp_name">full stored procedure name (case insensitive)</param>
/// <param name="parameters"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2100:Review SQL queries for security vulnerabilities")]
public DataSet ExecutePQ(string sp_name, params SqlParameter[] parameters)
lock (this._con_trans_lock)
// for recording execution time
DateTime datetime = DateTime.Now;
// check if there is an open transaction
if (_con_trans == null)
_last_return_code = 13;
throw new InvalidOperationException(_rc_msg[13]);
// make sure sp_name is valid, parameters is not null and current instance is not disposed
if (sp_name == null)
_last_return_code = 7;
throw new ArgumentNullException(_rc_msg[7]);
if (sp_name == "")
_last_return_code = 8;
throw new ArgumentException(_rc_msg[8]);
//if (parameters == null)
// _last_return_code = 9;
// throw new ArgumentNullException(_rc_msg[9]);
if (_con == null)
_last_return_code = 10;
throw new ObjectDisposedException(_rc_msg[10]);
_last_return_code = 100; // in case any unknown error occur (remote possibility)
// translate sp_name if necessary
//string translated_sp_name = null;
//if (_ht_sp_name.Contains(sp_name.ToUpper()))
// translated_sp_name = (string)_ht_sp_name[sp_name.ToUpper()];
// translated_sp_name = sp_name;
// create DataSet variable for return
DataSet ds = null;
// create the command
using (SqlCommand cmd = _con.CreateCommand())
cmd.CommandTimeout = 300;//5 mins before it times out
cmd.CommandText = sp_name;//translated_sp_name;
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.Transaction = _con_trans;
// add default errorcode output parameter (parameter name is hardcoded)
// since CreateParam resets _last_return_code, we have to set it again
//cmd.Parameters.Add(CreateParam("poReturnCode", null, 0, SqlDbType.Int, ParameterDirection.Output));
_last_return_code = 100; // in case any unknown error occur (remote possibility)
// create array list to hold all other output parameter names
ArrayList a_outparam = new ArrayList();
// add all user specified parameters
foreach (SqlParameter op in parameters)
if (op == null)
_last_return_code = 9;
throw new ArgumentNullException(_rc_msg[9]);
// add the parameter
// record if it's output parameter for generating DataTables
if (op.Direction == ParameterDirection.Output || op.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput)
// create DataSet with name same as the stored procedure
ds = new DataSet(sp_name);
SqlDataReader sqldr;
sqldr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
addDataReader(sqldr, "dsResults", ds);
//Close the datareader
// get the internal stored procedure return value
//Int32 errorcode = (Int32)cmd.Parameters["poReturnCode"].Value;
_last_return_code = 0;
if (_last_return_code == 0 && a_outparam.Count > 0)
// assemble the dataset
foreach (string param_name in a_outparam)
SqlParameter op = cmd.Parameters[param_name];
//object param_value = op.Value;
//Type param_type = param_value.GetType();
DataTable dt = new DataTable(param_name);
dt.Columns.Add(op.Value.GetType().FullName, op.Value.GetType());
dt.Rows.Add(new object[1] { op.Value });
_last_return_code = 11;
// record execution time
_last_execution_time = DateTime.Now.Subtract(datetime).Milliseconds;
return ds;
/// <summary>
/// Execute a SQL statement (require use of BeginTransaction() beforehand and Commit() / Rollback() afterwards).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sql">SQL statement(s); use ":pParamName" convention for named parameters inside SQL statement(s)</param>
/// <param name="parameters">comma delimited list or array of SqlParameters.
/// note: for OUT parameters, you have to hold on to the SqlParameters you passed in to get their Values back.
/// </param>
/// <returns>DataSet of the result of query.
/// </returns>
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2100:Review SQL queries for security vulnerabilities")]
public DataSet ExecuteSQL(string sql)
lock (this._con_trans_lock)
// for recording execution time
DateTime datetime = DateTime.Now;
// check if there is an open transaction
if (_con_trans == null)
_last_return_code = 13;
throw new InvalidOperationException(_rc_msg[13]);
// make sure sql is valid, parameters is not null and current instance is not disposed
if (sql == null)
_last_return_code = 14;
throw new ArgumentNullException(_rc_msg[14]);
if (sql == "")
_last_return_code = 15;
throw new ArgumentException(_rc_msg[15]);
if (parameters == null)
_last_return_code = 16;
throw new ArgumentNullException(_rc_msg[16]);
if (_con == null)
_last_return_code = 10;
throw new ObjectDisposedException(_rc_msg[10]);
_last_return_code = 100; // in case any unknown error occur (remote possibility)
SqlDataReader sqldr = null;
// create DataSet variable for return
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
using (SqlCommand cmd = _con.CreateCommand())
cmd.CommandText = sql;
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.Transaction = _con_trans;
// execute the query
sqldr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
addDataReader(sqldr, "dsResults", ds);
//Close the datareader
_last_return_code = 11;
_last_return_code = 0;
// record execution time
_last_execution_time = DateTime.Now.Subtract(datetime).Milliseconds;
return ds;
public async Task<DataSet> ExecuteSPAsync(string sp_name, params SqlParameter[] parameters)
// for recording execution time
DateTime datetime = DateTime.Now;
// check if there is an open transaction
if (_con_trans == null)
_last_return_code = 13;
throw new InvalidOperationException(_rc_msg[13]);
// make sure sp_name is valid, parameters is not null and current instance is not disposed
if (sp_name == null)
_last_return_code = 7;
throw new ArgumentNullException(_rc_msg[7]);
if (sp_name == "")
_last_return_code = 8;
throw new ArgumentException(_rc_msg[8]);
if (parameters == null)
_last_return_code = 9;
throw new ArgumentNullException(_rc_msg[9]);
if (_con == null)
_last_return_code = 10;
throw new ObjectDisposedException(_rc_msg[10]);
_last_return_code = 100; // in case any unknown error occur (remote possibility)
// translate sp_name if necessary
//string translated_sp_name = null;
//if (_ht_sp_name.Contains(sp_name.ToUpper()))
// translated_sp_name = (string)_ht_sp_name[sp_name.ToUpper()];
// translated_sp_name = sp_name;
// create DataSet variable for return
DataSet ds = null;
// create the command
using (SqlCommand cmd = _con.CreateCommand())
cmd.CommandTimeout = 300;//5 mins before it times out
cmd.CommandText = sp_name;//translated_sp_name;
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Transaction = _con_trans;
// add default errorcode output parameter (parameter name is hardcoded)
// since CreateParam resets _last_return_code, we have to set it again
cmd.Parameters.Add(CreateParam("poReturnCode", null, 0, SqlDbType.Int, ParameterDirection.Output));
_last_return_code = 100; // in case any unknown error occur (remote possibility)
// create array list to hold all other output parameter names
ArrayList a_outparam = new ArrayList();
// add all user specified parameters
foreach (SqlParameter op in parameters)
if (op == null)
_last_return_code = 9;
throw new ArgumentNullException(_rc_msg[9]);
// add the parameter
// record if it's output parameter for generating DataTables
if (op.Direction == ParameterDirection.Output || op.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput)
// create DataSet with name same as the stored procedure
ds = new DataSet(sp_name);
SqlDataReader sqldr;
sqldr = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
addDataReader(sqldr, "dsResults", ds);
//Close the datareader
// get the internal stored procedure return value
Int32 errorcode = (Int32)cmd.Parameters["poReturnCode"].Value;
_last_return_code = Convert.ToInt32(errorcode);
if (_last_return_code == 0 && a_outparam.Count > 0)
// assemble the dataset
foreach (string param_name in a_outparam)
SqlParameter op = cmd.Parameters[param_name];
//object param_value = op.Value;
//Type param_type = param_value.GetType();
DataTable dt = new DataTable(param_name);
dt.Columns.Add(op.Value.GetType().FullName, op.Value.GetType());
dt.Rows.Add(new object[1] { op.Value });
_last_return_code = 11;
// record execution time
_last_execution_time = DateTime.Now.Subtract(datetime).Milliseconds;
return ds;
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2100:Review SQL queries for security vulnerabilities")]
public async Task<DataSet> ExecutePQAsync(string sp_name, params SqlParameter[] parameters)
// for recording execution time
DateTime datetime = DateTime.Now;
// check if there is an open transaction
if (_con_trans == null)
_last_return_code = 13;
throw new InvalidOperationException(_rc_msg[13]);
// make sure sp_name is valid, parameters is not null and current instance is not disposed
if (sp_name == null)
_last_return_code = 7;
throw new ArgumentNullException(_rc_msg[7]);
if (sp_name == "")
_last_return_code = 8;
throw new ArgumentException(_rc_msg[8]);
//if (parameters == null)
// _last_return_code = 9;
// throw new ArgumentNullException(_rc_msg[9]);
if (_con == null)
_last_return_code = 10;
throw new ObjectDisposedException(_rc_msg[10]);
_last_return_code = 100; // in case any unknown error occur (remote possibility)
// translate sp_name if necessary
//string translated_sp_name = null;
//if (_ht_sp_name.Contains(sp_name.ToUpper()))
// translated_sp_name = (string)_ht_sp_name[sp_name.ToUpper()];
// translated_sp_name = sp_name;
// create DataSet variable for return
DataSet ds = null;
// create the command
using (SqlCommand cmd = _con.CreateCommand())
cmd.CommandTimeout = 300;//5 mins before it times out
cmd.CommandText = sp_name;//translated_sp_name;
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.Transaction = _con_trans;
// add default errorcode output parameter (parameter name is hardcoded)
// since CreateParam resets _last_return_code, we have to set it again
//cmd.Parameters.Add(CreateParam("poReturnCode", null, 0, SqlDbType.Int, ParameterDirection.Output));
_last_return_code = 100; // in case any unknown error occur (remote possibility)
// create array list to hold all other output parameter names
ArrayList a_outparam = new ArrayList();
// add all user specified parameters
foreach (SqlParameter op in parameters)
if (op == null)
_last_return_code = 9;
throw new ArgumentNullException(_rc_msg[9]);
// add the parameter
// record if it's output parameter for generating DataTables
if (op.Direction == ParameterDirection.Output || op.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput)
// create DataSet with name same as the stored procedure
ds = new DataSet(sp_name);
SqlDataReader sqldr;
sqldr = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
addDataReader(sqldr, "dsResults", ds);
//Close the datareader
// get the internal stored procedure return value
//Int32 errorcode = (Int32)cmd.Parameters["poReturnCode"].Value;
_last_return_code = 0;
if (_last_return_code == 0 && a_outparam.Count > 0)
// assemble the dataset
foreach (string param_name in a_outparam)
SqlParameter op = cmd.Parameters[param_name];
//object param_value = op.Value;
//Type param_type = param_value.GetType();
DataTable dt = new DataTable(param_name);
dt.Columns.Add(op.Value.GetType().FullName, op.Value.GetType());
dt.Rows.Add(new object[1] { op.Value });
_last_return_code = 11;
// record execution time
_last_execution_time = DateTime.Now.Subtract(datetime).Milliseconds;
return ds;
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2100:Review SQL queries for security vulnerabilities")]
public async Task<DataSet> ExecuteSQLAsync(string sql)
// for recording execution time
DateTime datetime = DateTime.Now;
// check if there is an open transaction
if (_con_trans == null)
_last_return_code = 13;
throw new InvalidOperationException(_rc_msg[13]);
// make sure sql is valid, parameters is not null and current instance is not disposed
if (sql == null)
_last_return_code = 14;
throw new ArgumentNullException(_rc_msg[14]);
if (sql == "")
_last_return_code = 15;
throw new ArgumentException(_rc_msg[15]);
if (parameters == null)
_last_return_code = 16;
throw new ArgumentNullException(_rc_msg[16]);
if (_con == null)
_last_return_code = 10;
throw new ObjectDisposedException(_rc_msg[10]);
_last_return_code = 100; // in case any unknown error occur (remote possibility)
SqlDataReader sqldr = null;
// create DataSet variable for return
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
using (SqlCommand cmd = _con.CreateCommand())
cmd.CommandText = sql;
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.Transaction = _con_trans;
// execute the query
sqldr = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
addDataReader(sqldr, "dsResults", ds);
//Close the datareader
_last_return_code = 11;
_last_return_code = 0;
// record execution time
_last_execution_time = DateTime.Now.Subtract(datetime).Milliseconds;
return ds;
/// <summary>
/// Open connection to database and begin a new transaction.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="isolation_level">Transaction isolation level for connection</param>
public void BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel? isolation_level = null)
lock (this._con_trans_lock)
if (_con == null)
throw new ObjectDisposedException(_rc_msg[10]);
if (_con_trans != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(_rc_msg[12]);
if (isolation_level.HasValue)
_con_trans = _con.BeginTransaction(isolation_level.Value);
_con_trans = _con.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);//DEFAULT TO READ COMMITTED
_con_trans = null;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="isolation_level"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task BeginTransactionAsync(IsolationLevel? isolation_level = null)
if (_con == null)
throw new ObjectDisposedException(_rc_msg[10]);
if (_con_trans != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(_rc_msg[12]);
await _con.OpenAsync();
if (isolation_level.HasValue)
_con_trans = _con.BeginTransaction(isolation_level.Value);
_con_trans = _con.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);
_con_trans = null;
/// <summary>
/// Generic method to add table(s) from a DataReader into the DataSet.
/// Each DataReader's ResultSet will correspond to 1 DataTable inside DataSet.
/// Note1: if the DataReader have more than 1 ResultSet, the table name of the 1st ResultSet
/// is equal to the base_table_name. Table name for subsequence ResultSet(s) will be in the
/// form base_table_name__1, base_table_name__2, and so on (note double underscore).
/// Note2: if the DataSet already contains a table with the same name,
/// it will throw a DuplicateNameException.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dr">data reader to be added</param>
/// <param name="base_table_name">table name for the first ResultSet, or base table name for ResultSets thereafter</param>
/// <param name="ds">data set target</param>
/// <param name="decimal2int">indicate whether to auto convert all Decimal to Int32 or not</param>
/// <returns>number of DataTables added to DataSet</returns>
int addDataReader(IDataReader dr, string base_table_name, DataSet ds)
int count = 0; // current number of ResultSet under process
// Create new data table
DataTable schemaTable = dr.GetSchemaTable();
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt.TableName = base_table_name;
if (count > 0)
dt.TableName += "__" + count.ToString();
if (schemaTable != null)
// query returning records was executed
for (int i = 0; i < schemaTable.Rows.Count; i++)
DataRow dataRow = schemaTable.Rows[i];
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn((string)dataRow["ColumnName"], (Type)dataRow["DataType"]));
// Fill the data table we just created
while (dr.Read())
DataRow dataRow = dt.NewRow();
for (int i = 0; i < dr.FieldCount; i++)
dataRow[i] = dr.GetValue(i);
// No records were returned
DataColumn dc = new DataColumn("RowsAffected");
DataRow dataRow = dt.NewRow();
dataRow[0] = dr.RecordsAffected;
while (dr.NextResult());
return count;
/// <summary>
/// Commit current transaction and close the connection.
/// </summary>
public void Commit()
lock (this._con_trans_lock)
if (_con == null)
throw new ObjectDisposedException(_rc_msg[10]);
if (_con_trans == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(_rc_msg[13]);
_con_trans = null;
/// <summary>
/// Rollback current transaction and close the connection.
/// An application can call Rollback more than one time without generating an exception.
/// </summary>
public void Rollback()
lock (this._con_trans_lock)
if (_con_trans != null)
_con_trans = null;
#region IDisposable Members
/// <summary>
/// using block requires the class to implement IDisposable:
/// using (SQLDataLayer dl = new SQLDataLayer(""))
/// </summary>
public void Dispose()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
if (_con != null)
if (_con_trans != null)
_con = null;
//release native resources here...
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