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Created November 7, 2022 03:04
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  • Save panahi/03b139c5beec258b29936e248cc516c1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save panahi/03b139c5beec258b29936e248cc516c1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Obsidian Templates Collection

<%* var fileDate = moment(tp.file.title); // moment dates are mutable let prevDay = moment(fileDate).subtract(1, 'd').format('YYYY-MM-DD'); let nextDay = moment(fileDate).add(1, 'd').format('YYYY-MM-DD'); let prevDayWeek = moment(fileDate).subtract(1, 'd').format('gggg-[W]ww'); let nextDayWeek = moment(fileDate).add(1, 'd').format('gggg-[W]ww'); let yearLink = fileDate.format('YYYY'); let quarterLink = fileDate.format('YYYY [Q]Q'); let monthLink = fileDate.format('YYYY-MM'); let monthLongName = fileDate.format('YYYY MMMM'); let weekLink = fileDate.format('gggg-[W]ww'); let basePath = Journal/${yearLink}; let weekPath = ${basePath}/${weekLink}; let prevDayFile; let nextDayFile; if (prevDayWeek === weekLink) { prevDayFile = ${weekPath}/${prevDay}; } else { prevDayFile = ${prevDayWeek}/${prevDay}; }

if (nextDayWeek === weekLink) {
    nextDayFile = `${weekPath}/${nextDay}`;
} else {
    nextDayFile = `${nextDayWeek}/${nextDay}`;
let yearReviewFile = `${basePath}/${yearLink} Review`;
let quarterReviewFile = `${basePath}/${quarterLink} Review`;
let monthReviewFile = `${basePath}/${monthLongName} Review`;
let weekReviewFile = `${weekPath}/${weekLink} Review`;


id: <% crypto.randomUUID().replace("-", "") %> aliases: <% fileDate.format("dddd MM-DD-YYYY")%> tags: daily_note <% fileDate.format("YYYYMMDD") %> <% weekLink %> <% monthLink %> <% quarterLink %> <% yearLink %> type: periodic_daily status: ๐ŸŸฅ weekday: <% fileDate.format("dddd") %> week: <% fileDate.format("ww") %> month: <% fileDate.format("MM") %> year: <% fileDate.format("YYYY") %> created: <% moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm") %> modified: <% moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm") %>

๐ŸŒŽ Navigation ๐ŸŒŽ

<%* // โฎโฎ โ‹ฎ 2021 โ€บ Q4 โ€บ 12 โ€บ W49 โ‹ฎ โฏโฏ // [[path/to/file|display_text]] // ๐Ÿ“†= current day // ๐Ÿ  = dashboard // Get Started With Obsidian Periodic Notes and Templater | Kevin Quinn let navStr = [[${prevDayFile}|โฎโฎ]] โ‹ฎ [[${yearReviewFile}|${yearLink}]] โ€บ [[${quarterReviewFile}|${fileDate.format('[Q]Q')}]] โ€บ [[${monthReviewFile}|${fileDate.format('MM')}]] โ€บ [[${weekReviewFile}|${fileDate.format('[W]ww')}]] โ‹ฎ [[${nextDayFile}|โฏโฏ]]; tR += navStr %> || ๐Ÿ“† Today || [[03.01 Dashboard|๐Ÿ  Home]]

![[03.02 Navigation|full no-title nlk]]

โ„น Information

  • Summary::

๐Ÿ“… Agenda

name Import Agenda
type command
action Shortcut Launcher: Import Agenda
color purple


๐Ÿš€ Tasks

const { TaskViews } = customJS;
let dateString = '<% tp.file.title %>';
TaskViews.buildDailyOverview(app, dv, this, dateString)

โœ๏ธ Log

id type aliases status
<% crypto.randomUUID().replace("-", "") %>
id aliases tags type status created modified
2022-07-26 21:12
2022-09-08 21:40
name Log โœ๏ธ
type command
action QuickAdd: Log Something
color purple


name Task โœ…
type command
action QuickAdd: Log Task
color purple


name Reco โญ๏ธ
type command
action QuickAdd: Log Recommendation
color purple


name Timer โฐ
type command
action QuickAdd: Start Timer
color purple


name File Bookmark ๐Ÿ“‚
type command
action QuickAdd: File Bookmark
color purple


name Sync Bookmark ๐Ÿ”„
type command
action Obsidian Bookmark Manager: Sync Bookmark (Devonthink)
color purple


name Verify โœ…
type command
action Obsidian Bookmark Manager: Verify Bookmark Archive
color purple


Error in user YAML: (<unknown>): could not find expected ':' while scanning a simple key at line 2 column 1
id: <% crypto.randomUUID().replace("-", "") %>
var fileDate = moment(tp.file.title.substring(0, 10));
if (!fileDate.isValid()) {
    fileDate =;
// moment dates are mutable
let yearLink = fileDate.format('YYYY');
let quarterLink = fileDate.format('YYYY-[Q]Q');
let monthLink = fileDate.format('YYYY-MM');
let weekLink = fileDate.format('gggg-[W]ww');
let fileNameFormat = fileDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD');
tags: meeting <% fileDate.format("YYYYMMDD") %> <% weekLink %> <% monthLink %> <% quarterLink %> <% yearLink %>
type: meeting
status: ๐ŸŸฅ

โ„น๏ธ Information

  • Date:: [[<% fileNameFormat %>]]
  • Attendees::
  • Projects::
  • RecordingLink::
  • Summary::

๐Ÿ“… Agenda

๐ŸŽฏ Goals

๐Ÿ“ Discussion notes

๐Ÿš€ Action items

<% tp.user.fileMeetingNote(tp, yearLink, weekLink, tp.file.title) %>


| Day | Week | Month | Quarter | Year |

button-logsomethinginline button-logtaskinline button-logrecommendationinline

[[03.04 Tasks to Reschedule]] [[03.05 Tasks Needing Review]]

<%* let dateString = tp.file.title.substring(0, 8); var fileDate = dateString.split('-'); let year = fileDate[0]; let weekNum = fileDate[1]; let weekDate = moment(dateString, 'gggg-[W]ww'); let prevWeek = weekDate.clone().subtract(1, 'w').format('gggg-[W]ww'); let nextWeek = weekDate.clone().add(1, 'w').format('gggg-[W]ww'); let yearLink = weekDate.format('YYYY'); let quarterLink = weekDate.format('YYYY-[Q]Q'); let monthLink = weekDate.format('YYYY-MM'); -%>

id: <% crypto.randomUUID().replace("-", "") %> aliases: <% dateString %>, <% weekDate.startOf('week').format("[Week of] YYYY-MM-DD") %> tags: weekly_note <% dateString %> <% monthLink %> <% quarterLink %> <% yearLink %> type: periodic_weekly status: ๐ŸŸฅ week: <% weekDate.format("ww") %> month: <% weekDate.format("MM") %> year: <% weekDate.format("YYYY") %> created: <% moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm") %> modified: <% moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm") %>



  • Summary::

What happened this week?

table without id ("[[""|"+aliases+"]]") as "Day", Summary as "Summary" 
from "" 
where type = "periodic_daily" 
and week = <% weekNum %> 
and year = <% year %> 
sort asc


const views = customJS.TaskViews;
const weekNum = '<% dateString %>';
views.buildWeeklyOverview(app, dv, this, weekNum);
id aliases tags type status
<% crypto.randomUUID().replace("-", "") %>


  • CurrentOwner::
  • JiraProject::
  • Repository::
  • PointsOfContact::
  • SystemType::
  • IsActive::


What does this system do?

Which domains does it have affinity with?


Readme Notes



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