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Last active March 23, 2023 08:14
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Tic Tac Toe for CodinGame using MCTS in Python
import sys
import math
import random
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime
winning_states = ( # use tuple instead of list for speed
0b111_000_000, 0b000_111_000, 0b000_000_111,
0b100_100_100, 0b010_010_010, 0b001_001_001,
0b100_010_001, 0b001_010_100)
def isWinFunction(x):
for state in winning_states:
if (x & state) == state:
return True
return False
# make a fast lookup for the win conditions
isWinLookup = [isWinFunction(x) for x in range(1<<10)]
# Game class which holds the game state including the board and LAST player to move
class Game:
def __init__(self, other=None):
self.gameBoard = [0b000_000_000, 0b000_000_000] if other == None else deepcopy(other.gameBoard)
self.playerId = 1 if other == None else other.playerId
def _getAvailableMoves(self):
return (self.gameBoard[0] | self.gameBoard[1]) ^ 0b111_111_111
def getScore(self):
return [0.5,1][isWinLookup[self.gameBoard[self.playerId]]]
def isGameOver(self):
return (self.gameBoard[0] | self.gameBoard[1]) == 0b111_111_111 or self.getScore() == 1
def move(self, move):
self.playerId = 1 - self.playerId
self.gameBoard[self.playerId] |= move
return self
def randomMove(self):
available = (self.gameBoard[0] | self.gameBoard[1]) ^ 0b111_111_111
choices = [i for i in (0b1, 0b10, 0b100, 0b1_000, 0b10_000, 0b100_000, 0b1_000_000, 0b10_000_000, 0b100_000_000) if (i & available) == i]
move = random.choice(choices)
return self
def print(self):
print( "'{0:9b}'".format(self.gameBoard[0]) + " " + "'{0:9b}'".format(self.gameBoard[1]) + " " + str(self.playerId) )
def gameTest():
# test Game._getAvailableMoves and Game.move
assert(Game()._getAvailableMoves() == 0b111_111_111)
assert(Game().move(0b1)._getAvailableMoves() == 0b111_111_110)
assert(Game().move(0b1).move(0b100)._getAvailableMoves() == 0b111_111_010)
# test Game.getScore
assert(Game().getScore() == 0.5)
assert(Game().move(0b1).getScore() == 0.5)
assert(Game().move(0b1).move(0b01).move(0b1000).move(0b001).getScore() == 0.5)
assert(Game().move(0b1).move(0b01).move(0b1000).move(0b001).move(0b1000000).getScore() == 1)
assert(Game().move(0b1).move(0b01).move(0b1000).move(0b001).move(0b1000000).getScore() == 1)
# test Game.isGameOver
assert(Game().isGameOver() == False)
assert(Game().move(0b1).move(0b01).move(0b1000).move(0b001).move(0b1000000).isGameOver() == True)
# test Game.randomMove
assert(Game().randomMove()._getAvailableMoves() != 0)
temp = Game()
temp.gameBoard[0] = 0b111_011_111
assert(temp.randomMove()._getAvailableMoves() == 0)
UCB_C = 5.0
class Node:
def __init__(self, parent = None, action = 0):
self.parent = parent
self.action = action
self.playerId = 1 if parent is None else 1 - parent.playerId
self.visits = 0
self.score = 0
self.children = None
def expand(self, game):
if self.children is None:
legalMoves = (game.gameBoard[0] | game.gameBoard[1]) ^ 0b111_111_111
self.children = [Node(self, i) for i in (0b1, 0b10, 0b100, 0b1_000, 0b10_000, 0b100_000, 0b1_000_000, 0b10_000_000, 0b100_000_000) if i & legalMoves == i]
return self.children
def select(self, game):
bestChild = self
while bestChild.children is not None and len(bestChild.children) > 0:
parent = bestChild
sqrtLogParentVisits = math.log(parent.visits+1)**0.5
bestScore = -1e99
for child in parent.children:
if child.visits == 0:
return child
invSqrtVisits = math.sqrt(1/child.visits)
newScore = (child.score*invSqrtVisits+ UCB_C*sqrtLogParentVisits)*invSqrtVisits
if newScore > bestScore:
bestChild = child
bestScore = newScore
return bestChild
def rollout(self, game):
while not game.isGameOver():
score = game.getScore()
return score if self.playerId == game.playerId else 1 - score
def backpropagate(self, result):
curr = self
while curr != None:
curr.score += result
result = 1 - result
curr.visits +=1
curr = curr.parent
def MCTS(self, startGame):
self.playerId = startGame.playerId
start_time =
iterations = 0
while ( - start_time).total_seconds() * 1000 < 95:
game = Game(startGame)
curr =
curr =
outcome = curr.rollout(game)
iterations += 1
bestScore = -1e99
bestChild = None
for child in self.children:
if (child.score/child.visits) > bestScore:
bestChild = child
bestScore = child.score/child.visits
print("action", "'{0:9b}'".format(child.action), "visits", child.visits, f" with {int((child.score/child.visits)*100)} % win",file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
print(f"Completed {iterations} iterations",file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
return bestChild
def nodeTest():
child = Node().MCTS(Game())
print("Best action", "'{0:9b}'".format(child.action), f" with {int((child.score/child.visits)*100)} % chance for win",file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
assert(child.action == 0b10000)
print("",file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
child = Node().MCTS(Game().move(1))
print("Best action", "'{0:9b}'".format(child.action), f" with {int((child.score/child.visits)*100)} % chance for win",file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
assert(child.action == 0b10000)
def playCodinGameMulti():
game = Game()
r,c = map(int,input().split(" "))
for _ in range(int(input())) :
ignore = input()
if r != -1:
child = Node().MCTS(game)
action = int(math.log(child.action, 2))
print(f"{action//3} {action%3}")
# uncomment to play game on codingame
# playCodinGameMulti()
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