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Created April 7, 2023 05:47
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Things to remember when using Linux

Directories need to be executable to be used

pandaninjas@kaptop:/tmp$ mkdir test
pandaninjas@kaptop:/tmp$ chmod 600 test/
pandaninjas@kaptop:/tmp$ ls -lah test
ls: cannot access 'test/.': Permission denied
ls: cannot access 'test/..': Permission denied
total 0
d????????? ? ? ? ?            ? .
d????????? ? ? ? ?            ? ..
pandaninjas@kaptop:/tmp$ chmod 700 test/
pandaninjas@kaptop:/tmp$ ls -lah test
total 0
drwx------  2 pandaninjas pandaninjas  40 Apr  6 22:46 .
drwxrwxrwt 20 root        root        520 Apr  6 22:46 ..
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