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Last active April 27, 2020 12:27
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GROWIのAPIの実行用のScalaのプログラム例のサンプル。URLとAPI Tokenはダミーの値を設定している。
package info.pandanote.scalajhttptest
// See for details.
import{ URLEncoder, URLDecoder }
import scalaj.http._
import play.api.libs.json._;
case class CustomResponse(statusCode: Int, status: String, body: String)
class ScalajHttpClientSample {
val readTimeoutMillis = 5000
var connectTimeoutMillis = 5000
def Get(url: String, headers: Map[String, String]): CustomResponse = httpRequest("GET", url, headers)
def Post(url: String, headers: Map[String, String], requestBody: String): CustomResponse = httpRequest("POST", url, headers, requestBody)
def Put(url: String, headers: Map[String, String], requestBody: String): CustomResponse = httpRequest("PUT", url, headers, requestBody)
def Delete(url: String, headers: Map[String, String]): CustomResponse = httpRequest("DELETE", url, headers)
def httpRequest(webMethod: String, url: String, headers: Map[String, String], requestBody: String = ""): CustomResponse = {
var request = Http(url)
.timeout(connTimeoutMs = connectTimeoutMillis, readTimeoutMs = readTimeoutMillis)
if (requestBody != "") {
request = request.postData(requestBody)
request = request.method(webMethod)
val response: HttpResponse[String] = request.execute()
return extractResponse(response)
def extractResponse(res: HttpResponse[String]): CustomResponse = {
val statusCode = res.code
val httpStatus = statusCode match {
case 200 => "OK"
case 201 => "CREATED"
case 204 => "NO_CONTENT"
case 401 => "UNAUTHORIZED"
case 400 => "BAD_REQUEST"
case 404 => "NOT_FOUND"
case 403 => "FORBIDDEN"
val body = res.body
return CustomResponse(statusCode, httpStatus, body)
object Main {
def siteurl = "" // <-- Change here.
def main(args: Array[String]) = {
val client: ScalajHttpClientSample = new ScalajHttpClientSample
val token = "Token" // <-- Change here.
val r = client.Get(siteurl+"/_api/pages.get?access_token="+URLEncoder.encode(token,"UTF-8")+"&path=/"+URLEncoder.encode("テストページ","UTF-8"), Map.empty[String,String])
val rr = r.body
val r3: JsValue = Json.parse(rr)
val page_id = r3 \ "page" \ "_id"
val revision_id = r3 \ "page" \ "revision" \ "_id"
val body = r3 \ "page" \ "revision" \ "body"
val param: Map[String,String] = Map("access_token" -> token, "body" -> ([String]+"\n$y=y_0\\,\\displaystyle\\frac{e^{t-t_0}}{2}$\n"), "page_id" ->[String], "revision_id" ->[String])
val message = Json.toJson(param)
val p = client.Post(siteurl+"/_api/pages.update",Map("Content-Type" -> "application/json"),Json.stringify(message))
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