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Created March 2, 2015 19:15
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(ns dashwise-dashboard.views
[clojure.string :as s]
[reagent.core :as r]
[dashwise-dashboard.views.bootstrap :as bootstrap]
[dashwise-dashboard.views.styles :as styles]
[dashwise-dashboard.views.util :refer [target-val]]
[dashwise-dashboard.models :as models]
[dashwise-dashboard.state :refer [app-state history]]))
(defn logo [path]
[:img {:src path}])
(declare service-filter machines-filter)
(defn header [app-state]
[:header styles/header
[logo "img/heinz-logo.png"]
[service-filter app-state]
[machines-filter app-state]]])
(defn- set-service-token [e]
(let [token (or (not-empty (target-val e)) "")]
(.setToken history (str "/" token))))
(defn service-filter [app-state]
[bootstrap/select (merge {:on-change set-service-token} styles/filters)
[:option {:value ""} "All Services"]
[:option {:value "oracle"} "Oracle"]
[:option {:value "mysql"} "MySQL"]
[:option {:value "postgres"} "PostgreSQL"]
[:option {:value "linux"} "Linux"]])
(defn- enumerate-machines [app-state]
(sort (set (map :machine (get-in @app-state models/facts)))))
(defn- set-machine-filter [e]
(let [machine (not-empty (target-val e))]
(swap! app-state assoc-in models/machines
(if machine [machine] []))))
(defn machines-filter [app-state]
(let [machines (enumerate-machines app-state)]
[bootstrap/select (merge {:on-change set-machine-filter} styles/filters)
[:option {:value ""} "All Machines"]
(for [machine machines]
[:option machine])]))
(defn update-or-select-dates [selecting?]
(fn [e]
(if (= (target-val e) "select-dates")
(reset! selecting? true)
(defn dates-filter [app-state]
(let [selecting? (r/atom false)]
(fn [app-state]
(if-not @selecting?
{:on-change (update-or-select-dates selecting?)}
[:option {:value ""} "All Dates"]
[:option {:value "select-dates"} "Select Dates..."]]
[:label {:for "from-date"} "From "]
{:type "date"
:default-value "2015-01-10"}]]
[:label {:for "to-date"} "To "]
{:type "date"
:default-value "2015-01-22"}]]
[bootstrap/button "OK"]
[bootstrap/button "Cancel"]]))))
(defn from-date-filter [app-state]
[:label {:for "from-date"} "From "]
{:type "date"
:default-value "2015-01-10"
:on-change #(.log js/console (target-val %))}]])
(defn filters [app-state]
[service-filter app-state]
[machines-filter app-state]
;;[dates-filter app-state]
(defn- column-as-text [col]
(s/join " " (s/split (name col) "_")))
(defn facts-table-headings []
(for [col models/fact-columns]
[:th (styles/fact-cell col) (column-as-text col)])]])
(defn extended-value-cell [edn]
(let [expanded? (r/atom false)]
(fn [edn]
(if (> (count edn) 64)
[:span (if @expanded?
(.substring edn 0 64))
[:button {:on-click #(swap! expanded? not)}
(if @expanded? "Hide" "Read more...")]]))))
(def fact-xforms
(fn [date]
(.toISOString date))
(fn [edn]
[extended-value-cell edn])})
(defn fact-row [fact]
{:on-click #(.log js/console (pr-str fact))}
(for [col models/fact-columns]
(let [data (get fact col)
process (get fact-xforms col identity)]
[:td (styles/fact-cell col) (process data)]))])
(defn facts-table-body [facts]
(for [fact facts]
[fact-row fact])])
(defn- filter-facts-by-machines [machines facts]
(filter (comp (set machines) :machine) facts))
(defn facts [app-state]
(let [facts (get-in @app-state models/facts)
machines (get-in @app-state models/machines)
display (if (empty? machines)
(filter-facts-by-machines machines facts))]
[bootstrap/table styles/table
[facts-table-body display]]]))
(defn content [app-state]
[:div.content styles/content
[facts app-state]])
(defn main [app-state]
[header app-state]
[content app-state]])
(defn render-main [node]
(r/render [#'main app-state] node))
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