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Created March 4, 2017 00:08
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Renders coins and headaches
;; This buffer is for Clojure experiments and evaluation.
;; Press C-j to evaluate the last expression.
;; Hey Sameer, thanks again for taking the time today. I'm afraid my
;; solution is gonna be a little disappointing; nonetheless I wanted
;; to share it.
;; The algorithm I wanted to write was: for each coin, there is a
;; positive sequence of values that represent c0, c1 ... cn where n
;; cannot be greater than the value of the change targeted. Iterating
;; over all the (finite) combinations of those sequences would either
;; yield a match or not.
;; I knew how to generate those combinations using `for`:
(defn coin-seq [value max]
(range 0 max value))
(let [x 12]
(for [c1 (coin-seq 1 x)
c2 (coin-seq 5 x)
c3 (coin-seq 10 x)]
{:coins (zipmap [1 5 10] [c1 c2 c3]) :amount (apply + [c1 c2 c3])}))
;;=> ({:coins {1 0, 5 0, 10 0}, :amount 0} {:coins {1 0, 5 0, 10 10}, :amount 10} {:coins {1 0, 5 5, 10 0}, :amount 5} {:coins {1 0, 5 5, 10 10}, :amount 15} {:coins {1 0, 5 10, 10 0}, :amount 10} {:coins {1 0, 5 10, 10 10}, :amount 20} {:coins {1 1, 5 0, 10 0}, :amount 1} {:coins {1 1, 5 0, 10 10}, :amount 11} {:coins {1 1, 5 5, 10 0}, :amount 6} {:coins {1 1, 5 5, 10 10}, :amount 16} {:coins {1 1, 5 10, 10 0}, :amount 11} {:coins {1 1, 5 10, 10 10}, :amount 21} {:coins {1 2, 5 0, 10 0}, :amount 2} {:coins {1 2, 5 0, 10 10}, :amount 12} {:coins {1 2, 5 5, 10 0}, :amount 7} {:coins {1 2, 5 5, 10 10}, :amount 17} {:coins {1 2, 5 10, 10 0}, :amount 12} {:coins {1 2, 5 10, 10 10}, :amount 22} {:coins {1 3, 5 0, 10 0}, :amount 3} {:coins {1 3, 5 0, 10 10}, :amount 13} {:coins {1 3, 5 5, 10 0}, :amount 8} {:coins {1 3, 5 5, 10 10}, :amount 18} {:coins {1 3, 5 10, 10 0}, :amount 13} {:coins {1 3, 5 10, 10 10}, :amount 23} {:coins {1 4, 5 0, 10 0}, :amount 4} {:coins {1 4, 5 0, 10 10}, :amount 14} {:coins {1 4, 5 5, 10 0}, :amount 9} {:coins {1 4, 5 5, 10 10}, :amount 19} {:coins {1 4, 5 10, 10 0}, :amount 14} {:coins {1 4, 5 10, 10 10}, :amount 24} {:coins {1 5, 5 0, 10 0}, :amount 5} {:coins {1 5, 5 0, 10 10}, :amount 15} {:coins {1 5, 5 5, 10 0}, :amount 10} {:coins {1 5, 5 5, 10 10}, :amount 20} {:coins {1 5, 5 10, 10 0}, :amount 15} {:coins {1 5, 5 10, 10 10}, :amount 25} {:coins {1 6, 5 0, 10 0}, :amount 6} {:coins {1 6, 5 0, 10 10}, :amount 16} {:coins {1 6, 5 5, 10 0}, :amount 11} {:coins {1 6, 5 5, 10 10}, :amount 21} {:coins {1 6, 5 10, 10 0}, :amount 16} {:coins {1 6, 5 10, 10 10}, :amount 26} {:coins {1 7, 5 0, 10 0}, :amount 7} {:coins {1 7, 5 0, 10 10}, :amount 17} {:coins {1 7, 5 5, 10 0}, :amount 12} {:coins {1 7, 5 5, 10 10}, :amount 22} {:coins {1 7, 5 10, 10 0}, :amount 17} {:coins {1 7, 5 10, 10 10}, :amount 27} {:coins {1 8, 5 0, 10 0}, :amount 8} {:coins {1 8, 5 0, 10 10}, :amount 18} {:coins {1 8, 5 5, 10 0}, :amount 13} {:coins {1 8, 5 5, 10 10}, :amount 23} {:coins {1 8, 5 10, 10 0}, :amount 18} {:coins {1 8, 5 10, 10 10}, :amount 28} {:coins {1 9, 5 0, 10 0}, :amount 9} {:coins {1 9, 5 0, 10 10}, :amount 19} {:coins {1 9, 5 5, 10 0}, :amount 14} {:coins {1 9, 5 5, 10 10}, :amount 24} {:coins {1 9, 5 10, 10 0}, :amount 19} {:coins {1 9, 5 10, 10 10}, :amount 29} {:coins {1 10, 5 0, 10 0}, :amount 10} {:coins {1 10, 5 0, 10 10}, :amount 20} {:coins {1 10, 5 5, 10 0}, :amount 15} {:coins {1 10, 5 5, 10 10}, :amount 25} {:coins {1 10, 5 10, 10 0}, :amount 20} {:coins {1 10, 5 10, 10 10}, :amount 30} {:coins {1 11, 5 0, 10 0}, :amount 11} {:coins {1 11, 5 0, 10 10}, :amount 21} {:coins {1 11, 5 5, 10 0}, :amount 16} {:coins {1 11, 5 5, 10 10}, :amount 26} {:coins {1 11, 5 10, 10 0}, :amount 21} {:coins {1 11, 5 10, 10 10}, :amount 31})
;; From there it's easy to filter so that `:amount` matches our `x` and return `:coins`.
;; But alas, that approach using `for` to generate the cartesian product of all combinations
;; only works if you can hard-code in the coins, which we can't do in our problem.
;; I took a stab at a cartesian product formula by myself, but timed
;; out on it. Googling, it's fairly easy to find Alan Malloy's drop-in
;; function for that, but I don't think it's cool to pass that off
;; like I figured it out myself. In a real-life situation, I'd of
;; course use it and move forward to this:
(defn cart
(if (empty? colls)
(for [x (first colls)
more (cart (rest colls))]
(cons x more))))
(defn change [coinset x]
(let [coin-seqs (map #(coin-seq % x) coinset)]
(or ((comp :coins first)
(filter #(= x (:amount %))
(map #(hash-map :amount (apply + %) :coins (zipmap coinset %))
(cart coin-seqs))))
(change [1 5 10] 12)
;;=> {1 2, 5 0, 10 10}
(change [5 10] 12)
;; => :error
;; In terms of optimizations, we could short-circuit if x is smaller
;; than `(apply min coinset)`; that's pretty low-hanging fruit. I'd
;; need to give more thought to optimize further.
;; Like I said, appreciated meeting with you and wish you lots of
;; encouragement on the product; I think you got something (not just
;; saying that).
;; Have a good weekend.
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