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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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(ns ^:figwheel-always hello-world.core
[reagent.core :as reagent]))
;; impl
(defn- random-color []
(str "rgb(" (rand-int 255) "," (rand-int 255) "," (rand-int 255) ")"))
(defn- set-background! [color-string]
(set! (.-backgroundColor (.-style js/document.body)) color-string))
;; db
(defonce app-state
{:name-of-the-game "10 clicks and it's over"
:clicks 0
:button-text "The is the clicker."}))
;; view
(def app-styles
{:text-align "center"
:line-height "7em"})
(defn button-click-handler [_]
(swap! app-state update-in [:clicks] inc)
(when (< (:clicks @app-state) 10)
(set-background! (random-color))))
(def button-styles
{:background "linear-gradient(gold, orange)" :text-shadow "0 1px 1px #888"
:color "#fff" :padding "12px 18px" :font-size "24px"
:border "none" :border-radius "4px"})
(defn click-message [clicks]
(cond (= clicks 0) "Go ahead, click the button."
(< clicks 9) (str "You've clicked " clicks " "
(if (= clicks 1) "time" "times")
". Feel free to click it again.")
(= clicks 9) "I would not click again."
:else "Nice job. You broke it."))
(defn hello-world []
(let [{:keys [name-of-the-game clicks button-text]} @app-state]
{:style app-styles}
(click-message clicks)]
{:on-click button-click-handler, :style button-styles :disabled (> clicks 9)}
;; main
(. js/document (getElementById "app"))
(defn on-js-reload []
;; optionally touch your app-state to force rerendering depending on
;; your application
;; (swap! app-state update-in [:__figwheel_counter] inc)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<div id="app"></div>
<script src="js/compiled/hello_world.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
(defproject hello-world "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "FIXME: write this!"
:url ""
:license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
:url ""}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]
[org.clojure/clojurescript "0.0-3211"]
[org.clojure/core.async "0.1.346.0-17112a-alpha"]
[reagent "0.5.0-alpha3"]]
:plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.0.5"]
[lein-figwheel "0.3.1"]]
:source-paths ["src"]
:clean-targets ^{:protect false} ["resources/public/js/compiled" "target"]
:cljsbuild {
:builds [{:id "dev"
:source-paths ["src"]
:figwheel { :on-jsload "hello-world.core/on-js-reload" }
:compiler {:main hello-world.core
:asset-path "js/compiled/out"
:output-to "resources/public/js/compiled/hello_world.js"
:output-dir "resources/public/js/compiled/out"
:source-map-timestamp true }}
{:id "min"
:source-paths ["src"]
:compiler {:output-to "resources/public/js/compiled/hello_world.js"
:main hello-world.core
:optimizations :advanced
:pretty-print false}}]}
:figwheel {
;; :http-server-root "public" ;; default and assumes "resources"
;; :server-port 3449 ;; default
:css-dirs ["resources/public/css"] ;; watch and update CSS
;; Start an nREPL server into the running figwheel process
:nrepl-port 7888
;; Server Ring Handler (optional)
;; if you want to embed a ring handler into the figwheel http-kit
;; server, this is for simple ring servers, if this
;; doesn't work for you just run your own server :)
;; :ring-handler hello_world.server/handler
;; To be able to open files in your editor from the heads up display
;; you will need to put a script on your path.
;; that script will have to take a file path and a line number
;; ie. in ~/bin/myfile-opener
;; #! /bin/sh
;; emacsclient -n +$2 $1
;; :open-file-command "myfile-opener"
;; if you want to disable the REPL
;; :repl false
;; to configure a different figwheel logfile path
;; :server-logfile "tmp/logs/figwheel-logfile.log"
/* some style */
body {
transition: all 1s linear;
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