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workshop docker / docker-compose


  • everything you learn you actually already know

    • it's absolutly the same as with just docker
    • only difference is, it's more declerative
  • let's learn and compare pure docker vs docker-compose


  • repeat docker basics

  • docker-compose

    • docker-compose.yaml in detail
    • docker vs docker-compose(.yaml)
  • issue on mac

    • if you run into docker.credentials.errors.StoreError: Credentials store docker-credential-desktop exited with "No stored credential for".
    • try
    • in cat ~/.docker/config.json
    • set "credsStore" : ""



  • example: makefile only docker vs docker-compose
    • => docker-compose is much simpler
    • auto naming
    • easy cleanup
    • easy networking
    • declarative

create & validate yaml

  • val:
     mkdir -p /tmp/workshops/docker/
     cd /tmp/workshops/docker/
     # create yaml
     touch docker-compose.yaml
     # validate
     docker-compose config
     # => should fail with smth like:
     # $
     # `ERROR: Top level object in './docker-compose.yaml' needs to be an object not '<class 'NoneType'>'.`
     # make docker-compose.yaml valid
     echo 'version: "3.8"' > docker-compose.yaml
     # validate again
     docker-compose config
     # works also, but not recommendet:
     echo '{}' > docker-compose.yaml
     docker-compose config
     # => should return:
     # $
     # services: {}
     # version: '1'

docker vs docker-compose(.yaml)

let's compare docker and docker-compose

# docker pull nginx:1.18.0

basic setup

cd /tmp
mkdir -p /tmp/workshops/docker

#for example XYZ
mkdir -p /tmp/workshops/docker/example01

cd /tmp/workshops/docker/example01

touch docker-compose.yaml

nano docker-compose.yaml

# ...
  • pure docker example cleanups (for every example) cleanup:
docker ps
# grap container id, e.g. `35435345345`
docker stop 35435345345
docker rm 35435345345

example1 - simple single nginx container

  • step 0 - setup

    • do pure docker cleanup
  • step 1 - docker recap docker:

     docker run -d nginx:1.18.0-alpine
  • step 2 - docker-compose (new / learn)

    • docker-compose.yaml:
       version: "3.8"
       	image: "nginx:1.18.0-alpine"
    • run it - docker-compose up:
       docker-compose up -d
  • step 3 - cleanup

    • todo

example2 - simple single nginx container - with port

  • step 0 - info / setup

  • step 1 - docker recap

    • with docker:

       docker run -d -p 10080:80 nginx:1.18.0-alpine
    • again the left port is the host port, the right port is the container port

      • which is also the port listened on from nginx (@see ...)
    • check:

       curl localhost:8080
  • setp 2 - docker-compose (new / learn)

    • setup

      • docker-compose.yaml:
         version: "3.8"
         	image: "nginx:1.18.0-alpine"
         	  - "10080:80"
    • cmd's

      • docker-compose up
         docker-compose up -d
    • checking

       docker ps
       # vs
       docker-compose ps
       # return smth like
       # ... `example02_my-nginx-svc_1` <= name
    • cleanup tear down:

       docker-compose down

example_03 - pure php container

  • step 0 - info / setup

    • info
      • container with just php
      • we only can run a php script
      • container will stop after script finsihes
      • webserver example is next up
    • setup
      • dir setup:

         cd /tmp
         mkdir -p /tmp/workshops/docker
         mkdir -p /tmp/workshops/docker/example_03
         cd /tmp/workshops/docker/example_03
         touch index.php
         touch Dockerfile
         touch docker-compose.yaml
      • index.php:

         echo "Hello World, from php script";
      • Dockerfile:

         FROM php:7.4.16-cli-alpine3.13
         COPY index.php /
         # note:
         # the entrypoint from the `php:7.4.16-cli-alpine3.13` image (looked up on ``) looks like:
         # ENTRYPOINT ["docker-php-entrypoint"]
         # CMD ["php", "-a"]
         # note:
         # - we have to overwrite the entrypoint or CMD, to point to our script
         # (which we copied into the container image)
         # ENTRYPOINT => the cmd which will be executed when the container starts
         # CMD => arguments passed to the entrypoint
         # the naming is historical bad
         ENTRYPOINT ["docker-php-entrypoint", "php", "/index.php"]
         # note:
         # use CMD only to define _DEFAULT_ arguments for your actual command
         # see: fore more info
         # example:
         # given entrypoint looks like:
         # ENTRYPOINT ["docker-php-entrypoint", "php"]
         # (note we didn't add  the `php` executable here):
         # CMD ["/index.php"]
      • Dockerfile (no comments):

         FROM php:7.4.16-cli-alpine3.13
         COPY index.php /
         ENTRYPOINT ["docker-php-entrypoint", "php", "/index.php"]
  • step 1 - docker recap

    • docker:
       # build + tag image
       docker build -t dw-php-cli-example .
       # run
       docker run dw-php-cli-example
       # check
       docker ps -a
       # expecting smth like:
       # 98417012f685   dw-php-cli-example   "docker-php-entrypoi…"   7 seconds ago   Exited (0) 5 seconds ago             inspiring_swartz
       # clean up
       docker rm <container-id>
       # with auto-remove
       docker run --rm dw-php-cli-example
  • setp 2 - docker-compose (new / learn)

    • todo

example_XX - apache (only shown to participants, not played through)

  • step 0 - setup Dockerfile:

     FROM httpd:2.4.46
     COPY ./public-html/ /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/
  • step 1 - docker recap docker:

     docker run -dit --name my-running-app -p 8080:80 my-apache2
     docker run -d --rm -p 10080:80 httpd:2.4.46

example_04 - php + webserver (apache httpd, skipping nginx setup bec. of time)

  • step 0 - setup
    • index.php:
       echo "Hello World, from webserver";
    • Dockerfile:
       FROM php:7.4.16-apache-buster
       COPY index.php /var/www/html/index.php
  • step 1 - docker recap
    • build:
       docker build -t dw-php-apach-example .
    • run:
       docker run -d --rm -p 10080:80 dw-php-apach-example
    • check:
      curl localhost:10080
      or check via browser
    • cleanup ...
  • setp 2 - docker-compose (new / learn)
    • docker-compose.yaml
     version: "3.8"
     	  context: "."
     	  dockerfile: Dockerfile
     	  - "10080:80"
    • build
     docker-compose build
     docker-compose build my-php-apache
    • run
     docker-compose up -d
    • check
     docker-compose ps
     curl localhost:10080
    • clean up
     docker-compose down -t 1
    • check docker ps -a

example_05 - php + webserver (apache httpd) + postgres

  • step 0 - setup

    • index.php:
       declare(strict_types = 1);
       $pgHost = $_ENV["MYAPP_POSTGRES_HOST"] ?? 'localhost';
       echo $pgHost;
      • side note
         #$foo = "" ?? "bar"; # => ""
         #$foo = "" :? "bar"; # => "bar"
    • index.php:
       declare(strict_types = 1);
       # plan of attack:
       # - handle env vars proper
       # - get current timestamp
       # - try to create table if not existing
       # - try to save new time stamp
       # - look up saved time stamps
       # - on success display last 100 timestamps
       # check env vars which are not ment to have a default
       # and FAIL obviously and have good cli output to point user in right direction
       if (!function_exists('returnSystemEnv')) {
       	function returnSystemEnv($envKey, $fallback = false)
       		$value = getenv($envKey);
       		if ($value === false && $fallback === false) {
       			throw new Error('value for environment variable "' . $envKey . '" is missing');
       		if ($value === false && $fallback !== false) {
       			return $fallback;
       		return $value;
       # handle env vars
       $pgHost = returnSystemEnv('MYAPP_POSTGRES_HOST');
       $pgPort = returnSystemEnv(
       	'MYAPP_POSTGRES_PORT',  #env key
       	'5432',                 #fallback value
       $pgUser = returnSystemEnv("MYAPP_POSTGRES_USER");
       $pgUserPass = returnSystemEnv("MYAPP_POSTGRES_USER_PASSWORD");
       $pgDbName = returnSystemEnv("MYAPP_POSTGRES_DB_NAME");
       $pdoString = "pgsql:host=${pgHost}; port=${pgPort}; user=${pgUser}; password=${pgUserPass}; dbname=${pgDbName};";
       #$pdoString = sprintf('pgsql:host=%s; port=%s; ', $pgHost, $pgPort)
       $currentTimestamp = date_timestamp_get(date_create());
       $table = 'timestamps_for_visits';
       $sqlCreateIfNotExist = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $table (";
       $sqlCreateIfNotExist .= "timestamp_id SERIAL,";
       $sqlCreateIfNotExist .= "timestamp varchar(255) NOT NULL";
       $sqlCreateIfNotExist .= ");";
       $sqlInsertTimestamp = "INSERT INTO $table (timestamp) VALUES ($currentTimestamp);";
       try {
       	$pdo = new PDO($pdoString);
       	// if($pdo->exec($sql) !== false) { return 1; }
       	$resCreateIf = $pdo->exec($sqlCreateIfNotExist);
       	// var_dump($resCreateIf);
       	$resInsert = $pdo->exec($sqlInsertTimestamp);
       	// var_dump($resCreateIf);
       	$stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT timestamp FROM $table ORDER BY timestamp_id DESC LIMIT 100");
       	while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
       		echo $row['timestamp']."<br />\n";
       } catch (Throwable $e) {
       	echo 'Very nice way to catch Exception and Error exceptions';
       	echo "\n";
       	echo $e;
       	echo "\n";
       	die("Could not connect");
    • docker
       docker pull postgres:9.6.21-alpine
       docker pull adminer
    • Dockerfile:
       FROM php:7.4.16-apache-buster
       RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
       	libpq-dev \
       	&& apt-get clean \
       	&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*
       RUN docker-php-ext-install pdo pdo_pgsql pgsql
       COPY index.php /var/www/html/index.php
    • docker-compose.yaml
       version: "3.8"
       	image: postgres:9.6.21-alpine
       	restart: always
       	  POSTGRES_USER: root
       	  POSTGRES_PASSWORD: example
       	  POSTGRES_DB: mydb
       	image: adminer
       	restart: always
       	  - 18080:8080
       	  context: "."
       	  dockerfile: Dockerfile
       	  - "10080:80"
       	  MYAPP_POSTGRES_HOST: foo
  • step 1 - docker recap

    • build:
       docker build -t dw-php-apach-example .
    • run:
       docker run -d --rm -p 10080:80 --name example_05_app \
       -e MYAPP_POSTGRES_HOST=db \
       -e MYAPP_POSTGRES_PORT=5432 \
       -e MYAPP_POSTGRES_USER=root \
       -e MYAPP_POSTGRES_DB_NAME=mydb \
       docker run -d --rm --name example_05_db \
       -e POSTGRES_USER=root \
       -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=example \
       -e POSTGRES_DB=mydb \
       docker run -d --rm -p 18080:8080 --name example_05_adminer \
    • create & join network
       docker network create -d bridge example_05_net
       # docker network connect [OPTIONS] NETWORK CONTAINER
       docker network connect --alias="my-php-apache" example_05_net example_05_app
       docker network connect --alias="db" example_05_net example_05_db
       docker network connect --alias="adminer" example_05_net example_05_adminer
    • help script
      • setup
         chmod +x
      • content:
         set -euxo pipefail
         docker stop example_05_app 2> /dev/null || true
         docker stop example_05_db 2> /dev/null || true
         docker stop example_05_adminer 2> /dev/null || true
         docker build -t dw-php-apach-example .
         docker run -d --rm -p 10080:80 --name example_05_app \
         	-e MYAPP_POSTGRES_HOST=db \
         	-e MYAPP_POSTGRES_PORT=5432 \
         	-e MYAPP_POSTGRES_USER=root \
         	-e MYAPP_POSTGRES_USER_PASSWORD=example \
         	-e MYAPP_POSTGRES_DB_NAME=root_db \
         docker run -d --rm --name example_05_db \
         	-e POSTGRES_USER=root \
         	-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=example \
         	-e POSTGRES_DB=root_db \
         docker run -d --rm -p 18080:8080 --name example_05_adminer \
         docker network connect --alias="my-php-apache" example_05_net example_05_app
         docker network connect --alias="db" example_05_net example_05_db
         docker network connect --alias="adminer" example_05_net example_05_adminer
    • check:
      curl localhost:10080
      or check via browser
    • cleanup
       docker stop example_05_db;
       docker stop example_05_app;
       docker network rm example_05_net;
       # maybe cleanup images ...

example_06 - php/laravel + webserver (apache httpd) + postgres


  • static-site example with nginx
  • php application
  • php application with postgress
  • php laravel application setup (db included + migrations)
  • just running docker run creates always a new instance, while docker-compose doesn't
    • shoe docker create and docker start and dorkcer stop in detail vs docker run
  • accessing postgres via cli tools via docker exec
  • accessing postgress via external client after forwarding container port to host
  • running smth like a init job????
  • docker things we might need to talk about???:
    • build context (often .)
    • using existing img (and cmd) vs building and using own image (on cmd + d-compose)
    • mount file/volume over file in container (over copied file in image)
  • a lot of image building is try and error
    • it's bec of the deps
    • you don't know what combination is going to work
    • os + software + libs + drivers + clients + ...
  • seperate CREATE db and app using db
    • havind smth like an init container / job / makefile script
    • app itself only uses db and fails iff no connection
  • env vars vs secrets (handling)
  • env vars namespaced more detailed example
    • when you do it vs when you don't
  • improvemt
    • last 100 timestamps as title
  • atendee info slides
    • after show single slides with infos they can use to build the example
    • show less new stuff with more complexe examlpe
  • git
    • after exercie use base line commit to bring everyone back on the same page


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