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Writing a book: The Deno Encyclopedia

Pablo Andrés Dorado Suárez pandres95

Writing a book: The Deno Encyclopedia
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pandres95 /
Created May 6, 2024 14:56
#6: Moving `1 KSM` from Asset Hub, back home (Proposal 3/3)

Last week, I started an experiment both to test new treasury.spend, and to test XCM Capabilities we have as communities. So, I submitted [ref. #383][kusama:ref:383] where I asked for 1.1 KSM from the Treasury (with the particularity of having deposited those 1.1 KSM) to the Virto account in Kusama Asset Hub.

Now, to complete this process, I need to invoke the community's governance to make two more moves:

  1. ✅ Moving 1.05 KSM from Virto Account in Kusama Asset Hub to Virto Account in Kusama.
  2. ✅ Moving 1 KSM from Virto Account in Kusama to Virto Account in Kreivo.
  3. Moving 1 KSM from Virto Account in Kreivo to my account (HUf7Nvfhp85yFZm31zV2ux8h1946Bzzmos2jqGGhp3bWXD4)
pandres95 /
Created May 6, 2024 00:37
#5: Moving `1 KSM` from Asset Hub, back home (Proposal 2/3)

Last week, I started an experiment both to test new treasury.spend, and to test XCM Capabilities we have as communities. So, I submitted [ref. #383][kusama:ref:383] where I asked for 1.1 KSM from the Treasury (with the particularity of having deposited those 1.1 KSM) to the Virto account in Kusama Asset Hub.

Now, to complete this process, I need to invoke the community's governance to make two more moves:

  1. ✅ Moving 1.05 KSM from Virto Account in Kusama Asset Hub to Virto Account in Kusama.
  2. Moving 1 KSM from Virto Account in Kusama to Virto Account in Kreivo.
  3. Moving 1 KSM from Virto Account in Kreivo to my account (HUf7Nvfhp85yFZm31zV2ux8h1946Bzzmos2jqGGhp3bWXD4)
pandres95 /
Last active May 6, 2024 00:39
#4: Moving `1 KSM` from Asset Hub, back home (Proposal 1/2)

Last week, I started an experiment both to test new treasury.spend, and to test XCM Capabilities we have as communities. So, I submitted [ref. #383][kusama:ref:383] where I asked for 1.1 KSM from the Treasury (with the particularity of having deposited those 1.1 KSM) to the Virto account in Kusama Asset Hub.

Now, to complete this process, I need to invoke the community's governance to make two more moves:

  1. ✅ Moving 1.05 KSM from Virto Account in Kusama Asset Hub to Virto Account in Kusama.
  2. Moving 1 KSM from Virto Account in Kusama to Virto Account in Kreivo.
  3. Moving 1 KSM from Virto Account in Kreivo to my account (HUf7Nvfhp85yFZm31zV2ux8h1946Bzzmos2jqGGhp3bWXD4)
pandres95 /
Last active April 30, 2024 13:33
Promote pandres95 to Dan I
author date description
Pablo Andrés Dorado Suárez
Promote pandres95 to Dan I

Hello Fellows!

I am Pablo Dorado (@pandres95, 12gMhxHw8QjEwLQvnqsmMVY1z5gFa54vND74aMUbhhwN6mJR), PBA Alumn (Wave 3) and polkadot-sdk contributor. Since my candidacy has been accepted in last Nov 2023, I've been commited in contributing with codebase that brings technical value to the ecosystem.

pandres95 / external.json
Last active October 9, 2023 08:23
"providers": {
"parity": {
"active": "1",
"endpoints": {
"polkadot": "wss://",
"kusama": "wss://"
pandres95 / clean-git
Created January 2, 2019 01:04
Recursively removes ignored files inside git repos across a folder.
for dir in $(find . -type d); do
cd $cwd
dir=${dir// /\\ }
echo $dir
if ls "$dir" &> /dev/null; then
const BreakException = {};
try {
for (let e of postsAffiliate) {
if (e.type === 'video') {
if (parseInt(e.object_id) === parseInt(lastId)) {
// Es igual. Rompe la secuencia.
} else {
const searchDb = await mysql.searchPostOnPosts(e.object_id);
pandres95 / fittieR-happieR.ipynb
Last active September 26, 2018 19:24
fittieR happieR
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
pandres95 /
Last active May 16, 2017 11:25
Permissions checker in bool.js


  1. Create a folder called middleware, below the project folder.
  2. Add the middleware files.
  3. Insert the dependencies on index.js
  4. Modify the passport DAO to add the permissions in the user response.
pandres95 /
Last active February 6, 2017 12:55
Read environment variables from process
process | {
while IFS= read -r line
set -f
array=(${line//:/ })
export ${array[0]}=${array[1]}