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Created May 28, 2010 19:12
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module FsJson
open System
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
type Json =
| JsonObject of JsonSlot list
| JsonString of String
| JsonNumber of float
| JsonBool of bool
| JsonNull
| JsonArray of list<Json>
and JsonSlot = String * Json
let matchToken pattern source =
let modifiedPattern = pattern |> sprintf "\A(%s)((?s).*)"
let matched = Regex.Match(source, modifiedPattern)
if matched.Success then
(matched.Groups.[1].Value, matched.Groups.[2].Value) |> Some
let (|WS|_|) = matchToken "[ |\t|\n|\n\r|\r]+"
let rec (|Star|_|) f acc s =
match f s with
| Some(m, rest) -> (|Star|_|) f (m::acc) rest
| None -> (acc |> List.rev, s) |> Some
let (|Token|_|) pattern s =
match (|Star|_|) (|WS|_|) [] s with
| Some (_, rest) -> matchToken pattern rest
| _ -> None
let (|PJsonNumber|_|) s =
match s with
| Token @"-?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?\b" (v, rest) ->
match Double.TryParse(v) with
| (true, i) -> Some(i, rest)
| _ -> None
| _ -> None
let (|PJsonString|_|) s =
match s with
| Token @"""(?s).*?(?<!\\)""" (v, rest) -> (v, rest) |> Some
| _ -> None
//Note: Additional work is needed here to resolve quotes, newlines and encoded characters
let rec (|PJsonValue|_|) (s: String) =
match s with
| PJsonString (v, rest) -> (JsonString(v), rest) |> Some
| PJsonNumber (n, rest) -> (JsonNumber(n), rest) |> Some
| Token "true" (b, rest) -> (JsonBool(Boolean.Parse(b)), rest) |> Some
| Token "false" (b, rest) -> (JsonBool(Boolean.Parse(b)), rest) |> Some
| Token "null" (_,rest) -> (JsonNull,rest) |> Some
| Token "{" (_, PJsonObject(slots, Token "}" (_,rest))) -> (JsonObject(slots), rest) |> Some
| Token "\[" (_, PJsonArray(values, Token "\]" (_, rest))) -> (JsonArray(values), rest) |> Some
//we could have returned None for the default case here
//but the following help us to locate errors better with incorrectly formatted json
| Token "," (_,_) -> None
| Token "\]" (_,_) -> None
| Token "}" (_,_) -> None
| _ -> failwith ("unable to parse json value at " + s)
and (|PJsonArray|) s =
match s with
| Star (|PArrayValue|_|) [] (values, rest) -> (values, rest)
| _ -> failwith "unable to parse array"
and (|PJsonObject|) s =
match s with
| Star (|PJsonSlot|_|) [] (slots, rest) -> (slots, rest)
| _ -> failwith "unable to parse object"
and (|PJsonSlot|_|) s =
match s with
| PJsonString(n, Token ":" (_, PSlotValue(v,rest))) -> ((n,v),rest) |> Some
|_ -> None
and (|PArrayValue|_|) s =
match s with
| PJsonValue (v, rest) ->
match rest with
| Token "," (_,rest2) -> (v,rest2) |> Some
| Token "\]" (_,_) -> (v,rest) |> Some
| _ -> failwith ("Expecting a ',' or ']' at " + rest)
| _ -> None
and (|PSlotValue|_|) s =
match s with
| PJsonValue (v, rest) ->
match rest with
| Token "," (_,rest2) -> (v,rest2) |> Some
| Token "}" (_,_) -> (v,rest) |> Some
| _ -> failwith ("Expecting a ',' or '}' at " + rest)
| _ -> None
let parseJson (s:String) =
match s with
| PJsonValue (_, json) -> json
| _ -> failwith "unable to parse"
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