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Forked from spatney/Thermometer.ts
Created February 5, 2020 16:18
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Custom Visual for Power BI: Thermometer
module powerbi.visuals {
export interface ViewModel {
value: number;
color?: string;
min?: number;
max?: number;
export class Thermometer implements IVisual {
public static capabilities: VisualCapabilities = {
dataRoles: [
name: 'Category',
kind: powerbi.VisualDataRoleKind.Grouping,
displayName: 'Time'
name: 'Y',
kind: powerbi.VisualDataRoleKind.Measure,
displayName: 'Temperature'
dataViewMappings: [{
categorical: {
categories: {
for: { in: 'Category' },
dataReductionAlgorithm: { bottom: {} }
values: {
select: [{ for: { in: 'Y' } }],
dataReductionAlgorithm: { bottom: {} }
objects: {
general: {
displayName: 'General',
properties: {
fill: {
type: { fill: { solid: { color: true } } },
displayName: 'Fill'
max: {
type: { numeric: true },
displayName: 'Max'
min: {
type: { numeric: true },
displayName: 'Min'
public static converter(dataView: DataView, colors: IDataColorPalette): ViewModel {
var series = dataView.categorical.values;
return { value: series[0].values[series[0].values.length-1]}
private svg: D3.Selection;
private backCircle: D3.Selection;
private backRect: D3.Selection;
private fillCircle: D3.Selection;
private fillRect: D3.Selection;
private tempMarkings: D3.Selection;
private text: D3.Selection;
private data: ViewModel;
private dataView: DataView;
/** This is called once when the visual is initialially created */
public init(options: VisualInitOptions): void {
var svg = this.svg =
.classed('thermometer', true);
var mainGroup = svg.append('g');
this.backRect = mainGroup.append('rect');
this.backCircle = mainGroup.append('circle');
this.fillRect = mainGroup.append('rect');
this.fillCircle = mainGroup.append('circle');
this.text = mainGroup.append('text');
this.tempMarkings = svg.append("g")
.attr("class", "y axis");
/** Update is called for data updates, resizes & formatting changes */
public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
if(!options.dataViews) return;
window.console.log('has data')
var dataView = this.dataView = options.dataViews[0]; = Thermometer.converter(options.dataViews[0],null); = Thermometer.getValue(dataView,'max',90); = Thermometer.getValue(dataView,'min',28);
var viewport = options.viewport;
var height = viewport.height;
var width = viewport.width;
var duration = options.suppressAnimations?0: 1000;
this.svg.attr({ 'height': height, 'width': width });
this.draw(width, height, duration);
public draw(width: number, height: number, duration: number) {
var radius = height * 0.1;
var padding = radius * 0.25;
this.drawBack(width, height, radius);
this.drawFill(width, height, radius, padding, duration);
this.drawTicks(width,height,radius, padding);
this.drawText(width, height, radius, padding);
public drawBack(width: number, height: number, radius: number){
var rectHeight = height - radius;
var fill = 'D3C8B4';
'cx': width / 2,
'cy': rectHeight,
'r': radius
'fill': fill
'x': (width - radius) / 2,
'y': 0,
'width': radius,
'height': rectHeight
'fill': fill
public drawFill(width: number, height: number, radius: number, padding: number, duration: number) {
var innerRadius = radius * 0.8;
var fillWidth = innerRadius * 0.7;
var ZeroValue = height - (radius * 2) - padding;
var fill = Thermometer.getFill(this.dataView).solid.color;
var min =;
var max =;
var value = > max ? max :;
var percentage = (ZeroValue - padding) * ((value - min)/(max-min))
var rectHeight = height - radius;
'cx': width / 2,
'cy': rectHeight,
'r': innerRadius
'fill': fill
'fill': fill
'x': (width - fillWidth) / 2,
'width': fillWidth,
'y': ZeroValue - percentage,
'height': rectHeight - ZeroValue +percentage
private drawTicks(width: number, height: number, radius: number, padding: number){
var y = d3.scale.linear().range([height - (radius * 2) - padding, padding]);
var yAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(y).ticks(4).orient("right");
.attr("transform", "translate(" + ((width + radius) / 2 + (radius * 0.15)) + ",0)")
'font-size':(radius * 0.03) + 'em',
'font-family': 'Tahoma',
'fill': '#333'
this.tempMarkings.selectAll('.axis line, .axis path')
.style({'stroke': '#333', 'fill': 'none'});
private drawText(width: number, height: number, radius: number, padding: number){
.text(( > ? :|0)
.attr({ 'x': width / 2, y: height - radius, 'dy': '.35em' })
'fill': 'white',
'text-anchor': 'middle',
'font-family': 'impact',
'font-size': (radius * 0.055) + 'em' })
public enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstance[] {
var instances: VisualObjectInstance[] = [];
var dataView = this.dataView;
switch (options.objectName) {
case 'general':
var general: VisualObjectInstance = {
objectName: 'general',
displayName: 'General',
selector: null,
properties: {
fill: Thermometer.getFill(dataView),
max: Thermometer.getValue(dataView,'max',90),
min: Thermometer.getValue(dataView,'min',28)
return instances;
private static getFill(dataView: DataView): Fill {
if (dataView) {
var objects = dataView.metadata.objects;
if (objects) {
var general = objects['general'];
if (general) {
var fill = <Fill>general['fill'];
if (fill)
return fill;
return { solid: { color: '#C02942'} };
private static getValue(dataView: DataView, key: string, defaultValue: number): number {
if (dataView) {
var objects = dataView.metadata.objects;
if (objects) {
var general = objects['general'];
if (general) {
var size = <number>general[key];
if (size != null)
return size;
return defaultValue;
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