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Last active December 7, 2021 20:27
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import Foundation
func loadInput() -> [Int] {
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/Volumes/Synology/Projects/Advent of Code 2021/Day 6/input-1.txt")
var s = ""
do {
s = try String(contentsOf: url)
catch {
print("Can't open \(url)")
return []
let input = s.split(separator: ",")
var allFish: [Int] = []
for inputLine in input {
return allFish
func calcPopulationFromOneFish(startValue: Int, days: Int) -> Int
var val = startValue
var pop = 1
var spawned = false
for day in 1 ... days {
spawned = false
val -= 1
if val == 0 {
spawned = true
val = 7
if spawned {
let daysLeft = days - day
if daysLeft > 0 {
let cachedValue = cache[daysLeft]
if cachedValue == -1 {
let spawnedFishPopulation = calcPopulationFromOneFish(startValue: 9, days: daysLeft)
pop += spawnedFishPopulation
cache[daysLeft] = spawnedFishPopulation
else {
pop += cachedValue
return pop
func part2() {
var total = 0
let days = 256
for startVal in allFish {
let result = calcPopulationFromOneFish(startValue: startVal, days: days)
total += result
let allFish = loadInput()
print("Initial state: \(allFish)")
var cache: [Int] = Array(repeating: -1, count: 1000)
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