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Nonnegative Tensor Factorization, based on the Matlab source code available at Jingu Kim's home page: Requires the installation of Numpy and Scikit-Tensor ( For examples, see main() function.
# Copyright (C) 2013 Istituto per l'Interscambio Scientifico I.S.I.
# You can contact us by email ( or write to:
# ISI Foundation, Via Alassio 11/c, 10126 Torino, Italy.
# This work is licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0
# Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# This program was written by Andre Panisson <> at
# the Data Science Lab of the ISI Foundation,
# and its development was partly supported by
# the EU FET project MULTIPLEX (grant number 317532).
Nonnegative Tensor Factorization, based on the Matlab source code
available at Jingu Kim's ( home page:
Requires the installation of Numpy and Scikit-Tensor
For examples, see main() function.
This code comes with no guarantee or warranty of any kind.
Created on Nov 2013
@author: Andre Panisson
@organization: ISI Foundation, Torino, Italy
import numpy as np
from numpy import zeros, ones, diff, kron, tile, any, all, linalg
import numpy.linalg as nla
import time
from sktensor import ktensor
def find(condition):
"Return the indices where ravel(condition) is true"
res, = np.nonzero(np.ravel(condition))
return res
def normalEqComb(AtA, AtB, PassSet=None):
""" Solve many systems of linear equations using combinatorial grouping.
M. H. Van Benthem and M. R. Keenan, J. Chemometrics 2004; 18: 441-450
AtA : numpy.array, shape (n,n)
AtB : numpy.array, shape (n,k)
Z : numpy.array, shape (n,k) - solution
if AtB.size == 0:
Z = np.zeros([])
elif (PassSet == None) or np.all(PassSet):
Z = nla.solve(AtA, AtB)
Z = np.zeros(AtB.shape)
if PassSet.shape[1] == 1:
if np.any(PassSet):
cols = PassSet.nonzero()[0]
Z[cols] = nla.solve(AtA[np.ix_(cols, cols)], AtB[cols])
# Both _column_group_loop() and _column_group_recursive() work well.
# Based on preliminary testing,
# _column_group_loop() is slightly faster for tiny k(<10), but
# _column_group_recursive() is faster for large k's.
grps = _column_group_recursive(PassSet)
for gr in grps:
cols = PassSet[:, gr[0]].nonzero()[0]
if cols.size > 0:
ix1 = np.ix_(cols, gr)
ix2 = np.ix_(cols, cols)
# scipy.linalg.cho_solve can be used instead of numpy.linalg.solve.
# For small n(<200), numpy.linalg.solve appears faster, whereas
# for large n(>500), scipy.linalg.cho_solve appears faster.
# Usage example of scipy.linalg.cho_solve:
# Z[ix1] = sla.cho_solve(sla.cho_factor(AtA[ix2]),AtB[ix1])
Z[ix1] = nla.solve(AtA[ix2], AtB[ix1])
return Z
def _column_group_recursive(B):
""" Given a binary matrix, find groups of the same columns
with a recursive strategy
B : numpy.array, True/False in each element
A list of arrays - each array contain indices of columns that are the same.
initial = np.arange(0, B.shape[1])
return [a for a in column_group_sub(B, 0, initial) if len(a) > 0]
def column_group_sub(B, i, cols):
vec = B[i][cols]
if len(cols) <= 1:
return [cols]
if i == (B.shape[0] - 1):
col_trues = cols[vec.nonzero()[0]]
col_falses = cols[(-vec).nonzero()[0]]
return [col_trues, col_falses]
col_trues = cols[vec.nonzero()[0]]
col_falses = cols[(-vec).nonzero()[0]]
after = column_group_sub(B, i + 1, col_trues)
after.extend(column_group_sub(B, i + 1, col_falses))
return after
def nnlsm_activeset(A, B, overwrite=0, isInputProd=0, init=None):
Nonnegativity Constrained Least Squares with Multiple Righthand Sides
using Active Set method
This function solves the following problem: given A and B, find X such that
minimize || AX-B ||_F^2 where X>=0 elementwise.
Charles L. Lawson and Richard J. Hanson,
Solving Least Squares Problems,
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1995
M. H. Van Benthem and M. R. Keenan,
Fast Algorithm for the Solution of Large-scale
Non-negativity-constrained Least Squares Problems,
J. Chemometrics 2004; 18: 441-450
Based on the Matlab version written by Jingu Kim (
School of Computational Science and Engineering,
Georgia Institute of Technology
A : input matrix (m x n) (by default),
or A'*A (n x n) if isInputProd==1
B : input matrix (m x k) (by default),
or A'*B (n x k) if isInputProd==1
overwrite : (optional, default:0)
if turned on, unconstrained least squares solution is computed
in the beginning
isInputProd : (optional, default:0)
if turned on, use (A'*A,A'*B) as input instead of (A,B)
init : (optional) initial value for X
X : the solution (n x k)
Y : A'*A*X - A'*B where X is the solution (n x k)
if isInputProd:
AtA = A
AtB = B
AtA =
AtB =
n, k = AtB.shape
MAX_ITER = n * 5
# set initial feasible solution
if overwrite:
X = normalEqComb(AtA, AtB)
PassSet = (X > 0).copy()
NotOptSet = any(X < 0)
elif init is not None:
X = init
X[X < 0] = 0
PassSet = (X > 0).copy()
NotOptSet = ones((1, k), dtype=np.bool)
X = zeros((n, k))
PassSet = zeros((n, k), dtype=np.bool)
NotOptSet = ones((1, k), dtype=np.bool)
Y = zeros((n, k))
if (~NotOptSet).any():
Y[:, ~NotOptSet] =[:, ~NotOptSet]) - AtB[:, ~NotOptSet]
NotOptCols = find(NotOptSet)
bigIter = 0
while NotOptCols.shape[0] > 0:
bigIter = bigIter + 1
# set max_iter for ill-conditioned (numerically unstable) case
if ((MAX_ITER > 0) & (bigIter > MAX_ITER)):
Z = normalEqComb(AtA, AtB[:, NotOptCols], PassSet[:, NotOptCols])
Z[abs(Z) < 1e-12] = 0 # for numerical stability.
InfeaSubSet = Z < 0
InfeaSubCols = find(any(InfeaSubSet, axis=0))
FeaSubCols = find(all(~InfeaSubSet, axis=0))
if InfeaSubCols.shape[0] > 0: # for infeasible cols
ZInfea = Z[:, InfeaSubCols]
InfeaCols = NotOptCols[InfeaSubCols]
Alpha = zeros((n, InfeaSubCols.shape[0]))
Alpha[:] = np.inf
ij = np.argwhere(InfeaSubSet[:, InfeaSubCols])
i = ij[:, 0]
j = ij[:, 1]
InfeaSubIx = np.ravel_multi_index((i, j), Alpha.shape)
if InfeaCols.shape[0] == 1:
InfeaIx = np.ravel_multi_index((i,
InfeaCols * ones((len(j), 1),
(n, k))
InfeaIx = np.ravel_multi_index((i, InfeaCols[j]), (n, k))
Alpha.ravel()[InfeaSubIx] = X.ravel()[InfeaIx] / \
(X.ravel()[InfeaIx] - ZInfea.ravel()[InfeaSubIx])
minVal, minIx = np.min(Alpha, axis=0), np.argmin(Alpha, axis=0)
Alpha[:, :] = kron(ones((n, 1)), minVal)
X[:, InfeaCols] = X[:, InfeaCols] + \
Alpha * (ZInfea - X[:, InfeaCols])
IxToActive = np.ravel_multi_index((minIx, InfeaCols), (n, k))
X.ravel()[IxToActive] = 0
PassSet.ravel()[IxToActive] = False
if FeaSubCols.shape[0] > 0: # for feasible cols
FeaCols = NotOptCols[FeaSubCols]
X[:, FeaCols] = Z[:, FeaSubCols]
Y[:, FeaCols] =[:, FeaCols]) - AtB[:, FeaCols]
Y[abs(Y) < 1e-12] = 0 # for numerical stability.
NotOptSubSet = (Y[:, FeaCols] < 0) & ~PassSet[:, FeaCols]
NewOptCols = FeaCols[all(~NotOptSubSet, axis=0)]
UpdateNotOptCols = FeaCols[any(NotOptSubSet, axis=0)]
if UpdateNotOptCols.shape[0] > 0:
minIx = np.argmin(Y[:, UpdateNotOptCols] * \
~PassSet[:, UpdateNotOptCols], axis=0)
idx = np.ravel_multi_index((minIx, UpdateNotOptCols), (n, k))
PassSet.ravel()[idx] = True
NotOptSet.T[NewOptCols] = False
NotOptCols = find(NotOptSet)
return X, Y
def nnlsm_blockpivot(A, B, isInputProd=0, init=None):
Nonnegativity Constrained Least Squares with Multiple Righthand Sides
using Block Principal Pivoting method
This function solves the following problem: given A and B, find X such that
minimize || AX-B ||_F^2 where X>=0 elementwise.
Jingu Kim and Haesun Park. Fast Nonnegative Matrix Factorization:
An Activeset-like Method and Comparisons.
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 33(6), pp. 3261-3281, 2011.
Based on the Matlab version written by Jingu Kim (
School of Computational Science and Engineering,
Georgia Institute of Technology
A : input matrix (m x n) (by default),
or A'*A (n x n) if isInputProd==1
B : input matrix (m x k) (by default),
or A'*B (n x k) if isInputProd==1
overwrite : (optional, default:0)
if turned on, unconstrained least squares solution is computed
in the beginning
isInputProd : (optional, default:0)
if turned on, use (A'*A,A'*B) as input instead of (A,B)
init : (optional) initial value for X
X : the solution (n x k)
Y : A'*A*X - A'*B where X is the solution (n x k)
if isInputProd:
AtA = A
AtB = B
AtA =
AtB =
n, k = AtB.shape
MAX_BIG_ITER = n * 5
# set initial feasible solution
X = zeros((n, k))
if init is None:
Y = - AtB
PassiveSet = zeros((n, k), dtype=np.bool)
PassiveSet = (init > 0).copy()
X = normalEqComb(AtA, AtB, PassiveSet)
Y = - AtB
# parameters
pbar = 3
P = zeros((1, k))
P[:] = pbar
Ninf = zeros((1, k))
Ninf[:] = n + 1
NonOptSet = (Y < 0) & ~PassiveSet
InfeaSet = (X < 0) & PassiveSet
NotGood = (np.sum(NonOptSet, axis=0) + \
np.sum(InfeaSet, axis=0))[np.newaxis, :]
NotOptCols = NotGood > 0
bigIter = 0
while find(NotOptCols).shape[0] > 0:
bigIter = bigIter + 1
# set max_iter for ill-conditioned (numerically unstable) case
if ((MAX_BIG_ITER > 0) & (bigIter > MAX_BIG_ITER)):
Cols1 = NotOptCols & (NotGood < Ninf)
Cols2 = NotOptCols & (NotGood >= Ninf) & (P >= 1)
Cols3Ix = find(NotOptCols & ~Cols1 & ~Cols2)
if find(Cols1).shape[0] > 0:
P[Cols1] = pbar
Ninf[Cols1] = NotGood[Cols1]
PassiveSet[NonOptSet & tile(Cols1, (n, 1))] = True
PassiveSet[InfeaSet & tile(Cols1, (n, 1))] = False
if find(Cols2).shape[0] > 0:
P[Cols2] = P[Cols2] - 1
PassiveSet[NonOptSet & tile(Cols2, (n, 1))] = True
PassiveSet[InfeaSet & tile(Cols2, (n, 1))] = False
if Cols3Ix.shape[0] > 0:
for i in range(Cols3Ix.shape[0]):
Ix = Cols3Ix[i]
toChange = np.max(find(NonOptSet[:, Ix] | InfeaSet[:, Ix]))
if PassiveSet[toChange, Ix]:
PassiveSet[toChange, Ix] = False
PassiveSet[toChange, Ix] = True
Z = normalEqComb(AtA, AtB[:, NotOptCols.flatten()],
PassiveSet[:, NotOptCols.flatten()])
X[:, NotOptCols.flatten()] = Z[:]
X[abs(X) < 1e-12] = 0 # for numerical stability.
Y[:, NotOptCols.flatten()] =[:, NotOptCols.flatten()]) - \
AtB[:, NotOptCols.flatten()]
Y[abs(Y) < 1e-12] = 0 # for numerical stability.
# check optimality
NotOptMask = tile(NotOptCols, (n, 1))
NonOptSet = NotOptMask & (Y < 0) & ~PassiveSet
InfeaSet = NotOptMask & (X < 0) & PassiveSet
NotGood = (np.sum(NonOptSet, axis=0) +
np.sum(InfeaSet, axis=0))[np.newaxis, :]
NotOptCols = NotGood > 0
return X, Y
def getGradient(X, F, nWay, r):
grad = []
for k in range(nWay):
ways = range(nWay)
XF = X.uttkrp(F, k)
# Compute the inner-product matrix
FF = ones((r, r))
for i in ways:
FF = FF * (F[i][i]))
grad.append(F[k].dot(FF) - XF)
return grad
def getProjGradient(X, F, nWay, r):
pGrad = []
for k in range(nWay):
ways = range(nWay)
XF = X.uttkrp(F, k)
# Compute the inner-product matrix
FF = ones((r, r))
for i in ways:
FF = FF * (F[i][i]))
grad = F[k].dot(FF) - XF
grad[~((grad < 0) | (F[k] > 0))] = 0.
return pGrad
class anls_asgroup(object):
def initializer(self, X, F, nWay, orderWays):
F[orderWays[0]] = zeros(F[orderWays[0]].shape)
FF = []
for k in range(nWay):
return F, FF
def iterSolver(self, X, F, FF_init, nWay, r, orderWays):
# solve NNLS problems for each factor
for k in range(nWay):
curWay = orderWays[k]
ways = range(nWay)
XF = X.uttkrp(F, curWay)
# Compute the inner-product matrix
FF = ones((r, r))
for i in ways:
FF = FF * FF_init[i] # (F[i][i]))
ow = 0
Fthis, temp = nnlsm_activeset(FF, XF.T, ow, 1, F[curWay].T)
F[curWay] = Fthis.T
FF_init[curWay] = (F[curWay][curWay]))
return F, FF_init
class anls_bpp(object):
def initializer(self, X, F, nWay, orderWays):
F[orderWays[0]] = zeros(F[orderWays[0]].shape)
FF = []
for k in range(nWay):
return F, FF
def iterSolver(self, X, F, FF_init, nWay, r, orderWays):
for k in range(nWay):
curWay = orderWays[k]
ways = range(nWay)
XF = X.uttkrp(F, curWay)
# Compute the inner-product matrix
FF = ones((r, r))
for i in ways:
FF = FF * FF_init[i] # (F[i][i]))
Fthis, temp = nnlsm_blockpivot(FF, XF.T, 1, F[curWay].T)
F[curWay] = Fthis.T
FF_init[curWay] = (F[curWay][curWay]))
return F, FF_init
def getStopCriterion(pGrad, nWay, nr_grad_all):
retVal = np.sum(np.linalg.norm(pGrad[i], 'fro') ** 2
for i in range(nWay))
return np.sqrt(retVal) / nr_grad_all
def getRelError(X, F_kten, nWay, nr_X):
error = nr_X ** 2 + F_kten.norm() ** 2 - 2 * F_kten.innerprod(X)
return np.sqrt(max(error, 0)) / nr_X
def nonnegative_tensor_factorization(X, r, method='anls_bpp',
tol=1e-4, stop_criterion=1,
min_iter=20, max_iter=200, max_time=1e6,
init=None, orderWays=None):
Nonnegative Tensor Factorization (Canonical Decomposition / PARAFAC)
Based on the Matlab version written by Jingu Kim (
School of Computational Science and Engineering,
Georgia Institute of Technology
This software implements nonnegativity-constrained low-rank approximation
of tensors in PARAFAC model. Assuming that a k-way tensor X and target rank
r are given, this software seeks F1, ... , Fk by solving the following
|| X- sum_(j=1)^r (F1_j o F2_j o ... o Fk_j) ||_F^2 +
G(F1, ... , Fk) + H(F1, ..., Fk)
G(F1, ... , Fk) = sum_(i=1)^k ( alpha_i * ||Fi||_F^2 ),
H(F1, ... , Fk) = sum_(i=1)^k ( beta_i sum_(j=1)^n || Fi_j ||_1^2 ).
such that
Fi >= 0 for all i.
To use this software, it is necessary to first install scikit_tensor.
Fast Nonnegative Tensor Factorization with an Active-set-like Method.
Jingu Kim and Haesun Park.
In High-Performance Scientific Computing: Algorithms and Applications,
Springer, 2012, pp. 311-326.
X : tensor' object of scikit_tensor
Input data tensor.
r : int
Target low-rank.
method : string, optional
Algorithm for solving NMF. One of the following values:
'anls_bpp' 'anls_asgroup' 'hals' 'mu'
See above paper (and references therein) for the details
of these algorithms.
Default is 'anls_bpp'.
tol : float, optional
Stopping tolerance. Default is 1e-4.
If you want to obtain a more accurate solution,
decrease TOL and increase MAX_ITER at the same time.
min_iter : int, optional
Minimum number of iterations. Default is 20.
max_iter : int, optional
Maximum number of iterations. Default is 200.
init : A cell array that contains initial values for factors Fi.
See examples to learn how to set.
F : a 'ktensor' object that represent a factorized form of a tensor.
F = nonnegative_tensor_factorization(X, 5)
F = nonnegative_tensor_factorization(X, 10, tol=1e-3)
F = nonnegative_tensor_factorization(X, 7, init=Finit, tol=1e-5)
nWay = len(X.shape)
if orderWays is None:
orderWays = np.arange(nWay)
# set initial values
if init is not None:
F_cell = init
Finit = [np.random.rand(X.shape[i], r) for i in range(nWay)]
F_cell = Finit
grad = getGradient(X, F_cell, nWay, r)
nr_X = X.norm()
nr_grad_all = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.linalg.norm(grad[i], 'fro') ** 2
for i in range(nWay)))
if method == "anls_bpp":
method = anls_bpp()
elif method == "anls_asgroup":
method = anls_asgroup()
raise Exception("Unknown method")
# Execute initializer
F_cell, FF_init = method.initializer(X, F_cell, nWay, orderWays)
tStart = time.time()
if stop_criterion == 2:
F_kten = ktensor(F_cell)
rel_Error = getRelError(X, ktensor(F_cell), nWay, nr_X)
if stop_criterion == 1:
pGrad = getProjGradient(X, F_cell, nWay, r)
SC_PGRAD = getStopCriterion(pGrad, nWay, nr_grad_all)
# main iterations
for iteration in range(max_iter):
cntu = True
F_cell, FF_init = method.iterSolver(X, F_cell,
FF_init, nWay, r, orderWays)
F_kten = ktensor(F_cell)
if iteration >= min_iter:
if time.time() - tStart > max_time:
cntu = False
if stop_criterion == 1:
pGrad = getProjGradient(X, F_cell, nWay, r)
SC_PGRAD = getStopCriterion(pGrad, nWay, nr_grad_all)
if SC_PGRAD < tol:
cntu = False
elif stop_criterion == 2:
prev_rel_Error = rel_Error
rel_Error = getRelError(X, F_kten, nWay, nr_X)
SC_DIFF = np.abs(prev_rel_Error - rel_Error)
if SC_DIFF < tol:
cntu = False
rel_Error = getRelError(X, F_kten, nWay, nr_X)
if rel_Error < 1:
cntu = False
if not cntu:
return F_kten
def main():
from numpy.random import rand
# -----------------------------------------------
# Creating a synthetic 4th-order tensor
# -----------------------------------------------
N1 = 20
N2 = 25
N3 = 30
N4 = 30
R = 10
# Random initialization
A_org = np.random.rand(N1, R)
A_org[A_org < 0.4] = 0
B_org = rand(N2, R)
B_org[B_org < 0.4] = 0
C_org = rand(N3, R)
C_org[C_org < 0.4] = 0
D_org = rand(N4, R)
D_org[D_org < 0.4] = 0
X_ks = ktensor([A_org, B_org, C_org, D_org])
X = X_ks.totensor()
# -----------------------------------------------
# Tentative initial values
# -----------------------------------------------
A0 = np.random.rand(N1, R)
B0 = np.random.rand(N2, R)
C0 = np.random.rand(N3, R)
D0 = np.random.rand(N4, R)
Finit = [A0, B0, C0, D0]
# -----------------------------------------------
# Uncomment only one of the following
# -----------------------------------------------
X_approx_ks = nonnegative_tensor_factorization(X, R)
# X_approx_ks = nonnegative_tensor_factorization(X, R,
# min_iter=5, max_iter=20)
# X_approx_ks = nonnegative_tensor_factorization(X, R,
# method='anls_asgroup')
# X_approx_ks = nonnegative_tensor_factorization(X, R,
# tol=1e-7, max_iter=300)
# X_approx_ks = nonnegative_tensor_factorization(X, R,
# init=Finit)
# -----------------------------------------------
# Approximation Error
# -----------------------------------------------
X_approx = X_approx_ks.totensor()
X_err = (X - X_approx).norm() / X.norm()
print "Error:", X_err
if __name__ == "__main__":
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Nice work, thanks! I recently used your code for my NTF task, i got a very large matrix and your code finally went wrong.
tim 20170726190359

Can you give me some suggestions? thanks

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datad commented Feb 9, 2018

I fix it with:
elif not isinstance(PassSet, np.ndarray) and PassSet == None: Z = nla.solve(AtA, AtB) elif np.all(PassSet): Z = nla.solve(AtA, AtB)

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