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Last active July 4, 2024 13:57
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macOS input monitoring and data collection

macOS input monitoring aka spyware.

Inspect UI elements under the mouse.


UIElementInspector sample from 2010 Provides information of AXUIElements under the cursor via Accessibility API introduced in Mac OS X version 10.2.

Acessibility Inspector

Example of such an app could be Apple's Accessibility Inspector. (Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Accessibility Inspector)

Uses Apple's private framework AccessibilityAuditDeviceManager internally. AccessibilityAuditDeviceManager can display Objective-C class under cursor. It inspects AXClassName attribute, which is only available for applications with entitlement.

But most of the element under cursos attributes could still be obtained without this entitlement

Available API's

Use Quartz Event Services to tap into system events (from CoreGraphics.framework) Event taps make it possible to monitor and filter input events from several points within the system, prior to their delivery to a foreground application similar to Win32 SetWinEventHook()

Allows to synchroniously intercept, filter and substitute system wide events.

CGEventTapCreate Create an even tap (aka event handler). You have around 10ms to hande the event. After that event will receive event types -1 or -2 and won't be called any more.

kCGEventTapDisabledByTimeout = 0xFFFFFFFE,  // -2
kCGEventTapDisabledByUserInput = 0xFFFFFFFF // -1

Example of swapping 'a' and 'z' keystrokes

Inspect elements

  • AX* ApplicationServices.framework, and it's subframework HIServices.framework. ApplicationServices.framework has CoreGraphics.framework as a dependency.


Returns an accessibility object that provides access to system attributes. This is useful for things like finding the focused accessibility object regardless of which application is currently active.


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