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Created May 7, 2021 15:46
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Stimulus Shopify Sections Example


We are using Stimulus.js and Siema Carousel to create a Product slideshow Shopify Section. Because stimulus accepts options from element attributes, we can pass customisations to the carousel from the sections HTML markup and thus we can avoid infusing JavaScript.

The code below can give you some understanding of how it is achieved. It's an extraction from a project I have in production and of course without the related stylesheets and css it will not function as a drop-in solution but hopefully gives you some clarity on how leveraging stimulus in a Shopify theme benefits one greatly.

Couple of key points and takeaways are the the way we wire it up, the "controller" context where we pass in option is set on the first div tag:

  class="row pt-{{ section.settings.gutter }} pb-3"
  data-carousel-draggable-value="{{- section.settings.draggable }}"
  data-carousel-interval-value="{{- section.settings.interval | append: '000' -}}"
  data-carousel-loop-value="{{- section.settings.loop }}"
  data-carousel-per-page-value="{{- section.settings.per_page }}"

This option are passed the static class values in the controller, eg:

static values = {
  startIndex: Number,
  draggable: Boolean,
  perPage: Number,
  loop: Boolean,
  interval: Number,
  initHidden: Boolean,
  hydrate: String,
  loadOnClick: Boolean,
  duration: Number

You will need to read about Stimulus to understand what is happening, so do that. Nonetheless this code stands as an example of how one would leverage stimulus in a Shopify theme project.

// @ts-nocheck
import { Controller } from 'stimulus'
import Siema from 'siema'
* Carousel
* @export
* @class Carousel
* @extends {Controller}
* @typedef {Targets.Carousel} ITargets
* @typedef {Model.IValues<Carousel.values>} IValues
* @typedef {ITargets & IValues & Carousel} ICarousel
export class Carousel extends Controller {
static cache = {
loadOnClick: []
* Default Dataset Values
* @static
* @memberof Carousel
static values = {
startIndex: Number,
draggable: Boolean,
perPage: Number,
loop: Boolean,
interval: Number,
initHidden: Boolean,
hydrate: String,
loadOnClick: Boolean,
duration: Number
* Stimulus Targets
* @static
* @memberof Slideshow
static targets = [
* Stimulus Initialize
initialize () {
* Stimulus Connect
* @this {ICarousel}
connect () {
this.slider = new Siema({
selector: this.siemaTarget,
loop: this.loopValue,
startIndex: this.startIndexValue,
duration: 300,
easing: 'ease-out',
onInit: this.onInit.bind(this),
onChange: this.onChange.bind(this),
draggable: this.draggableValue,
perPage: this.perPageValue <= 1 ? 1 : {
0: 2,
480: 2,
768: this.perPageValue - 2,
1024: this.perPageValue - 1,
1400: this.perPageValue
* Stimulus Disconnect
disconnect () {
if (this.loadOnClickValue) {
Carousel.cache.loadOnClick.forEach(slide => {
if (!slide.classList.contains('d-none')) {
// this.onMouseOver()
* Reset
* Executes on the Turbo `before-cache` event
reset () {
* Hydrate
* Modifies the SSR content
* @this {ICarousel}
hydrate () {
if (this.siemaTarget.classList.contains('row')) {
this.slideTargets.forEach(({ classList }) => classList.remove('d-none'))
} else if (this.initHiddenValue === true) {
this.slideTargets.forEach(({ classList }) => classList.remove('d-none'))
} else if (this.hasHydrateValue) {
this.slideTargets.forEach(({ classList }) => classList.remove('d-none'))
* Siema
* Next Button
next () {
* Siema
* Previous Button
prev () {
onMouseOver () {
if (this.intervalValue > 0) {
onMouseOut () {
onInit () {
if (this.intervalValue > 0) {
this.interval = setInterval(() =>, this.intervalValue)
* Siema
* onChange event
onChange () {
this.startIndexValue = this.slider.currentSlide
if (this.loadOnClickValue) {
const slide = this.slideTargets[this.slider.currentSlide]
if (slide.classList.contains('d-none')) {
} else {
Carousel.cache.loadOnClick.forEach(slide => {
if (!slide.classList.contains('d-none')) {
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