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Last active February 25, 2022 00:10
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export default {
input: 'src', // src path
output: 'theme', // dist path
export: 'export', // packed .zip theme location
import: 'import', // downloaded theme location
scripts: '.', // external config script locations, eg: postcss.config.js or webpack.config.js
// path mappings (src to dist)
paths: {
assets: 'assets/**/*', // file paths to be written to assets directory
config: 'schema/config/*.json', // file paths to be written to config directory
locales: 'schema/locales/*.json', // file paths to be written to locales directory
layout: 'views/theme.liquid', // file paths to be written to layout directory
sections: 'views/sections/**/*.liquid', // file paths to be written to sections directory
metafields: 'metafields/**/*.json', // file paths to be published as global metafields
customers: [ // file paths to be written to templates/customers directory
pages: [ // file paths to be published as pages
templates: [ // file paths to be written to templates directory
snippets: [ // file paths to be written to snippets directory
spawns: { // spawned processes to run along side syncify
build: { // spawns to run in build mode
rollup: 'rollup -c'
watch: { // spawns to run in watch mode
rollup: 'rollup -c -w'
stores: [ // list of shopify stores and themes to sync
domain: 'syncify', // shopify domain
themes: { // list of theme targets and their ids to sync
dev: 129457717489,
prod: 129457717489,
stage: 129457717489,
test: 129457717489
domain: 'boefje', // same as above
themes: {
dev: 43989205050,
prod: 43989205050
transforms: { // transform operations to run when handling input > output
json: { // .json file controls
spaces: 2, // default spaces for imported JSON files from stores, ie: metafields, locales etc
useTabs: false, // whether to use tabs or not
exclude: [] // list of paths to exclude
sections: { // section file handling
directoryPrefixing: true, // whether or not to prefix parent directory to section file name
onlyPrefixDuplicates: false, // only apply parent directory prefixing on duplicates
prefixSeparator: '-', // separator character to use when prefixing
excludedFromPrefix: [ // list of directories or files to exclude from prexifing
pages: { // page transfrom controls
importType: 'markdown', // how syncify should import pages from store, accepts 'markdown' or 'html'
liquidAssetTags: true, // allow Liquid tag asset transforms, eg: {{ 'some-file.jpg' | asset_url }}
liquidWarnings: true, // warn if liquid is used in the content (excluding liquidAssetTags)
fallbackAuthor: '', // fallback author to use in pages
markdown: { // markdown parsing options (passed to marked parser)
breaks: true,
headerIds: true,
headerPrefix: '',
mangle: true,
silent: true,
smartypants: false
styles: [
input: '', // input path of stylesheets, accepts an array list of globs too.
rename: '', // rename option
snippet: false, // output as inline snippet, eg: <style></style>
postcss: true, // pass to postcss
watch: [], // list of stylesheet to watch,
sass: { // sass specific options
sourcemap: true,
style: 'expanded',
warnings: false,
include: []
icons: {
inlineReplacer: true, // allow inline replacements, eg <i name="name-of-icon"></i> into <svg id="name-of-icon"></svg>
inlineHTMLTag: 'i', // optional tag to trigger inline replacements, eg: you can use <icon> or whatever
vscodeCustomData: true, // provide code completions for icons on inline tag, eg: name="*" will show list of icon names
snippets: [ // svg files to be exported as snippets
sprites: [ // svg files to be generated as sprite
input: '', // location of inputs (also accepts array globs)
rename: '',
snippet: true, // export as snippet, if false exports to assets directory
inline: true, // allow inline replacements, eg: <i name="name-of-icon" from="sprite-id"></i>
options: { // options passed to svgo
dimensionAttributes: true,
namespaceClassnames: true,
namespaceIDS: false,
rootAttributes: {
id: 'sprite-id' // this is required if inline is true
minify: {
minifyCSS: true, // minify <style>
minifyJS: true, // minify <script>
collapseWhitespace: true,
continueOnParseError: true,
removeComments: true,
removeLiquidComments: true, // remove liquid comments
removeSchemaRefs: true, // remove $schema JSON specification references from JSON (if any)
trimCustomFragments: true,
ignoreCustomFragments: [],
minifySectionSchema: true, // minify section schema
collapseInfusedCSS: true, // collapse CSS with Liquid in it
stripInnerTagWhitespace: false, // strip liquid tag whitspace, eg: {{ tag }} > {{tag}} or {% if x == y %} > {%if x==y%}
stripAttributeValuesNewlines: true, // strip HTML attribute values that contain newlines
stripRedundantWhitespaceDashes: true, // remove redundant whitespace trims after minification, eg: {{-tag-}} > {{tag}}
ignoredLiquidTags: [], // list of liquid tags to ignore
ignoredLiquidObjects: [], // list of liquid objects to ignore
excludedFiles: [] // list of files to exclude
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