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Last active January 4, 2016 00:06
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<body background="bg.jpg">
<center><img class="banner" border="5" title="Welcome to Gold's website n_n" src="banner.png">
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<div class="blacktrans">
<br />Gold is a third-party Pokémon Showdown! server. It is one of the oldest, most reliable, and most customized servers that is still running! This page has some helpful resources about Gold. If you have any questions, feel free to PM any staff member on the server. If you have any questions, feel free to PM any staff member on the server.
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<a target="_blank" href="">
<button type="button" title="Join Gold">Join Gold!</button></a>
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<br /> Click the buttons below to hide / show the respective message.
<br />
<br />
<button type="button" onclick="showInfo('rules');" title="Rules">Rules</button> |
<button type="button" onclick="showInfo('donate');" title="Donate">Donate</button> |
<button type="button" onclick="showInfo('news');" title="News">News</button> |
<button type="button" onclick="showInfo('events');" title="Events">Events</button> |
<button type="button" onclick="showInfo('faqs');" title="FAQs">FAQs</button>
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<div id="rules" style="display:none" align="left">
<hr width="50%">
<center><font size="7">Rules</font>
GOLD RULES!?! Oh, wait... not that of kind "rules"... awkward...
<table class="table" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
<td><b><u><font size="6">1. General rules:</font></u></b>
<br /> These are rules that are valid throughout the server, including but not limited to: PMs, public rooms, battle rooms, and group-chats.</td>
<td>1.1. <b><u>Use common sense.</u></b> Also known as the IQ rule, don’t do things that are obviously bad and try to argue that it’s not common sense. Don’t be a smartass about this, either.
<br /> 1.2. <b><u>Do not spam, flame, troll, or cheat.</u></b> If you find a server bug, report it - don’t try to use it to your advantage. Also, don’t spam anywhere.
<br /> 1.3. <b><u>Treat others the way you wish to be treated.</u></b> “The golden rule.” Don’t be an asshat to people and expect to be treated like royalty later.
<br /> 1.4. <b><u>Do not abuse formats.</u></b> Such as but not limited to: bold, italics, strike through, spoiler, monospace, /me, and emoticons.
<br /> 1.5. <b><u>Follow US laws.</u></b> Because of where the server (and PS in general) is hosted, we are obligated to follow all US laws that could be revolved around a server, such as...
<br />
<span style="margin-left: 5em">1.5.a. <b><u>No porn, gore or shock is tolerated.</u></b></span>
<span style="margin-left: 5em">1.5.b. <b><u>Do not link pirated materials.</u></b><br /></span>
<span style="margin-left: 5em">1.5.c. <b><u>Do not slander others.</u></b><br /></span>
<span style="margin-left: 5em">1.5.d. <b><u>Don’t link things that will auto download something.</u></b><br /></span> 1.6. <b><u>Do not advertise rooms in the Lobby.</u></b> If you want to do so, then buy one from the shop and wait for a leader/ administrator to PM you.
<br /> 1.7. <b><u>Do not advertise other servers in PMs or in chatrooms.</u></b> First offenses will result in an automated warning and the second will be a lock.
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<table class="table" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
<td><b><u><font size="6">2. Username rules:</font></u></b>
<br /> These are rules pertaining to usernames on the server. Our policy for this is much less restrictive than that of many other servers.</td>
2.1. <b><u>Do not insult people in your usernames.</u></b> It’s okay if you insult yourself in it, as long as it’s not offensive.
<br /> 2.2. <b><u>Do not use highly offensive terms or phrases in your usernames.</u></b>
<br /> 2.3. <b><u>Do not impersonate people.</u></b> This goes for all PS users.
<br /> 2.4. <b><u>If asked to change your name by a staff member, change it.</u></b> If you don't agree with the request, after changing it you can PM the staff asking them why their name wasn't appropriate.
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<table class="table" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
<td><b><u><font size="6">3. Economy rules;</font></u></b>
<br />These are rules pertaining to our form of economy on the server, Gold bucks.</td>
<td>3.1. <b><u>Transfer bucks at your own risk.</u></b> We are not responsible if you get scammed out of Gold bucks by others.
<br /> 3.2. <b><u>Do not purposely scam users out of Gold bucks.</u></b> For example, any HTML that is rawly posted to the room that is meant to transfer or otherwise alter the amount of bucks someone has must clearly state so and indicate the amount of which it is removing. (Donate buttons come to mind...)
<br /> 3.3. <b><u>Do not harass people to give you bucks, earn them yourself.</u></b> For more information on earning bucks, see the FAQs section of this website.
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<table class="table" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
<td><b><u><font size="6">4. Private chatroom rules:</font></u></b>
<br />These are rules specifically that pertain to private chatrooms. Private chatrooms are considered rooms that are hidden/secret.</td>
<b><u>Inherited rules include:</u> 1.2, 1.5, 1.7, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3<br /><br />Other rules:</b>
<br /> 4.1. <b><u>Do not leak private rooms.</u></b> Private rooms are made private for a reason, don’t leak them. With a ROs permission, you can tell specified friends privately, however.
<br /> 4.2. <b><u>Failure to follow rules listed above can result in the room being removed from the server.</u></b>
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<table class="table" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
<td><b><u><font size="6">5. Room founder/owner rules:</font></u></b>
<br />These are rules that the RF and RO are obligated to keep in mind while running their rooms.</td>
5.1. <b><u>Owning a room is a privilege, not a right.</u></b> If abused, it can be easily removed by an upper staff member.
<br /> 5.2. <b><u>Public unofficial rooms must stay active.</u></b> "Active" is defined as “a minimum of 40 unique chat messages within the first 48 hours of server uptime. If not active, it will be automatically deleted.
<br /> 5.3. <b><u>Good rooms can be rewarded overtime.</u></b> “Good” is subjective, but in the eyes of the staff if a room is highly active and has substance, then the RF/ROs could either receive global ranks or the room could later become official.
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<table class="table" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
<td><b><u><font size="6">Things to keep in mind:</font></u></b>
<br /> - These rules can be interpreted several ways from various different staff members, for such reason, they will be enforced under moderator interpretation. </td>
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<div id="events" style="display:none" align="left">
<hr width="50%">
<center><font size="7">Events</font>
<br /> On Gold, we run a lot of events (and games), here is a summary of them:
<br />
<table class="table" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
<th width="15%"><b>Event Name:</b>
<th width="22%"><b>Room(s) held in:</b>
<td>Game Chamber</td>
<td>Basically, this is Pokémon anagrams. The game session will start and go on for a continuous loop until it runs out of games for said session. For each Panagram, the user to guess the Pokémon name first is deemed the winner and gets 1 buck.</td>
<td>Game Chamber</td>
<td>Have some excess bucks and want to give friends a chance at them? Want to try your luck at winning bucks? If you answered yes to either of these, then perhaps you should try gambling. How this works is you and another player agree on a set amount of bucks to gamble, and then join a dice game for that amount of bucks. The winner is whoever scores the highest dice and the amount you wagered is the amout you win.</td>
<td>Game Chamber</td>
<td>Do you feel lucky? If so, you should see if there is a game going on of Lottery. In the Lottery, you buy a ticket for whatever the ticket price is at that time, and your name gets added in the pile of tickets that the server will randomly selected for a winner in the end. For every ticket everyone buys, the server will automatically double that and put it towards the pot. Winner takes the pot.</td>
<td>All offical</td>
<td>All tournaments in official rooms will automatically give out server generated bucks depending on the number of users who joined the tournament.</td>
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<div id="donate" style="display:none" align="center">
<hr width="50%">
<font size="7">Donate</font>
<br />
<br /> Ever wonder where Gold gets the money to host itself? It's not Ash Ketchum, I'll tell you that. So where does Gold get funded you ask? That's easy - through the financial support of people like you. Thanks to our generous donators, we have been able to continue to host Gold and upgrade our server to be able to handle new fun and entertaining scripts. It helps us to also pay for our domain for our forums / this website as well as our Minecraft server! Listed below are our current donating packages.
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<br /> Standard Donations
<table class="table" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
<th><b>Reward you get out of it:</b>
<td>200 Gold bucks, custom avatar of your choosing.</td>
<td>500 Gold bucks, custom avatar, trainer card, music box.</td>
<td>800 Gold bucks*</td>
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<br />Donations for bucks specifically (seperate from above)
<table class="table" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
<th><b>Amount of bucks you get:</b>
<br />* = VIP status - this shows on a users /profile card as well as allows them to change their custom symbol and avatar at any time they want. This also entitles them to 1 FREE custom userlist icon.
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<hr width="30%">
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<table class="table" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
<center><u>Things to keep in mind when donating:</u>
<br /> -You can donate as many times as you wish
<br /> -You can get VIP status for a friend as well
<br />
<br /> For any further questions, please feel FREE to message ~<font color="#DA9D01"><b>panpawn</b></font> for more information!
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<br /> (Also, message him once you donate as well to get your rewards!)
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<a target="_blank" href=""><img src="donate.png" title="Donate to Gold!"></a>
<br /> We appreciate all contributions that are put forth!
<div id="faqs" style="display:none" align="left">
<hr width="50%">
<center><font size="7">FAQs</font>
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<b><u>Q:</u></b> What is there to do on Gold?
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<b><u>A:</u></b> On Gold, we have created many different kinds of games you play, such as Panagrams, lottery, gambling with friends, and hangmans. On top of that, you can also partake in tournaments as well which give bucks in official rooms. When you get bored with all of that, you can go on to chat with friends in our friendly Lobby!
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<b><u>Q:</u></b> Now that I am here, how do I get a rank? What even is rank / what does Gold call ranks?
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<b><u>A:</u></b> Ranks are different levels of users. As in, the newest of the bunch are not yet autoconfirmed. Once your account is registered for a week or longer, it then becomes autoconfirmed. Then you move up to voice, driver, moderator, leader, and finally administrator. For more information on these groups, type /groups on the server. You can get ranks on Gold by being a regular user who constantly and consistently has a good chat presence. Being level headed and having some patience can go a long way.
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<b><u>Q:</u></b> What the heck is this shop thing people keep talking about?
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<b><u>A:</u></b> Our shop is apart of our economy system - and Gold bucks are our currency. To get bucks, you can either win official room tournaments, win panagrams, join the lottery, donate, or make a helpful suggestion to the server staff that gets noted. Once you get those bucks, you can then buy things from the shop. See /shop on the server for our current items in the shop with the respective pricing. You can also transfer bucks to friends with /transferbucks!
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<b><u>Q:</u></b> I was wondering if I could get a trainer card / custom avatar?
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<b><u>A:</u></b> We currently offer those items in our shop as well as to donators. For more information on donating, scroll up and click on the Donate button.
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<b><u>Q:</u></b> What is all this I keep hearing about a Minecraft server?
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<b><u>A:</u></b> Gold has their very own Minecraft server! All server rules apply there. For more information such as joining it, please message panpawn.
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<b><u>Q:</u></b> How can I set up a Pokémon Showdown! server like Gold?
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<b><u>A:</u></b> Gold does not support making other servers, but if you are interested we suggest you check out the main server source code found <a target="_blank" href=""><font color="white">here</font></a>. If you cannot figure out how to setup a server, then you probably should not be running one. Also, please do not message the staff about how to set one up.
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<b><u>Q:</u></b> Helpful links?
<br />
<b><u>A:</u></b> - <a target="_blank" href=""><font color="white">Trainer Card Builder</font></a> and - <a target="_blank" href=""><font color="white">Custom Client</font></a>
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<div id="news" style="display:none" align="left">
<hr width="50%">
<center><font size="7">News</font>
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<font color="gray"><i>(News updated by: ~panpawn)</i></font>
<br /> 9/23/15 - Gold now has personalrooms. Anyone can make one! To do so, do /makegroupchat [roomname]. These rooms are only temporary and will be automatically removed when no one is in them and/or it is inactive for 40 or more minutes.
<br /> ALSO, we have adjusted our buying Bucks pricing (now you get more bang for your buck, pun intended) n_n
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<br /> 9/22/15 - We now have more resource buttons on this webpage n_n
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<br /> 9/21/15 - We got this webpage made by ~<font color="#DA9D01"><b>panpawn</b></font> n_n
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<br /> 9/21/15 - Our forums were compromised, and we will work to slowly make new ones. In the meantime, we have this site to play with n_n
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