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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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Save panpawn/9f4c49ac09a25ad35703 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A poll plugin for PS!
/* Poll commands
* by panpawn
//This is the line that controls what tiers are in tierpoll !_!
var tiers = 'other, ru, tier shift, [Gen 5] OU, [Gen 5] Smogon Doubles, random doubles, random triples, custom, reg1v1, lc, nu, cap, cc, oumono, doubles, balanced hackmons, hackmons, ubers, random battle, ou, cc1v1, uu, anything goes, super staff bros, inverse';
function splint(target) {
var cmdArr = target.split(",");
for (var i = 0; i < cmdArr.length; i++) cmdArr[i] = cmdArr[i].trim();
return cmdArr;
exports.commands = {
survey: 'poll',
poll: function (target, room, user) {
if (!user.can('broadcast',null,room)) return this.sendReply('You do not have enough authority to use this command.');
if (!this.canTalk()) return this.sendReply('You currently can not speak in this room.');
if (room.question) return this.sendReply('There is currently a poll going on already.');
if (!target) return false;
if (target.length > 500) return this.sendReply('Polls can not be this long.');
var separacion = "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
var answers = splint(target);
var formats = [];
for (var u in {
if ([u].name &&[u].challengeShow &&[u].mod != 'gen4' &&[u].mod != 'gen3' &&[u].mod != 'gen3' &&[u].mod != 'gen2' &&[u].mod != 'gen1') formats.push([u].name);
formats = 'Tournament,'+formats.join(',');
if (answers[0] == 'tournament' || answers[0] == 'tour') answers = splint(formats);
if (answers.length < 3) return this.sendReply('Correct syntax for this command is /poll question, option, option...');
var question = answers[0];
question = Tools.escapeHTML(question);
answers.splice(0, 1);
var answers = answers.join(',').toLowerCase().split(',');
room.question = question;
room.answerList = answers;
room.usergroup = Config.groupsranking.indexOf(;
var output = '';
for (var u in room.answerList) {
if (!room.answerList[u] || room.answerList[u].length < 1) continue;
output += '<button name="send" value="/vote '+room.answerList[u]+'">'+Tools.escapeHTML(room.answerList[u])+'</button>&nbsp;';
room.addRaw('<div class="infobox"><h2>' + room.question + separacion + '<font size=2 color = "#939393"><small>/vote OPTION<br /><i><font size=1>Poll started by ''</font size></i></small></font></h2><hr />' + separacion + separacion + output + '</div>');
ep: 'endpoll',
endpoll: function (target, room, user) {
if (!user.can('broadcast',null,room)) return this.sendReply('You do not have enough authority to use this command.');
if (!this.canTalk()) return this.sendReply('You currently can not speak in this room.');
if (!room.question) return this.sendReply('There is no poll to end in this room.');
if (!room.answers) room.answers = new Object();
var votes = Object.keys(room.answers).length;
if (votes == 0) {
room.question = undefined;
room.answerList = new Array();
room.answers = new Object();
return room.addRaw("<h3>The poll was canceled because of lack of voters.</h3>");
var options = new Object();
var obj = Rooms.get(room);
for (var i in obj.answerList) options[obj.answerList[i]] = 0;
for (var i in obj.answers) options[obj.answers[i]]++;
var sortable = new Array();
for (var i in options) sortable.push([i, options[i]]);
sortable.sort(function(a, b) {return a[1] - b[1]});
var html = "";
for (var i = sortable.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
var option = sortable[i][0];
var value = sortable[i][1];
if (value > 0) html += "&bull; " + Tools.escapeHTML(option) + " - " + Math.floor(value / votes * 100) + "% (" + value + ")<br />";
room.addRaw('<div class="infobox"><h2>Results to "' + obj.question + '"<br /><i><font size=1 color = "#939393">Poll ended by ''</font></i></h2><hr />' + html + '</div>'); room.question = undefined;
room.answerList = new Array();
room.answers = new Object();
pr: 'pollremind',
pollremind: function (target, room, user) {
var separacion = "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
if (!room.question) return this.sendReply('There is currently no poll going on.');
if ((user.locked || user.mutedRooms[]) && !user.can('bypassall')) return this.sendReply("You cannot do this while unable to talk.");
if (!this.canBroadcast()) return;
var output = '';
for (var u in room.answerList) {
if (!room.answerList[u] || room.answerList[u].length < 1) continue;
output += '<button name="send" value="/vote '+room.answerList[u]+'">'+Tools.escapeHTML(room.answerList[u])+'</button>&nbsp;';
this.sendReply('|raw|<div class="infobox"><h2>' + Tools.escapeHTML(room.question) + separacion + '<font font size=1 color = "#939393"><small>/vote OPTION</small></font></h2><hr />' + separacion + separacion + output + '</div>');
votes: function (target, room, user) {
if (!room.answers) room.answers = new Object();
if (!room.question) return this.sendReply('There is no poll currently going on in this room.');
if (!this.canBroadcast()) return;
this.sendReply('NUMBER OF VOTES: ' + Object.keys(room.answers).length);
vote: function (target, room, user) {
var ips = JSON.stringify(user.ips);
if (!room.question) return this.sendReply('There is no poll currently going on in this room.');
if (!target) return this.parse('/help vote');
if (room.answerList.indexOf(target.toLowerCase()) == -1) return this.sendReply('\'' + target + '\' is not an option for the current poll.');
if (!room.answers) room.answers = new Object();
room.answers[ips] = target.toLowerCase();
return this.sendReply('You are now voting for ' + target + '.');
tpoll: 'tierpoll',
tierpoll: function (room, user, cmd) {
return this.parse('/poll Next Tournament Tier:, ' + tiers);
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