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Last active March 4, 2019 08:01
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Export members from a Workplace group to a XLSX file

Export members from a group

This PowerShell script allows to export the members of a Workplace group to a XLSX file.


  • Create a new Custom Integration in the Workplace Admin Panel: Create a custom Integration.
    This requires at least "Manage Groups" and "Read User Emails" permissions. Take note of the Access Token.

  • Create a file named accessToken.js with the following content:

          "accessToken" : "YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN"
  • Find your GroupId. Go in a browser to the Workplace group you would like to extract members from and take note of the GroupId from the URL you see in the browser bar:


  • Run the script by passing the GroupId and accessToken.js file as input:

    ./exportGroupMembers.ps1 -GroupId THIS-IS-A-GROUP-ID -WPAccessToken accessToken.js

    Here are the details of the passed params:

    Parameter Description Type Required
    GroupId The ID of the group String Yes
    WPAccessToken The path for the JSON file with the access token String Yes
  • A file named members-[GroupId].xlsx will be created in the same folder where your run the script. It will have Name, Id, Email, Administator columns.

[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='The ID of the Workplace Group you would like to export')] [string]$GroupId,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='Path for your Workplace access token in .json format {"accessToken" : 123xyz}')] [string]$WPAccessToken
#Install ImportExcel Module
If(!(Get-module ImportExcel)){Install-Module ImportExcel -scope CurrentUser}
#Read JSON Access Token
try {
$global:token = (Get-Content $WPAccessToken | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop).accessToken
Write-Host -NoNewLine "Access Token JSON File: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "OK, Read!"
catch {
#Handle exception when passed file is not JSON
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Fatal Error when reading JSON file. Is it correctly formatted? {'accessToken' : 123xyz}"
#Get specific group in the community via Graph API
try {
$global:members = @()
$next = "$GroupId/members/?fields=name,id,email,administrator"
do {
$results = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ($next) -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer " + $global:token}
if ($results) {
$global:members += $
if($results.paging.cursors.after) {
$after = $results.paging.cursors.after
$next = "$GroupId/members/?fields=name,id,email,administrator&after=$after"
else {$next = $null}
else {$next = $null}
} while($next)
} catch {
#Handle exception when having errors from Graph API
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Fatal Error when getting group members from API. Is the GroupId you passed correct? Are API permissions correct?"
#Add members to XLSX
try {
#Clean email-less fields
$($global:members | Where-Object {$"")}).email = $null
#Format property names
$global:members | `
ForEach-Object -Process {$_} | `
Select-Object -property `
@{N='Full Name';E={$}}, `
@{N='Id';E={$}}, `
@{N='Email';E={$}}, `
@{N='Administrator';E={$_.Administrator}} | `
Export-Excel "./members-$GroupId.xlsx" -NoNumberConversion *
Write-Host -NoNewLine "Users written to XLSX: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "OK, Written!"
} catch {
#Handle exception when writing to output XLSX
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Fatal Error when writing to XLSX file!"
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meder147 commented Mar 4, 2019

I've get an error when trying to write the XLSX file - the error messages says

The property 'email' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the property exists and can be set.

Any idea how to fix this?

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