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Last active October 19, 2018 17:41
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Remove members from a Workplace group (based on their domain or an input XLSX file)

Remove members from a group

This PowerShell script allows to remove users from a Workplace group:

  • By filtering per email domain in their usernames (Beta)
  • By using an XLSX file with the list of users to remove (Beta)


  • Create a new Custom Integration in the Workplace Admin Panel: Create a custom Integration.
    This requires at least "Manage Groups" and nd "Read User Emails" permissions. Take note of the Access Token.

  • Create a file named accessToken.js with the following content:

          "accessToken" : "YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN"
  • Find your GroupId. Go in a browser to the Workplace group you would like to extract members from and take note of the GroupId from the URL you see in the browser bar:


Test Mode (remove users with a specific email domain from the group)

  • Run the script by passing the GroupId, EmailDomain and WPAccessToken as input:

    ./cleanGroupMembers.ps1 -GroupId GROUP-ID -EmailDomain EMAIL-DOMAIN -WPAccessToken ./accesstoken.js
  • The script will list all the users with the specified domain and a summary.

Test Mode (remove users listed in a XLSX file in input)

  • Make sure the XLSX file in input has an header row (no table formatting) with at least an Email or ID column. List all the users you would like to remove from the group there.

  • Run the script by passing the GroupId, WPGroupMembers and WPAccessToken as input:

    ./cleanGroupMembers.ps1 -GroupId GROUP-ID -WPGroupMembers PATH-USERS-TO-REMOVE-XLSX -WPAccessToken ./accesstoken.js
  • The script will list all the users with the specified domain and a summary.

Live Mode (remove users with a specific email domain from the group)

  • Run the script by passing the GroupId, EmailDomain, WPAccessToken and Mode as input:

    ./cleanGroupMembers.ps1 -GroupId GROUP-ID -EmailDomain EMAIL-DOMAIN -WPAccessToken ./accesstoken.js -Mode Live
  • The script will stop for each user with the specified email domain in their username and ask the user for an action: Remove from group or Skip it.

Live Mode (remove users listed in a XLSX file in input)

  • Make sure the XLSX file in input has an header row (no table formatting) with at least an Email or ID column. List all the users you would like to remove from the group there.

  • Run the script by passing the GroupId, WPGroupMembers, WPAccessToken and Mode as input:

    ./cleanGroupMembers.ps1 -GroupId GROUP-ID -WPGroupMembers PATH-USERS-TO-REMOVE-XLSX -WPAccessToken ./accesstoken.js -Mode Live
  • The script will stop for each user with the specified email domain in their username and ask the user for an action: Remove from group or Skip it.


Here are the details of the script parameters:

Parameter Description Type Required
GroupId The ID of the group String Yes
EmailDomain The email domain to filter your user (e.g. '') String Yes, one between EmailDomain or WPGroupMembers
WPGroupMembers Path to the XLSX file with the users to remove String Yes, one between EmailDomain or WPGroupMembers
WPAccessToken Path to the JSON file with the access token String Yes
Mode Set to 'Live' to apply changes. Defaults to 'Test' String No
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='The ID of the Workplace Group you would like to remove users from')] [string]$GroupId,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='The domain of the users you would like to remove')] [string]$EmailDomain,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Path to your file listing users to remove from group')] [string]$WPGroupMembers,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='Path to your Workplace access token in .json format {"accessToken" : 123xyz}')] [string]$WPAccessToken,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Mode you would like to run the tool in: {Test (default), Live, Live-Force}')] [string]$Mode = 'Test'
#Read JSON Access Token
try {
$global:token = (Get-Content $WPAccessToken | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop).accessToken
Write-Host -NoNewLine "Access Token JSON File: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "OK, Read!"
catch {
#Handle exception when passed file is not JSON
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Fatal Error when reading JSON file. Is it correctly formatted? {'accessToken' : 123xyz}"
#Remove users from group by using a XLSX file
if($WPGroupMembers) {
try {
#Install ImportExcel Module
If(!(Get-module ImportExcel)){Install-Module ImportExcel -scope CurrentUser}
#Read users from XLSX file
$global:members = Import-Excel -Path $WPGroupMembers
Write-Host -NoNewLine "Workplace Group Members File: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "OK, Read!"
} catch {
#Handle exception when unable to read file
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Fatal Error when reading XLSX file. Is it the Workplace users export file?"
#Remove users from group with a specific email domain
} elseif($EmailDomain) {
try {
$global:members = @()
#Get members of a group from API calls
$next = "$GroupId/members/?fields=name,id,email,administrator"
do {
#Get specific group in the community via SCIM API
$results = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ($next) -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer " + $global:token}
if ($results) {
$global:members += $
if($results.paging.cursors.after) {
$after = $results.paging.cursors.after
$next = "$GroupId/members/?fields=name,id,email,administrator&after=$after"
else {$next = $null}
else {$next = $null}
} while($next)
} catch {
#Handle exception when getting users from API throws an error
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Fatal Error when getting users via API!"
#Handle missing EmailDomain and WPGroupMembers
} else {
#Handle exception when passed file is not JSON
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Missing EmailDomain or WPGroupMembers params. Please specify one."
$removed = 0
$skipped = 0
$errors = 0
$hits = 0
#Remove members from a group based on params and email domain
ForEach($m in $global:members){
#If searching by email domain and user has an email with the intended domain
if(($EmailDomain -and $m.Email -and ($m.Email.Split('@')[1] -eq $EmailDomain)) -or ($WPGroupMembers -and ($m.Email -or $m.Id))){
Write-Host -NoNewLine "[$($m.Id)/$($m.Email)]"
if($EmailDomain) {Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green " has the $EmailDomain domain."}
else {Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green " is marked for removal."}
try {
switch ($Mode) {
#Remove member from the group but ask for removal
'Live' {
#Ask the user to remove from the group
do {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue -NoNewLine " * Confirm the removal? (Press [Enter] to Continue, S/s to Skip): "
$askRes = Read-Host
} while (!(($askRes -eq "") -Or ($askRes -eq "S") -Or ($askRes -eq "s")))
#Check user input response
if($askRes.length -eq 0) {
#Remove Member from Group via Graph API
$result = if($m.Id) {Invoke-RestMethod -Method DELETE -URI ("$GroupId/members/$($m.Id)") -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer " + $global:token}}
else {Invoke-RestMethod -Method DELETE -URI ("$GroupId/members?email=$([System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($m.Email))") -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer " + $global:token}}
#Check DELETE result
if($result.success) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green " * OK, change reviewed by user and done!"
} else {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red " * KO, impossible to remove the users. Sure it's still in the group? User ID/Email are correct?"
} elseif ($askRes -eq "S" -Or $askRes -eq "s") {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue " * User skipped as requested!"
#Remove member from the group without asking for removal
'Live-Force' { }
catch {
# Dig into the exception and print error message
$status = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__
$msg = $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red " * KO FB($status) $msg"
Write-Host "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Yellow "Summary "
Write-Host "- Total User: $(($global:members.Length, $hits -ne $null)[0]) - Match: ($hits), Removed ($removed), Skipped ($skipped), Errors ($errors)"
Write-Host "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
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